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which had Pac-Man as a playable character. I think he'd be the most likely Namco character

This is quite possibly the stupidest idea in the entire thread.


EVERYONE KNOWS, and I do mean EVERYONE, that the first Namco character to grace a smash brothers title will most likely be one from the Tales series. Or, you know, not, but given that I'm not that familiar with Namco characters to begin with I guess it's up to the execs to decide.

Sure there's stuff the fans want to see but there are also things that the game developers want to put into the game which might not make it because of time constraints or licensing issues. The point here is that just because you say it doesn't mean it's going to happen.

At least this time around Sonic isn't an April Fool's Day joke. And like all the other scoring and soundtrack stuff, Live and Learn seems to have gotten a nice update, too. I wonder if there's a full version included in the game or if what we heard is the extent of the vocals.

(Personally I wouldn't mind seeing the Vic Viper as an assist trophy, but that's Konami and not Namco, though they both do have some decent stuff going on for them. Just at the moment I can't think of what it could be.)

This is quite possibly the stupidest idea in the entire thread.

Now, now, I'm sure he's not the first person who's thought of this. I don't belive Pac-Man is the most likely Namco character to be included, but I'm certainly not going to rule his appearance out of the game.

And like all the other scoring and soundtrack stuff, Live and Learn seems to have gotten a nice update, too. I wonder if there's a full version included in the game or if what we heard is the extent of the vocals.

I imagine it was cut up specifically for the trailer

EVERYONE KNOWS, and I do mean EVERYONE, that the first Namco character to grace a smash brothers title will most likely be one from the Tales series. Or, you know, not, but given that I'm not that familiar with Namco characters to begin with I guess it's up to the execs to decide.

Um. No. Tales characters are okay, but they are far from being iconic Namco characters. There's about a hundred Namco characters they can come across before even considering Tales ones, though I bet they would put in the JRPG ones in there anyway.

(Personally I wouldn't mind seeing the Vic Viper as an assist trophy, but that's Konami and not Namco, though they both do have some decent stuff going on for them. Just at the moment I can't think of what it could be.)

Are you kidding me?

Ever heard of the Prince of the Cosmos? PAC-MAN??? Just about any Soul Calibur characters ever? Tekken characters (just about all those mental cases could fit into an SSB game easily). As for JRPG types, I would think Xenosaga/Xenogears characters should take precedence.

And Konami? Wow, what is this, 'bash all 3rd parties' night?

Suikoden characters alone could fill up a SSB lineup ten times. And I don't even need to get into details about Castlevania.


Live and Learn sounded exactly the same from whichever Sonic Adventure title it came from... o_0

His appearance didn't surprise me. The video was nice too! He looks solid as a fighter from what they showed... I wouldn't be surprised if Tails and Knuckles were assists or came into help Sonic with special attacks.

Atleast the first Mario/Sonic game now, as we know, is destined to be epic! The Olympics title... not entirly sure about.


I'm just happy they're using the SA2 Sonic. That and I enjoy Live and Learn. I thought I'd have an easy time transitioning and just keeping my main, but there's just so much I want to try now that I doubt I'll keep the same characters under my belt.


After seeing what they've done with Sonic, I have a little more faith that Brawl's suited Samus too will be true to her origins - a fast agile bounty hunter who shoots freaking everything. Even when Sonic is stationary, it seems he's using his amazing speed to kick ass. Let's hope Samus too makes amazing use her main strength (cool ranged weaponry), even when she's not using ranged attacks. Zero Suit Samus' down smash (with the stun gun) also gives me some hope that suited Samus will use her beam in creative ways like that. And the re-arrangement of Mario's moves (keeping the Smash nostalgia of the "Mario Tornado" whist giving him another Special move that's actually from a Mario game), that gives me hope that Samus' moves will too be rearranged for the better. But I don't need any more hope; I need a Samus moves update. Or a video where she actually does some of her moves. Why won't they show us her moves?! Show me your moves!!! SHOW ME YOUR B- ...I mean YOUR MOVES!!!!

Remember way back when the best update so far was the fact that Samus' suit was really shiny? Now we've got interesting characters like the Pokemon Trainer and Diddy, assist trophies up the wazoo... the updates can only get better, right? And by "better", I mean "show me your moves". They've been deliberately leaving one move out of every Special Moves update - I know what update I'M eagerly waiting for:

"It seems I've been forgetting to tell you about a lot of moves here and there. But here they all are now! Th- there are too many moves to count, how will I ever count them?!

But enough about moves - we are showing here, for the first time in video game history, a screenshot of Samus's Shoosh-shoosh-shoosh-shoosh-shoosh!

Oh sorry, Snake was using his flying reconnaissance camera, the Cypher, to recover. Where was I? Oh yes, you can see a screenshot of Samus' moves. But you've already seen this move, ha ha! It's the regular areal forwards move from Smash Bros., but the fire is a different color?! Ooooh. It’s so dynamic! But that is all I will ever show you of Samus' moves, you will have to buy the game! By the way, the release date for Canada and all the American states that are bordering Canada is April 24, 2008."

Dang it.

Well, here's hoping Megaman is in there. I think we all saw Sonic coming a mile away - Megaman (or Simon, or any other thrid-party character for that matter) would be the first REAL shocker, in terms of playable characters. (well, besides Snake...)


First off WHO STARTED THE CLOUD CRAP...if cloud's in brawl I will personally boycott nintendo forever..dead serious I'll even go as far as tossing my DS in the ocean if cloud is in brawl

There should only be 2..TWO Square-Enix characters to even be considered in Brawl

Geno and Mallow

no Cloud No Squall No Zidane we dont need FF characters in Brawl FF fans already had a fighting game with there beloved franchise (Ergeiz anyone?)

