The Coop Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 ... but we all know the industry and what being a big name in it means. Rapid-fire releases to cash in on an IP's popularity, while only making one or two patches for each release that don't fix all the numerous glitches, errors and issues with the game?
KyleJCrb Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 Well I suppose the speculation would only be that this project would be closed. I did see them shut down another project in the past which does not give me any reassurance this one would be any different.I hope they prove me wrong I really do but we all know the industry and what being a big name in it means. Everything with Square-Enix seems to have been cleared. OCR is just waiting on Kickstarter at this point.
Forrest Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 I've got another "non-update update" - trust me, I'm more frustrated than anyone else. Basically, the ball is now in Kickstarter's court. We're trying to communicate with them but we have to go through their support desk, which thus far hasn't been as speedy as we'd prefer. I'd call that an update! And it's even sort of good news. Cool!
Chernabogue Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 When all this is clear, will we have the right to know the whole story? I'd be interested, especially in the legal point of view, to know what happened exactly and how it was solved.
Gario Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 Maybe, maybe not - there might be a legal non-disclosure agreement in place, so we may never get all of the details, if that's the case. When it's all said and done, though, I'm sure he'd love to share as many details on it as he can.
Brandon Strader Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 Are you starting a new kickstarter or trying to revive the closed one?
zircon Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 Maybe, maybe not - there might be a legal non-disclosure agreement in place, so we may never get all of the details, if that's the case. When it's all said and done, though, I'm sure he'd love to share as many details on it as he can. If we haven't already shared specific information, then we are not going to be able to share it. So, nobody should expect any kind of breakdown or details regarding our discussions with SE. Also, starting a new KS is obviously not a problem. Our difficulty is with the old one.
ZiriO Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 Thanks, Zircon. I really hope the old one gets revived.
djpretzel Posted August 21, 2012 Author Posted August 21, 2012 Update (2012-08-20): We worked extensively with Square Enix and were able to reach a fair & reasonable agreement, but after doing so we were informed by Kickstarter that they are technically unable to restore our project. The previous kickstarter is now effectively dead. Kickstarter staff have informed us that there is no need to cancel pledges, as credit cards will NEVER be charged, but feel free to do so anyways if you prefer! We did ask if they could just auto-cancel/delete all pledges, but apparently (as with restoring our project) they are technically unable to do that. Obviously, this is disappointing; we apologize for any inconvenience & frustration it may have caused you, and we are thankful for all the amazing support you've given us. Now that we’ve got everything sorted out, we're going to TRY AGAIN!! Stay tuned for info on a new announcement, and thanks (again) for your patience and support!
Unununium Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 Thanks for the update! I am SOOOO ready to donate again!
Tables Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 Take two? Well, here's hoping we can reach the same absurd level of donations again, or at least come close! At least KickStarter IS letting you try again! And huzzah for SquareEnix being reasonable!
derako Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 This is indeed great news! I'm very happy to hear that we're now able to restart the Kickstart I have a hunch that most of the people will pledge again granted the deals are still the same. I'm sure that update will come shortly. Thank you OCR staff for showing your character and patience in this matter. Now lets get this thing done! -Derek
BooDidley7 Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 Cheers to OCRemix and Square Enix! Jeers to Kickstarter. It's Kickstarter's site, and they don't have a contingency for situations like this?! And they kept you guys in the dark for weeks about not being able to restore it?! Anyway, you'll have my pledge again when it's back!
zegota Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 I can't believe you guys weren't able to get the old Kickstarter back. This is seriously disappointing. I'm sorry, OCR, but unfortunately, I don't think there's any choice except for me to double my pledge.
Inferno232 Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 I bet they only agreed to let you put up a new Kickstarter in return for the thing lawyers value most: hugs. Seriously, though, I'm happy that Squeenix was reasonable here. Renewed my faith in them just a bit. I'll be keeping an eye out for the new KickStarter, but with college starting up, well... I'll try to shell out the same pledge as last time. Though, if I had the chance, I'd double the damn thing. Great news to hear, guys.
ad.mixx Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 I hope you guys are able to get all your supporters and pledges back. Thank you so much for kickin' so much ass with this djpretzel, while still holding down the site and posting lotsa remixes like a boss. Seriously, you rock <3. And thanks to the rest of the staff to. You also rock <3
Lanodantheon Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 Hazzah! You guys had my support for the old KS and you'll have it again for the new one.
Seraph Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 Great news to hear! I'm very excited and hope the project has as much (or more) success this time around as it had last time! I'm looking forward to the album and hope we can still get some of the perks. Great work OCR team, we knew you'd be able to pull it off!
Stealthtank Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 Woooow, this is wonderful to hear. I had thought for sure that Square Enix had stonewalled OC Remix here. Man, I don't know what kind of negotiations were going on but they must have been intense. I'll be looking forward to the project when it comes online.
Hyperion5182 Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 Ok so less hate for Squeenix-fail Hit the fools at kickstarter. Maybe not use kickstarter again drop a line to Dvice and Cnet about this debacle and move to another method?
Dark_T_Zeratul Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 What were the terms set by SE?I'm assuming we'll see in the next Kickstarter.Ok so less hate for Squeenix-failHit the fools at kickstarter. Maybe not use kickstarter again drop a line to Dvice and Cnet about this debacle and move to another method? I don't really see how any of this is Kickstarter's fault. Given the situation, I'd say they did precisely the right thing.
Hyperion5182 Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 I'm assuming we'll see in the next Kickstarter.I don't really see how any of this is Kickstarter's fault. Given the situation, I'd say they did precisely the right thing. A 'technical' situation is why this cant be restored. Its a website, They can do whatever the hell they want if they retained the data. Kickstarter's customer service took WEEKS it looks like to get back to OCR on this situation. Squeenix did its thing and people talked and this situation was looking ready to get back on the road two weeks ago. Now not only did they 'lose' the kickstarter they cant restore it. That's a pretty epic fail.
Brandon Strader Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 Yeah it'd be cool to see this hosted on literally ANY other project funding site, but Kickstarter might be the most recognized one publicly now (over say, indiegogo) and as much as I personally am not particularly fond of Kickstarter now, that's probably the site that will give the new project maximum visibility. Plus, they'll hopefully remember that OCR is legally allowed to host this and won't just MAGICALLY deleted the project one day. But you never know. So I'd be hesitant to work with them again. Any site that has a "shoot first, allow no questions" system is not good in my book.
Fishy Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 Fair enough reaction from SE and glad it was resolved amicably between them and djp. Not impressed with kickstarter not being able to resurrect the old one.
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