Argle Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 It doesn't have to be games that were released in 2013, just ones you played for the first time last year. I actually played a lot of games that I really loved... one of the best years for me as far as that goes. Here's my list Dead Space 1/2 Darksiders 1/2 Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together Arkham Asylum/City Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Jeanne D'Arc Mario Galaxy Alan Wake Faster Than Light Shadow of the Colossus I played many more games but these were the standouts for me. No doubt you will laugh at how behind the curve I am with some, but staying current with games doesn't really concern me. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Assassin's Creed 3 and 4 (3's crap, 4 is amazing) Dark Souls (so good) Luigi's Mansion 3DS (so good) Paper Mario 3DS (so good) Deus Ex: Human Revolution Kamen Rider Super Climax Heroes The Stanley Parable (SO FUCKING GOOD) Blacklight: Retribution Darksiders 2 League of Legends Dota 2 Splinter Cell: Conviction oh yeah... Box Cat Super Sexy Swiss No Breaks Valet Get On Top Towerfall Quote
Garpocalypse Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 (edited) The Witcher 2 I think dark fantasy is going to become a new obsession of mine. Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed I played this thing so much that I thought I was about done with it. Then I got to play against A-Rival and Wildfire... Tales of Xillia Still not done with it. Dust: An Elysian Tale Didn't think I was going to like it. Picked it up for less than three bucks on Steam during a sale. Enjoyed it so much, despite some of the voice acting, that I think I should have payed full price for it. Hawken Love the world it's set in and the visual style of the game. Don't much care for the new maps they just released tho. Max Payne 3 Edited January 7, 2014 by Garpocalypse Quote
avaris Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Tales of Xillia Last Story Super Meat Boy Mark of the Ninja Replayed a few old games. Played Xenoblade Chronicles but it was just average...and waaaaaay too long for being average. Worst part was the game got worse as it went along. /rant Quote
Flash Strife Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 In order... I Am Alive (admittedly not the best game but I've always liked disaster/survival type games) Far Cry 3 (Thank you The Damned!) Mega Man 9 & 10 Double Dragon Neon Dragon's Crown (Owned the crap out of this game. GOTY for me) Red Dead Redemption Way of the Samurai 4 Tomba (though I've played the game before a bunch of times over the years =p) Played some others but those are probably the more memorable ones. Quote
theshaggyfreak Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 (edited) Ni no Kuni was by far the best game I played in 2013 and is now one of my favorite games of all time. I can't really say that I have any negative thoughts about this game. The music is good. The story and game play are great. This game also does some one of the best jobs at cel animation that I've ever seen. Edited January 7, 2014 by theshaggyfreak Quote
jnWake Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 (edited) Pikmin 3 and the Phoenix Wright series are my standouts. EDIT: Oh.. Umm.. Reasons! Well, Pikmin 3 is just great. The graphics are beautiful, the music is pretty and the gameplay is great. It's a bit hard to explain so you just have to try it yourself, but please do! It's an amazing game. Phoenix Wright. Well, this is a somewhat popular series I believe. I had never played a PW game but I recently got an iPhone so I tried (and beat!) the HD trilogy. What can I say, the music is great and the cases are really fun. Characters are awesome and the games have a lot of funny moments. Also a must play! Edited January 8, 2014 by jnWake Quote
DarkeSword Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Like the other thread, let's avoid posting just lists and titles. Give some reasons. Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 I played a lot of Locomalito games. He makes "free, traditional games" - traditional meaning they have a lot of 80s/90s arcade flair about them, and are good for short but repeated playtimes. Good challenge, too. Not to mention excellent, excellent music, almost always by Gryzor87. I especially played Maldita Castilla, Endless Forms Most Beautiful (a PC remake of a ZX Spectrum game - from 2012!), They Came From Verminest and Gaurodan. All well worth checking out, watch the videos! I also played a few emulated Game Gear games on the NGage: Wonder Boy 3, Donald Duck in Lucky Dime Capers and Legend of Illusion. These were fun to play a bit each day