Geno and Mallow on the other hand would fit >.> hell I've been bitching that Geno should be in Smash Bros since the first one

Second off to the person who said King of all Cosmos in Brawl..screw that I say a Katamari Damacy Stage

remember when you lost in We Love Katamari? hell yeah King in the background shooting EYE BEAMS at you while talking of pompadors and why people love the great KING OF ALL COSMOS (and who doesnt by the way?) all the while randomly a Katamari rolls by

by the way Dashing Prince for Brawl!!



Pretty basic moveset, but I think the fact that you can chain dashes together (especially in the air) means Sonic will be crazy maneuverable.

And the Spring Jump is nice. I didn't expect the spring to stay on the ground, but that's cool.

All in all, I think a good moveset. Of course, we'll have to use it to be sure, but from the looks of it, it's simple and versatile. A+.

--Jack Kieser


his final jump is freakin massive.

Now if you had a platform overhead... and there was something on it causing damage.. and Sonic used Up B... would he fall back onto his spring and be shot back into it continuously? lawlipop


The original Sonic the Hedgehog game used only one button. I think its simple yet exhilarating play was its virtue.

And given that this game’s controls are also simple, I think it personifies his distinct characteristics.

Thats awesome. I'm totally digging the mentality they have with him in this, keeping him simple. Although I fear his speed combined with his ease of play is gearing up to make him destined to just become a dominating force in this game.


Going back to new characters, seriously Cloud and Master Chief, that's just stupid. Michael Jordan is way more likely to appear in Brawl than those two, at least he featured in his own Nintendo game, and it wasn't a sport game either.

I think judging by Nintendo's past moves, I don't think they're gonna go for a really obvious character, I reckon they're gonna pick one from out of the blue that's gonna make people go WHAAA!? Say....something like Prehistoric Man? Now, that would top all others.

And what I'm gonna say next is probably gonna make me cop a lot of flame:

First of all, what's all the hype about Captain Falcon? He's practically in for Brawl, no question about it so stop freakin asking for the update already. Some people already said they wanted to save some excitement for the release, so maybe that's all their doing, building some tension.

Secondly Sonic will probably be as good as any other character. Sure he's fast and he can link his moves well but who actually says his moves are gonna have much of an impact if they can be linked so easily? Judging by his speed and Smash's past qualities of fast characters, he'll probably get knocked around quite a bit if someone lands a blow. And his spring jump? Who says it's gonna be as fast as Game and Watch's recovery? It might take him a while to actually pull out the spring and jump on it and whatnot? Plus, he looks pretty vulnerable to a down smash while he's sailing upwards. Just putting it all out there, now be nice won't you?:-P


It's really difficult to tell from the videos, but it looks like you'll actually be able to do attacks after using your up special move. Jumping is obviously still out of the question. In the Sonic video, right after it shows Sonic balancing on the edge, it cuts to him, Donkey, Pit, and Mario duking it out on the Skyworld stage. Immediately after the scene changes, Sonic uses the spring jump up between Donkey and Pit, then proceeds to do an upwards corkscrew kick followed by the "Falcon Kick" into Donkey. Does this mean we'll be able to protect ourselves after using up specials? Or did Sonic just get hit on his way up, canceling his spring jump?

Also, Link's up special looks really cool, and I didn't think the animation for the warp star item could get any smoother/nicer looking.


Actually Master Chief isn't such a far stretch. Nobody thought it'd happen with DOA4 either but it sorta/kinda happened with that female Spartan. I think it'd be hilarious if Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue makes it though. But that could be a pretty good addition too since he has a lot of nice and good martial arts move that could fit into any SSB scenario.

And Cloud definitely would make a huge entrance, and I think anything is possible after Kingdom Hearts. But I still don't think Square is all that eager for Nintendo cooperation other than releasing some well-selling remakes and spinoffs like they have been.

I wish they go totally crazy and put in some anime character or something.


Well Cloud is more synonymous with Sony than any other FF lead I think, but then again years ago I would have said that Solid Snake is more synomyous with Sony than anything too and yet here we are with Snake breaking Mario necks. I mean yeah, there was the classic Metal Gear game but Snake's true origins were really the MSX. Then there's Twin Snakes as a technicality, but here we are with the Metal Gear references in SSBB already showing things like an MGS4 song, and Metal Gear Ray that directly point to games that only appear on a Sony console. So really at this point anything goes, its made it very exciting.

Still though...at least Snake does have Twin Snakes and Metal Gear. Cloud would have the most techicality based appearance on a Nintendo console (Chain of Memories) that it'd almost seem a little cheap to me. I mean if it happened of course there'd be some insanity but it still seems like more of a stretch than anything else.

The problem with FF is that there's no real eternal, overall "representing character" aside from commonly seen jobs, and even the Cids are all different.

Maybe though...-if- we have to have an FF character in there, how about the Light Warriors as a character? Like...literally a transforming character where you can switch between 4-6 of the jobs, all with distinct strengths and weaknesses? Or maybe like how they're doing it in that FF fighting game, by making the Warrior of Light an algamation of everything in FF1? Do a switch move to change the moveset to Fighter Mode, Thief Mode, Black Mage Mode etc.

Or maybe have the new Tactics Advance2 lead with a similar ability. I could certainly see that. I think no matter what including the series' trademark alternate jobs in some way would be essential, nothing would really represent the series better than that. Theoretically.

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