Ferret Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 Have I posted this in this thread already? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/CrowningMoment/VideoGameBosses?from=Main.BestBossEver There's some links to music (lol youtube) that may be inspirational enough, and if not maybe peoples' boss picks... Hey, look, over there! *flee*
leepmeister Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 I registered on the KNGI forum... do people get approved to see hidden threads? Also, what is our procedure for posting WIPs?
The Joker Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 Yeah, me or pu will make it so that you can see the forum.
D-Lux Posted June 19, 2009 Posted June 19, 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kscWc5IoWrw This video was posted back on the first page, and I'd like for it to be seen again. I'd be happy to pair up with a remixer and do the vocals for this track (see my remixes on OCR for examples). It'd be hella fun.
Abadoss Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 I was going to do the vocals on that, but the guy working on the music disappeared...
Demonstray Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kscWc5IoWrwThis video was posted back on the first page, and I'd like for it to be seen again. I'd be happy to pair up with a remixer and do the vocals for this track (see my remixes on OCR for examples). It'd be hella fun. I was going to do the vocals on that, but the guy working on the music disappeared... I always thought a metal remix of that would be totally awesome. With all clean vocals, and maybe subtleties of screams in there. Of course, I'd better finish my OWN track before I start fantasizing about sweet ideas.
The Joker Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 A metal version of Mighty Poo!!! That would be killer! Dude, since Demons doing a mix already, it'd be cool to get someone else to do this with. You should contact a few people,see if they wanna collab with ya, Abadoss.
Abadoss Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 I was actually a bit thankful not to have to go through with it. I thought the lyrics were hillarious for being in the game, but, outside of the game, I'm not a big fan of them. Call me old fashioned... that and there were few places I could record it without being concerned about offending people that might be going by...
The Joker Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 In that case, I'm putting out a want ad. Along the lines of, Hard Rock/Metal version of "Great Mighty Poo"!
D-Lux Posted June 20, 2009 Posted June 20, 2009 Abadoss has stepped down, but I'm still available for vocals.
The Joker Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 So, wassup my fellow badasses? Thought I'd bump us up a little bit, get us back in the peoples minds. Also, there have been some developments,. RoeTaKa has given us a pretty much completed track, just needs some tender love & care.
Dj Mokram Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 My gear is almost up, so I'll be starting up again on the Nemesis theme from Biohazard3. Expect something later this month...something badass! Edit: I've got like 25% of the song done. So next month seems definitely more realistic in fact.
The Joker Posted July 19, 2009 Posted July 19, 2009 Not much to really announce publicly. Though, the bump is appreciated.
Pavos Posted July 20, 2009 Posted July 20, 2009 Progress is being made little by little... but now is the time to work on your mixes guys (vacation and all). Yea yea that includes me too
Platinum Azure Posted August 1, 2009 Posted August 1, 2009 How did I not see this sooner!? Okay, so I don't really have a remixing setup that's 100% solid yet, meaning I'm not sure when I'll be able to contribute, but I will say this... I would LOVE to see a remix of some of the "boss"-ish tracks from the ORIGINAL Super Smash Bros.; Those tracks were vastly underappreciated, since for whatever reason Nintendo/HAL went mostly towards epic orchestral(-ish) in Melee and Brawl. Some links: (Metal Mario) (Polygon Team) (Master Hand)I'd love to contribute to a rocking rendition of any of these. I play bass, though it's anybody's guess whether it'll be of a decent quality or not. Oh, idea. Would anyone be up for trying to take the Master Hand theme and adding original lyrics to it? I had some ideas in my head earlier, but nothing's sticking together. I just want to get this out there so that I've committed the idea to "paper" (work with me here) and hopefully won't forget. Feel free to PM me with any thoughts, unless it's along the lines of directly contributing to these ideas. I don't want this thread flooded with fruitless discussion along these lines Oh, and before I forget: Props to The Joker and whoever your predecessor was for conceiving of this idea; it's absolutely brilliant. I hope this succeeds!
The Joker Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 So, update. For the next couple of weeks, I'm gonna have less & less time to do stuff. So,if you need to get in touch with someone about the project, send me & pu-freak a pm or whatever. Just to make sure we get back to you in time.
Pavos Posted August 2, 2009 Posted August 2, 2009 I'll still have time enough the following weeks, so just send a PM and I'll get back to whoever has a question or anything
The Joker Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 So... I've been back on the horse, riding hard (wait... that's sounds wrong)! Anyway, I've been contacting the guys on the project, & have yet to hear back from some of you. I need an status update on tracks, & need some sort of word. So far the guys I need an update of are: Demonstray JMR Leepmeister I just need some sort of progress report soon. Send it to either me, or pu_freak. Also, we could use a few more mixers & track! So, yeah, jump in 'dis MuggerFogger!
Rozovian Posted September 1, 2009 Posted September 1, 2009 Well, I just updated mine. btw you can take Tensei off my track. Too many other mixes and/or too much real life, that guy. Oh and leepmeister... I need an update from you too, for your sd3 track. PM me.
Regal Posted September 1, 2009 Posted September 1, 2009 I've got a suggestion for one. One thats under-rated and has a lot of potential. and is from a Well-known boss we all love and hate(REALLY hate.) Ultros. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXDlmxV2Vw8 Seriously. Muscleheads? Hate'em!
Sindra Posted September 2, 2009 Posted September 2, 2009 I stilL assert that "Illusionary Dance" from Castlevania as Dracula's Theme would be awesome to add to this project. It's been his theme in no less than 4 Castlevania games thus far.
Pavos Posted September 2, 2009 Posted September 2, 2009 I still assert that more remixers would be awesome to add to this project. I completely agree
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