with the daughter. WB3 is a long-time favourite of mine. Couldn't get Castle of Illusion to work, sadly. I played a ridiculous amount of OpenXCOM, which is a great reimplementation of the best game in the world - UFO: Enemy Unknown (or XCOM: UFO Defence in the States). I even contributed a few fixes to build problems on Linux. I got a Commodore C64 for birthday, and played some stuff on it, again with the daughter. I also played a bunch of RGCD/Psytronik releases on the C64 emulator: Soulless and Assembloids most come to mind (again, both good fun with the daughter). One of these days I'm going to order a bunch of cartridges from RGCD to play on the real machine. Also played a good bunch of FTL. And I probably forget some games. Having a Backloggery account was pretty good for making this post. --Eino Quote
Thalzon Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is my RPG of the year. It's got an awesomely-robust character creator, allowing you to make a character anywhere between 14 and 114 years old. Gameplay is excellent, with the ability to climb and grapple larger opponents. It also has a neat online mechanic despite being a single player game. The story is a little sparse but bittersweet and a little melancholy. Also got hopelessly addicted to Rune Factory 4. The best one yet, with a huge world to explore and lots of extra content and challenges. Quote
Calpis Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 I'll try to write this from memory as to really remember which games I played and loved. Mario 3D World Seriously my personal best game of 2013. As much as I enjoyed the Galaxy games, this was the Mario game I had been waiting to play since Mario 64. Above and beyond my expectations, and the cat suit was more fun to play with than I expected. The Wonderful 101 Really fast paced, and a lot less than Pikmin than I was worried about. I still waited for a sale to buy it, but it was totally worth it. Play if you enjoy a challenge mixed with over the top humor. To the Moon Didn't know much to expect. Admittedly the trailer makes the game look a lot better than it actually is, but that didn't stop me from bawling like a baby. Pikmin 3 They made this a great transition to HD. Gameplay is kinda like a mix between the first two games. The juice mechanic helps the game flow a lot. Mark of the Ninja The Disney-esque aesthetic made me really skeptical at first, but there's a lot of depth in this game. Stealth done right. There are so many different ways to complete levels without it being confusing. Quote
Doulifée Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Dark Soul. Long time i didn't enjoy a difficulty level that hard without finding it annoying on the long run, added with a dark universe similar to berserk. Fallout NV / Skyrim. Two open world that can be heavily modded, not much to say, just browse the nexus to tailor your experience. Gunpoint. A small indy game i found on steam with a level editor. some user made level are pretty fun, hard and challenging. Brutal DooM. a mod for doom, a bit old but was update last october. respraying the wall in red and using fatality with the berserk pack to finish a hellspawn is fun. Most weapon are reworked and mob sprite now die in a unique way depanding on the weapon used. Animal crossing New Leaf. The game that clocked the highest playtime on my 3ds. collecting furniture and shit. yeah don't try to understand, just play it. Quote
Mirby Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 The Wonderful 101 Well technically I first played it in 2012 at the Wii U Experience, but I got to play the whole thing last year and it was incredible. There is a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of things it's insanely fun. Great sense of humor, and a fantastic story. Other highlights include: - A Link Between Worlds (I seriously teared up at the title screen when I first turned it on) - Fire Emblem: Awakening (Everything great about past FE games rolled into one fantastic package. The DLC was also quite worth it) - Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (A wonderful follow-up to Bowser's Inside Story, though it did get a bit cumbersome with tutorials at times, but you could skip those) - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (So much fun! I knew I'd have a great time once I got an achievement for being naked while talking to someone, which I only did for hilarity. Also great orchestral soundtrack by Grant Kirkhope) Quote
