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I will most likely be using the Classic Controller. I would like to try all the styles though. I like the cube controller and the Classic just feels nice and comfortable in my hands. I also think the Classic has more responsive buttons. The placement of the analog sticks doesn't bother me either since I play alot of PS2. Nice update overall.


Well, there goes all that talk of minimizing Wiimote control. I'm willing to bet that one control scheme turns out far superior for tournament play, though, or at least that most tournaments will stick to one preferred style.

Well, there goes all that talk of minimizing Wiimote control. I'm willing to bet that one control scheme turns out far superior for tournament play, though, or at least that most tournaments will stick to one preferred style.

Now that I think about it, it makes sense to assume that there will be tournaments that determine the style you have to play with, possibly forcing us to learn them all at some point.

This is a good time for Nintendo to develop a Wavebird that's Wii compatible. They'll call it the Bluebird.

Err...that name sounds dumb...but you get my gist.

Can't you already use wavebirds on a Wii?

All we need now is a blasted release date!

I was hoping sometime this month, but now I doubt it since this weekly update deal.

I'm guessing next month or possibly early August.

Please be next month.

I wish. It'll probably be an October/November release.

My bet is on December. Holiday season?

December is rather late for the holiday season. If Nintendo were aiming for that, it would probably be out mid to late November to catch the Black Friday rush. But, I'm willing to bet Brawl will be September/October, and Galaxy will be saved for the holidays.

You guys realize what this update means, right?

It's theoretically possible to have an eight-player match in Brawl - four 'Cubers, four Wiimoters.

It'd be cool, but I don't see it happening. It seems like the Wii only has a maximum of four controller ports, the wired ones just tap into the port that the cooresponding wiimote is assigned to. Example, if you play a VC game that can use the Gamecube controller or the wiimote, you can play the game at the same time with either controller.



I'm definitely going to have to experiment with each of the four control styles. I'll probably end up using either the GCN or Classic controllers, since I can't immediately picture how it would be practical to use either the Wiimote or Wiimote & Nunchuk styles.

It'd be cool, but I don't see it happening. It seems like the Wii only has a maximum of four controller ports, the wired ones just tap into the port that the cooresponding wiimote is assigned to. Example, if you play a VC game that can use the Gamecube controller or the wiimote, you can play the game at the same time with either controller.


There is a VC title that can go up to six (or was it 5?) players.

It says in the description that you can use four GCs and a wiimote.

I have to see which game though.


Bomberman '93 and Battle Lode Runner, but with four wiimotes and a cube controller. It may work the other way around, though. I don't own either of those games because I already have Super Bomberman 2 on the SNES, which is really cool by the way.

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