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I don't think it's hated, but something very quirky that many people wouldn't like.. Iggy's Reckin' Balls.

It was very early electronic music, like the stuff right after "bit" music went away, but it's weird and I like it. Seawind is one of my favorite tracks.

People gave the Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 OSTs crap, but honestly nearly all the music save for most of the character themes are pretty good, IMO.

Since when did people start hating on Sonic Adventure 1 and 2? That's totally new news to me. I've never heard that from anyone before. I personally love both, especially Sonic Adventure 2.

The Sonic game with the soundtrack to be hated on is uh... "Don't you feel that sometimes, you should stop making gaaaaaames"

Since when did people start hating on Sonic Adventure 1 and 2? That's totally new news to me. I've never heard that from anyone before. I personally love both, especially Sonic Adventure 2.

Many people have hated the 3D sonic games, and SA1 and 2 were the advent of Sonic's endeavors in the third dimension.

As a kid I loved me those games, but have you heard SA1's dialogue recently? It's hilariously awful. :tomatoface:

Many people have hated the 3D sonic games, and SA1 and 2 were the advent of Sonic's endeavors in the third dimension.

As a kid I loved me those games, but have you heard SA1's dialogue recently? It's hilariously awful. :tomatoface:

Well I'm more referring to the soundtrack, but I understand. 3D Sonic games I honestly don't think got bad up until around Sonic Heroes. Even Sonic Heroes wasn't too bad. It was by the Shadow the Hedgehog game that they blew it.

But uh, yeah, the cutscenes in Sonic Adventure are uh... yeah.

Other M had music?

Oh come on. Most of it was ambient but there were some cool tracks in there that were... actually music... ha


Here I come / Rougher than the rest of them

The best of them / Tougher than leather You can call me Knuckles / Unlike Sonic, I don't chuckle

I'd rather flex my mucsles

I think it's more than enough :3 that tune's a guilty pleasure of mine :3

Here I come / Rougher than the rest of them

The best of them / Tougher than leather You can call me Knuckles / Unlike Sonic, I don't chuckle

I'd rather flex my mucsles

I think it's more than enough :3 that tune's a guilty pleasure of mine :3

I love all the Knuckles raps, don't care what anyone says. Kick the Rock is my ringtone on my phone :P


I don't remember where or when, but sometime a ways back I read someone post that they hated the "Lowtown" theme from FFXII so much, that they didn't even like entering that area because they wanted to avoid the music. I thought that was funny, because I personally didn't really love the soundtrack, nor did I find any of the music all that memorable, EXCEPT for the Lowtown theme. Nice beat and rhythms, nice chord progression on that second part, I just really liked it. My phone has limited space on it for music but that was one track I had on it for a long while.

My opinion is that SA2 version is better. But tastes differ.

The Knuckles stuff on SA2 was way cooler. Holy crap that brings back a lot of nostalgia and memories...

The lyrics from the SA1 Knuckles theme were retarded but my GAWD that drum track. The drummer and bassist for that track were just stellar. You know in 1998 that Sonic Team ain't messing around when they record theme songs in a real deal studio with professional studio musicians. I remember my professional-session-drummer-dad (haha) walking in hearing that theme and being like "man, who drummed on this?"

The SA2 Knuckles theme I think makes a bit more sense, though. But the rapper in SA2 sounds absolutely nothing like Knuckles hahaha

It's actually pretty sweet how well rap background music worked into the game. Just vocal songs at that, considering "Escape from the City," which was a really silly song but nevertheless a fitting one that I enjoyed. Hahaha

"Kick the Rock" is definitely one of my favorites of those rap songs, though. That one and "Space Trip Steps." Space Trip Steps is soooo video-gamey and yet sooo late 90s.


SEGA Genesis music.

I know there are a decent number of fans here on OCR, but the nature of the Genesis sound chip always seems to rub a rather vocal portion of haters out there, the wrong way. It gets compared to the SNES' midi synths, and then lambasted for "not sounding like anything." It's kind of strange in a way. In this age where electronic, synth-laden music is so popular, you'd think a lot more people would be open to the synth sounds the Genesis sound chip pumps out. But I guess not.

SEGA Genesis music.

I know there are a decent number of fans here on OCR, but the nature of the Genesis sound chip always seems to rub a rather vocal portion of haters out there, the wrong way. It gets compared to the SNES' midi synths, and then lambasted for "not sounding like anything." It's kind of strange in a way. In this age where electronic, synth-laden music is so popular, you'd think a lot more people would be open to the synth sounds the Genesis sound chip pumps out. But I guess not.

There is a lot of popular music now that people claim sounds like "Sonic," aka the Genesis sound (Sonic just represented it, basically).

Honestly, I think it's more of just super biased retro gamers. There's nothing wrong with the sound of the Genesis; it sounded far sexier than the SNES and its more "realistic" sounds. SNES's bass and drum sounds were far too soft. Genesis actually sounded hard and really cool and sexy and stuff. Most musicians I know that also have an appreciation for games or once played games usually prefer Genesis over SNES when it comes to the sound. I think it's just stupid biased retro gamers being stupid biased retro gamers, or just what they grew up with.

Honestly, I think it's more of just super biased retro gamers.

I do think the console wars play a part. Another part of it is a glut of titles where sound designers didn't put in the work required to make a 2612 synth sing beautifully, and let's face it, it did take a lot of work. I don't think it's a coincidence the few really good Genesis soundtracks using the GEMS tools came from Tommy Tallarico. Interesting thing is, laziness abounded in the music of both consoles, but I'm sure folks would prefer too many tunes sounding like "Roland Sound Canvas MIDI" than too many tunes offering so-called "ear rape".

Anyway, my pick is easy: Marvel vs. Capcom 2, which by chance I enjoyed again this morning. I said it before: folks complained it didn't 'fit' at all, but the whole game is a lark, a big fat fighting carnival. It's completely appropriate.

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