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OCR01456 - Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance "Behold the Winged Cathedral"

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The pieced vocals were an interesting touch, makes the track sound like something from a science fiction movie based in the year 2450 with robots and flying cars everywhere.

Felt the exact same way. Great texturing per the norm, with awesome use of unorthodox sounds and effets.

Shna for win of the entire universe, again.


Interesting beats. I loved the Piano, that hooked me into the song, and kept me in. Everything else went well with it. Normally i dont play Castlevania, but if this music was accompanied by awesome gameplay or a cool boss battle, you'd make a fan out of me. Great remix.


I actually found this tamer than Sam's other works, and found the voice samples implemented much better than his original piece, Unrelenting Torchmonger. The piano gives the song a smoother texture, something which I enjoy very much so. Percussion work is excellent, as well is the use of panning. I feel obligated to check out the original soundtrack; fun as always, and good work!


Gonna rant. :o

No ReMixer can consistantly kick my ass like Shna. For the love of god' date=' keep it up. It's such a breath of fresh air.[/quote']


'bout time this one got posted. I have the HoD soundtrack lying around somewhere after being informed of it =P but I didn't realise you were so absolutely crazy about it. Though you probably did mention it at the time. Oh well, I have been asleep since then. I'll definitely give that OST a hard listening - I remember enjoying what I heard.

I agree that this is a pretty typical Shnabubula affair - a similar arrangement of instruments and bag of musical tricks that are heard in Red Spiders, Rare Mineral Addict and Blood Descendant (which isn't on this site?). However, I find it to be somewhat relative to traditional instruments. It's just they're mangled with FX processing (beyond recognition in some instances).

I totally love the attitude of picking up videogame soundtracks and listening to them out of pure musical interest. Doing out of nostalgia is cool (I have done that myself), though I'd hate to feel limited to only listening to game music from games I have played or otherwise have a memory of. I do the spot of videogamemusic hunting these days, and it's only been that way in the last year or so - before then I didn't really listen to VGM much unless I'd played the game. It's cool because if you're anything like me then you start listening to music as being by "Koji Kondo" instead of being from "Mario", for example. I definitely recommend finding soundtracks you like, looking up the composers, and seeking out other great material they've done - I've found some absolute gems through doing this. Dig deeper; it's worth it.


Wow man, excellent. I can't say anything else except for what's already been said. Seriously tho', thank you for getting a remix of something different up on the board.

It's nice to have something different, in more ways than one in this case. Not only is it a different game, it's also different in sound, but that's your trademark I guess.

"PS: If this makes it on to OCR and just ONE person likes it enough to check out the original soundtrack and that person gets anywhere near as much joy as I did from that soundtrack....... then my life purpose will have been fulfilled."

Consider your life purpose fulfilled. :D


Whoa...I can't even imagine what to say about this one. I'm going to have to listen to it about a dozen more times...

By the way, your life's purpose has now been fulfilled at least twice. That's better than I'm ever going to get.

This sounds great. Anyone have the ost? Not on Galbadia...

They have it, it's under "Castlevania Circle of the Moon & Concerto of Midnight [sun]" which is essentially in English what the game's Japanese title was.


This is quite the effort! This is like Isao Tomita meets Stephen Reich meets breakbeat. VERY much unconventional and exciting. I'm going to be honest, I didn't like all the sections (ESPECIALLY the ending. I felt like it was a cop-out), but the ones I dug were enough to get me hooked.

Great work. This must've been quite a workload. Congrats!


Hahaha.. where did you get those voice sample from?

And for the guy who asked what she's saying.. it's just saying the girl ate everything.. the congee is tasty.. surely can't eat it.. there's no flavour.. in all mixed up jumbles. I can't hear entirely. Haha.. so jokes :D


I honestly don't see what the hype is about. Disclaimer, I'm a huge CV fan and not a big Shnabubula fan, though I do consider Castlevania Chronicles Mucho Dollar Care a Junk CIA to be quite nice.

Shna's style is all over the place, there's too many textures competing with each other which leads to this song sounding like a bunch of randomness layered over the original tune. I'm sure it was hard, I'm sure it was a musical challenge of gargantuan and unfathomable effort, but it's not pretty; it's harsh, weird, and frankly just misses the mark.

Constructive criticism:

  • * Please try using a consistent and STEADY beat. This beat does NOT compliment the tune. It is too fast paced compared to the tune and has an unpredictable nature to it. This is a weak point shared by many of Shnabubula's songs.
    * Less panning.
    * Less harsh sounds, preferrably none, the voice was not good and the high pitched stuff a 2:22 wasn't either.
    * More flow, basically pick your instruments ahead of time use them on and off or consistently throughout but don't switch from one to another in a totally random manner.
    * More natural tones rather than weirdly processed ones would be nice rather than the usual "wah wah"s on many of the instruments.

I apologize if any of this seems mean spirited.


Reminds me of Rare Mineral Addict.

Like the panning. Like the weird voices. (sounds like that one SIMS mix)

Has violin, therefore I love it automatically.

Seriously though I like the way the melody flows in and out of focus. The percussion is very complimentary instead of over-powering.

The synths sound very nice as well.

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