Disambiguity Posted January 8, 2014 Posted January 8, 2014 Let's see, in approximate reverse chronological order: Zelda Link Between Worlds - Good return to form for Zelda, but not the best ever like some are claiming. Pokemon X - My first pokemon game since Blue/Red. I had forgotten how fun they are to run through once, but have no reply value whatsoever. Super Hexagon - I'm embarrassed at just how addicted to this game I am. Getting a new longest time is the best thing ever, even if I still died 32.4 seconds into the level. Don't Starve - Ironic that I found myself skipping meals so I wouldn't have to stop playing. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed - The extra game types add a lot of fun variety to this game that mario kart could use. Shame I suck at this game, though. X3: Albion Prelude - Because the crushing depth of this game makes up for the fact that you tend to spend more time telling the AI where to fly their ships than you do flying your own. For me, at least. Fallout NV - Controversial opinion: Despite the technical hiccups, it's much better than Fallout 3. FTL - Non-turn-based space strategy is a new one on me. Lots of fun to play, but crushingly frustrating when you get demolished by an auto-assault drone in the second to last sector. Also worth mentioning are Supra Mayro Bross, Supra Mayro Kratt, The Fantastic Game, and Le Fantabulous Game. They're awesome games in the same way that fanfiction is awesome literature. Good for a laugh, but you better be drunk if you're going to see them through to the end. Quote
Chernabogue Posted January 8, 2014 Posted January 8, 2014 Assassin's Creed 3 - I prefered the 2 "saga", but the setting was quite interesting. The game is a bit repetitive in the end, but the naval battles were great. Castlevania: Mirror of Fate - My first 3DS game. A solid 2D beat 'em all, with some okay plateforming. Not the best sequel you could have for LoS1, but an okay game. A boss rush mode, or a possibility to re-fight bosses would have been perfect. Kingdom Hearts 3D - If you put the plot apart (seriously, wtf KH), this is a very cool action game! I start to think that Sora and Riku are totally broken/cheated, as destroying most of the enemies was a joke. Some things were badly explained too (some Dream Eaters parts, the Special Portals, etc.) A bit of Warcraft III, some Killing Floor, a bit of SSBB with my bro, and that's it! I don't remember everything, but 2013 wasn't a big gaming year for me, as I didn't get new systems (except the 3DS, but I only got 2 games), and I don't bring them to my apartment where I live (all my consoles are at my parents', because my brother also owns them). Quote
Ryan Jobson Posted January 8, 2014 Posted January 8, 2014 ....very little.... ummm... League of Legends? And that's it? Ughhhh... Quote
Mirby Posted January 8, 2014 Posted January 8, 2014 Also NES Remix. That's incredible. Makes me want an expansion with more NES games, since I love the challenge mode aspect. Seriously. Add some Kirby's Adventure, Zelda 2, StarTropics... there's so many options. Quote
Argle Posted January 8, 2014 Author Posted January 8, 2014 (edited) It doesn't have to be games that were released in 2013, just ones you played for the first time last year. I actually played a lot of games that I really loved... one of the best years for me as far as that goes. Here's my listDead Space 1/2 Darksiders 1/2 Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together Arkham Asylum/City Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Jeanne D'Arc Mario Galaxy Alan Wake Faster Than Light Shadow of the Colossus I played many more games but these were the standouts for me. No doubt you will laugh at how behind the curve I am with some, but staying current with games doesn't really concern me. Just some comments on these, Tactics Ogre is the embodiment of "just one more map". Before I knew it I had racked up almost 100 hours. Jesus Christ. Alan Wake was nonstop tension that I loved from beginning to end. You can fight, but enemies are so much stronger and faster than you. Plus the music selection between episodes was awesome. FTL... another "just another round" game. Hard as hell but you don't feel too bad starting over because it's so addictive. Dead Space, wish I had played it years ago given my love for RE4. The first two Arkhams, amazing adaptation of Batman's powers, especially the predatory stealth. Peace Walker, so much fun, I lay around for hours doing missions. If I ever get a PS3 I definitely want to get the HD collection and replay it. Edited January 8, 2014 by Argle Quote
Calpis Posted January 8, 2014 Posted January 8, 2014 Also NES Remix. That's incredible. Makes me want an expansion with more NES games, since I love the challenge mode aspect.Seriously. Add some Kirby's Adventure, Zelda 2, StarTropics... there's so many options. Agreed on this as well. They need SNES and N64 Remixes after that. Quote
