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OCR00475 - Mega Man 4 "Let There Be Light"

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Mega Man 4 'Let There Be Light'

Wow, this is something sweet. There are some very interesting and very odd sounds in this one. I must so those deep drums intrigue me as does the lead instrument. This is very well done, AmIEviL.

  • 3 weeks later...

A tour de force from AmIEvil. DJ Pretzel rightly praised his "Four Little Metroids" piece as movie-quality and atmospheric. Look here to see where he got the practice. If there were a Mega Man movie, here's the opening credits theme. I can imagine spotlights shining through broken beams and steel grills in fog, sweeping over the camera to coincide with the sweeping sound effect...


IMO, the first great remix of AmIEvil. It's got some very weird progressions that all somehow seem to work together. I think pretzel was right about how he should work in the movie industry


While we're on the topic of this remix... What's it a remix of?? I cannot match this song with any song in Rockman 4, at all. It doesn't sound anything light Brightman's stage, nor Pharoahman's, which were the first two that came to mind... Then I tried lining it up with other songs, and couldn't find any similarities... Being the avid Rockman fan that I am, either this is less of a remix and more of an original piece, or I just plain missed something...

Addendum: Dustman's theme? *scratches the back of his head* ...oooooookay... If you say so, AmIEvil... dj pretzel... Real obscure, in my opinion... I can barely make the connection...


AmIEvil has done many great remixes. My personal fave is Castlemania.

*Could die each time I hear the piano section of that song*

"LetThereBeLight" sounds like something Linkin Park would do.

(This is a compliment.) And I think most of his stuff is great, you should check him out on the list of Remixers and download other songs by him if you can.

  • 1 month later...
IMO, the first great remix of AmIEvil. It's got some very weird progressions that all somehow seem to work together. I think pretzel was right about how he should work in the movie industry

I realize you said "IMO" but thats just wrong to even think that. Not all of his songs are great, but about 95% of them are. He owns and controls your brain, just by the way.


From the lilting beginning lead, to the timpanini drums (is that what those really big drums used in orchestra are called?), to the very cinematic sounding violins, this is a song well deserving of being ANY movies opening theme. Seriously, if there were a Megaman movie, I could see the song playing as the opening credits rolled by, with lights fading in and out around various parts of a lab and various parts of MM as the scenes dissolve into the main title. A bad*** remix if I ever heard one. It's very odd though, as the remix tends to hold little of the original track, as forgettable as that and most of the MM4 music is, IMO. Still, incredible at any rate.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What an amazing ReMix! This is what it is all about!! This, my friends, is a ReMix. I was blown away by this. The ability of this ReMixer is outstanding. AmIEviL has a way with his music, and I am really looking forward to his next submission, perhaps another one from Mega Man 4 (?) or maybe Final Fantasy!! Well done!! :D


* * * * * +


  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

This is the most spectacular peice of music I've ever heard. No, no just out of video game remixes. I mean, out of everything. Better then any professional band's musci (I admit I haven't heard much, but it blows away what I have heard), better then any actual in-game music, etc., etc. I'm sure you guys get the point.

Not being musically oriented, I can't really comment on the actual instruments of any of that technical music stuff ;)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Ah, another lovely AmIEvil remix. The greatness of this song easily lies in the percussion section, creating easily, one of the best beats in OCR yet. When the clock strickes 01:49, the song just gets that much better, as another repetitive intrument enters the scene for a bit, and adds into the excitement of the song. Long after I listened to this song, it stayed stuck in my head. As most people have said, this is very good, so its recommened to nearly everyone out there...kudos.

  • 3 weeks later...

This remix blows me away. I have never heard such an amazing arrangement of a piece of art. You took that dustman theme and turned it into something much, much more. AmIEvil, you got me hooked on OC Remixes, and I am forever greatful for that.

You're my hero ^_^

-The wonderus spectacle of a reploid once called Zero...

  • 1 month later...

Great remix. The only thing I can say bad about it is that the timpini sounds a little fake, but other then that, extremely catchy, and I love the atmosphere it creates. 9.5/10, easily one of the best on the sight.

  • 1 month later...

10 / 10

I'm with all the other posters on this one - does it get any better than this? As befitting a Megaman remix, this feels like it has a very robotic vibe. Not like a robot, I mean, but more like a conveyor belt or a factory or something. The quick blips of static that set the beat (or are those the timpanis a few others have complained about?) make me feel all tingly inside. This has great ambience and feel, even if I can't exactly tell you what part of it makes it great. Highly recommended.

  • 2 months later...

I only had the gameboy MM3, which had dustman in it. That was the hardest gameboy level for the longest time, it took forever to get far, then the crushing ceilings weren't fun at all, needless to say i still enjoyed the level cause the music was great, but this is something really great. If only the old old gameboy could have packed this much into it i'd just sit in the first area listening to this

  • 6 months later...

Wow - I had forgotten about this song when my hard-drives got formatted. I KNEW I remembered an awesome remix of the dustman song, and I'm glad I remembered this. One of the best remixes on the sight, and it's like, 3 years old too, so a lot has come after it. That's saying a lot.

  Cat Herder said:
the timpini sounds a little fake

I dunno, it sounds pretty good, just out of place. It's very bright and clean, compared to the rest of the mix, which seems much more dark and slightly distorted.

Lucky for me I decided to look at this one; right from the intro, I knew this was gonna be pretty sweet stuff. It's very catchy, if that's the right word for it; it just feels right.

Twenty-some people can't be wrong! Or at least very far off the mark...

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