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They replaced Ness!

OK it may be 2 AM here, and they may NOT have replaced him... but they added Lucas first.

OK then. Hopefully I'm first.... otherwise cool beans, they added an Earthbound/Mother character!


Neato. I wonder how this will work.

If he may surpass even Ness, I doubt they'd remove or replace Ness. We have to find out if Lucas will surpass him (whatever surpassing entails... hopefully not replacing.) Anyway, if you ask me, Sakurai just confirmed Ness is in the game through his little comment. For one to surpass another, we'd have to have a confrontation...

/my two cents


Well at least this means they won't be removing any characters just to cater to western audiences. There's still hope for Fire Emblem characters from older games, and with Japanese voices (as opposed to that god awful shit in the US versions...goddamnit Nintendo spend some money and hire decent VAs).


ok, i've posted about this a few times and nobody ever says ANYTHING about it.

but this time, im a let it all come out. this time im a stand up and SHOUT. im a do things MY way. it's MY way. my way or the highway.

but seriously look at the fourth picture of lucas. he's pointing up at something, and kirby is actually looking at what he's pointing at. what the heck is that. they must be getting really really serious about character interaction in the game, i can't see how this kind of stuff will fit into playing the game though.

one of the other ones before was a picture where mario had stuck wario with a gooey bomb or whatever, and as he ran away from wario he actually looked back at him while running like he was taunting him. and there are a lot of other pictures like this


I guess this puts to rest the idea that no new characters would be placed on the characters page in order to keep it symmetrical.

That being said, Lucas' moves look different from Ness'. I'm gonna go with the "Ness is an unlockable character" idea.


Wow, that's 9 new characters so far! I wonder how many they're are gonna be? I mean, Melee had... 7 new character total (well, excluding "clones")? Plus there are still gonna be secret characters to unlock... Man, Dec. 3 honestly can not come soon enough.

Here's still hoping like nobodies business that Ness is still in (even though I like Lucas, plus I just got my copy of Mother 3 a few days ago).


Ness ç__ç I finished playing EarthBound some days ago...and now that I love Ness they maybe remove him :( nooo

(Hopefully, a Mother 3 fan trasnlation will arrive soon :P )

out with the old in with the new with the old possibly being a sekrit character

if we stick with this path while adding no more FE characters that use swords we are good to go

What if they add Poo? :P

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