timaeus222 Posted January 9, 2014 Posted January 9, 2014 Tbh, I don't have access to much. Gunstar Heroes Yu-Gi-Oh: Dungeon Dice Monsters Pokemon Black Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1 MegaMan Battle Network 6 (Hard Mode patch and Timaeus patch---both of which I had created and worked on in the past few years) Mario 3D World? (I didn't see the title and it was new for me) Quote
Mak Eightman Posted January 9, 2014 Posted January 9, 2014 KOF XIII - yes my favorite) Loving this one since 99. Kinda shame to see new image.. Looks blizzardlike. Puppet:? Still loving it. But it has no energy like before. Syndicate - another favorite. I remember "genesis" times, fighting and upgrading in this rpg/strategy game. Was interesting to see the "other view" of Syndicate. Reminds me "Ghost in the shell" a lot. PES 2013 - one of the best thing you can play with your friend(if you have some beer). And same old Dota)) I mean Warcraft. Actually I don't like dota 2 because of PUPPETS! Quote
Brandon Strader Posted January 9, 2014 Posted January 9, 2014 Beyond Two Souls. It was so good I didn't play another game until 2013 ended. Quote
Patrick Burns Posted January 9, 2014 Posted January 9, 2014 So I didn't play games at all during 2013 . . . until December when I replayed a gateway drug: KOTOR. After beating that again, I played . . . Gone Home: played it at night in an empty house with headphones on. Loved it. Probably not game of the year material, but it was so cool feeling such an intact story, atmosphere, 90s-setting. Not for everyone, but worth it if you even suspect it's for you. Bioshock Infinite: Such a beautiful, intricate universe they've put together. Personally, this kind of FPS action is running a little thin for me after all these years, but I loved the characters. And I loved how the ending just kept on going. Honestly, it took me awhile to piece the narrative together. The religious fervor on display, especially during Booker's first moments in Columbia with the spiritual music echoing in the background, was awesome -- especially for a kid like me from the Bible belt. Tomb Raider: Went by a Red Box to continue feeding my binge. It was this or COD Black Ops, so I chose Croft. I'm really getting into third-person action. It was cool having an island to explore, variety (viable variety) in dispatching enemies, and a story that was willing to go some dark places -- right from the beginning. Obvious choice if you liked Uncharted. Two Brothers: mildly engaging gameplay for me, and the puzzles seemed a bit too easy sometimes. (The rope sequence was an amazingly fun exception.) But I was clay in the hands of the rest of the game. Tears, lump in the throat, appreciation to the devs . . . I got it on sale for $5. Best $5 I've ever spent. Mass Effect: as much as I loved KOTOR, I decided it was time to catch up on this trilogy. Finished 1, and 2 is now in the mail. The shooting and cover mechanics were a little annoying, and the occasional geometry or button glitches really bugged me, but the universe was great. I loved reading the codex and trying to get all the information from conversations. Honestly, paragon Shepherd seemed like an airhead no matter which choices were available. Not something I would replay, but I hear ME:2 improved a lot of the weak spots of 1, so we'll see. Quote
Devyn Posted January 9, 2014 Posted January 9, 2014 PS3: 3d Dot Game Heroes, Dead or Alive 5, Mortal Kombat, Double Dragon Neon Xbox 360: Gears of War, Assassin's Creed, Marvel VS Capcom 3 Wii U: Mighty Switch Force 1 and 2, Trine 2 DC, Super Mario 3d World, New Super Mario Bros U, Earthbound, Wind Waker HD, Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition, Bit Trip Runner 2, Nintendoland, DnD Chronicles of Mystara Wii: La Mulana, Punch Out, SSB Brawl (still brawlin'), DKC Returns, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, Cave Story (for like the millionth time). Sega Genesis: Shining Force 1 and 2, Alien Storm, the first four Sonic games (a summertime tradition), Streets of Rage 2 and 3, Phantasy Star 2 and 4, Super Fantasy Zone SNES: Ninja Warriors, Killer Instinct, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger, Actraiser, Contra 3, F-Zero, Pilotwings, Super Double Dragon, Turtles in Time NES: The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros. 1, 2 and 3, Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu, Punch Out, Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2, Street Fighter 2010, Legacy of The Wizard, Tetris, Contra, Mega Man 1-3, and too many to really name here. Oh...and lots of Neo Geo fighters, like World Heroes Perfect and Breakers Revenge. Good stuff. Quote
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