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I think the problem here is that Nintendo is cramming a lot of stuff into Brawl, but its not terribly good or better than previous attempts.

I think the general stand for everyone (at least here) is: "Don't do something unless you're going to do it right". Nintendo sucks at online, but they wanted to give Brawl online play. So they half-assed it and did a mediocre job at online play. It disappointing when a company who clearly recognizes the popularity and high respect a game like SSB has, but neglects to put their best foot forward in all aspects of the game.

Another reason I think people are pointing out Halo 3, is that Bungie and Nintendo both have almost no experience with making replays, but the difference is that Bungie put in the time and effort to learn how to make an excellent replay viewer, while Nintendo stuck with an old, outdated "Only 3 Minutes" scheme.

Compare Halo 2 to Halo 3. Then compare Melee to Brawl. The amount of innovation that went into Halo 3 versus Brawl is (as far as we know at this point) is much more.

Halo 3

-completely new play mechanic (forge)

-deeper game customization

-full-fledged replay viewer with screen capture built-in

-new control scheme

-deeper appearance customization-

-more weapons and vehicles

-better graphics and sound


-slightly tweaked play mechanics

-new single-player mode

-deeper game customization

-simple 3 minute replay viewer

-3 new control schemes

-new items and characters

-slightly higher graphics

-limited online play

nintendo has their stuff that makes them cool, but you have to admit that nintendo fucking sucks in the online department. they could easily add options but they have to keep it as simple as possible, even though it doesn't take a computer geek to figure out how to start an online match on something with options like xbox live or battle.net

I have to agree on a basic level, and this has always been the case with Nintendo. Their website is nowhere near as useful as other game companies' websites (you mentioned battle.net, which is a great example), and the information, especially about specific games not yet released, is often limited and out-of-date.

And three minutes TOTAL for replays? Come on.

Why is everyone so convinced this is the case? Sakurai's words: "You can record about three minutes worth of replay data." For one thing, the word "about" kind of leads me to believe this isn't some kind of absolute cap due to memory limitations. For another, it doesn't say "you can only record..." or "you can store..." which leads me to think if anything this is more of a limitation per file, with as many files as desired being recorded. Notice the "SD Card" option on the last screenshot? I'm thinking that just like with the Snapshots feature, you can record as many ~3-minute replays as you can store on the system memory and SD Cards, which can be accessed and sent and whatever that third feature he's not showing us is at any time. This sort of makes sense from Nintendo's "baby the consumer" philosophy, too, because with such limited memory on the Wii they probably don't want to fill it up by automatically recording or allowing players to unwittingly record more than they have the space to store. Sure it's no Halo, but then Wii is no 360 just as 360 is no Wii.

EDIT: Also, what sense would it make that each person could only store three minutes when there's a send feature? If people are thinking the Wii can't handle more than three minutes, then logically you couldn't even receive a friend's video data without having less/none of your own data. That's just stupid, and not even Nintendo is that dumb.


See I really dont understand how people think its 3 minutes total. I mean, when I first read it, that didnt even come in to thought. All I thought was "3 minutes per match, cool". Its definitely not 3 MINUTES TOTAL FOREVER OH NOES!!!... seriously.. I really dont get how people would think its 3 minutes total.

In other news, this game looks like its going to be very amazing.

See I really dont understand how people think its 3 minutes total. I mean, when I first read it, that didnt even come in to thought. All I thought was "3 minutes per match, cool". Its definitely not 3 MINUTES TOTAL FOREVER OH NOES!!!... seriously.. I really dont get how people would think its 3 minutes total.

In other news, this game looks like its going to be very amazing.

Simple, people fail to read, like with the last online update. You'd think that America's schools today would teach reading comprehension, but I guess as time passes those skills are left out of the curriculum.


Well, even if it's only ~3 min. per match... that's still not a lot. I mean, a great deal of matches I play go on almost 6-8 minutes. Plus, it's not like you can pick and choose when to record during a match; after all, it's not like we can go, "Hey, start the recorder; I'm about to get this awesome combo on Fox that sends him into 2 motion bombs and KO him with the bat!"

--Jack Kieser


I'm not saying Nintendo's anywhere near on-par with their online functionality, but it's really just tiring now when people freak out about supposed atrocities based on limited, preliminary information that hardly even warrants such behavior. Give it a rest. We don't even know exactly how good or bad it will be yet, and everyone seems to want it to take a turn for the worse just so they can complain more.

See I really dont understand how people think its 3 minutes total. I mean, when I first read it, that didnt even come in to thought. All I thought was "3 minutes per match, cool". Its definitely not 3 MINUTES TOTAL FOREVER OH NOES!!!... seriously.. I really dont get how people would think its 3 minutes total.

In other news, this game looks like its going to be very amazing.

Simple, people fail to read, like with the last online update. You'd think that America's schools today would teach reading comprehension, but I guess as time passes those skills are left out of the curriculum.


ten characters


Are you fucking kidding me? I'd given up hope on this one.

I sure as shit wouldn't make him the same weight class as Bowser though. Fuck, is he gonna be able to fly?

This renews the hope that was extinguished with the DK video that K. Rool might make an appearance too :D


Hell YEAH, score one for the baddies!!!

King Dedede theme FTW

On a completely different theme, to all those complaining about the online component, keep in mind this game's release was substantially delayed for various reasons. Who knoes whether there gonna spend this time refining the online gameplay or not. Don't just come to conclusions yet.

And also for the record:

Halo 3 = FPS

SSBB = Fighting game

They are a bit different doncha think?



Wow!! DEDEDE! I'm ... surprised! I'm happy. I really dig the pic of him getting carried around. haha.

But...... I just don't know how to say his name, back when the SNES was around and they had Nintendo kiosks in stores where you could watch promo video's they always called said his name like 'Duh-Day-Day'. Now when I hear it on TV and stuff it's 'Dee-Dee-Dee'.

Any official pronunciation because I'm totally in the dark on how the hell to say his name?

totally excited though. :)

EDIT: AND... I wonder if he'll have his southern accent from the Television show. haha.

But...... I just don't know how to say his name, back when the SNES was around and they had Nintendo kiosks in stores where you could watch promo video's they always called said his name like 'Duh-Day-Day'. Now when I hear it on TV and stuff it's 'Dee-Dee-Dee'.

If that's (Dedede) how his name is spelt in Japanese it's most likely Deh-Deh-Deh.

I have always called him Deedeedee though.

Also, awesome, I look forward to playing as him.

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