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CALLOUT: Double Dragon arrangements! (Feb. 15th deadline for instant OCR mixposts!)

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Well that was fast :o Shnabubula always kills it!

I have a pretty rad arrangement idea for a couple of tracks from DD1. Would love to get in on this too if I have time in the next few weeks! Even though I haven't submitted any mixes to OCR before.

Do we just submit our tracks the usual way, and you'll prioritize ones from DD games?


What about Battletoads and Double Dragon? :o 

You say Double Dragon has 8 mixes on the site... so why DD in particular, I am just curious.. there's no mixes of Ni No Kuni, Remember Me, E.G.G., ObsCure, just off the top of my head.. how many Mickey Mousecapades mixes are on the site? Even Batman has 4 mixes.. is DD twice as deserving of more mixes? :lol:

Like I know I was critical of the butting the line thing, cause there's lots of stuff in the inbox, but I am JUST CURIOUS, this ain't no butthurt line of questioning. If I am somehow able to finish my move and record something by the deadline I'll surely send it in. 

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture? 

And yes I edited my post because I misspelled a game title not once, not twice, but 2 times

edit again: going for a fourth time... my gosh american public school system

53 minutes ago, Brandon Strader said:

What about Battletoads and Double Dragon? :o 

You say Double Dragon has 8 mixes on the site... so why DD in particular, I am just curious.. there's no mixes of Ni No Kuni, Remember Me, E.G.G., ObsCure, just off the top of my head.. how many Mickey Mousecapades mixes are on the site? Even Batman has 4 mixes.. is DD twice as deserving of more mixes? :lol:

Like I know I was critical of the butting the line thing, cause there's lots of stuff in the inbox, but I am JUST CURIOUS, this ain't no butthurt line of questioning. If I am somehow able to finish my move and record something by the deadline I'll surely send it in. 

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture? 

And yes I edited my post because I misspelled a game title not once, not twice, but 2 times

edit again: going for a fourth time... my gosh american public school system

Battletoads & Double Dragon counts, that's why it shows in the linked search and I linked the OST in the list of music from the series.

And Double Dragon deserves a billion times more mixes than the Batman series. :-)

All those other games you listed aren't large series. We can certainly do single game callouts, but series allows some broader soundtrack choices.

1 hour ago, Brandon Strader said:

What about Battletoads and Double Dragon? :o 

You say Double Dragon has 8 mixes on the site... so why DD in particular, I am just curious.. there's no mixes of Ni No Kuni, Remember Me, E.G.G., ObsCure, just off the top of my head.. how many Mickey Mousecapades mixes are on the site? Even Batman has 4 mixes.. is DD twice as deserving of more mixes? :lol:

Like I know I was critical of the butting the line thing, cause there's lots of stuff in the inbox, but I am JUST CURIOUS, this ain't no butthurt line of questioning. If I am somehow able to finish my move and record something by the deadline I'll surely send it in. 


fyi, I did just finish a Remember Me ReMix, so just for you, I'll submit it soon. :)

1 hour ago, Brandon Strader said:

You say Double Dragon has 8 mixes on the site... so why DD in particular, I am just curious.. there's no mixes of Ni No Kuni, Remember Me, E.G.G., ObsCure, just off the top of my head.. how many Mickey Mousecapades mixes are on the site? Even Batman has 4 mixes.. is DD twice as deserving of more mixes? :lol:

I'm probably ignorant but I haven't heard of a single one of your examples XD

Why Double Dragon? I was looking it up and noticed it had a lack of remixes. I actually didn't expect THIS to happen when I mentioned it in staff, but imo, its a landmark title in video game history with some insane music that deserves more remixes than it currently has on OCR, and apparently, the staff agreed with me :)

Sure, there are other games that have a sad lack of remixes (Pokemon was completely unrepresented when I joined OCR, something I thought was awful) but yeah, maybe this can be a thing that happens every now and then just to give some of those under remixed games some love? 


I can't remix for shit, but I'd like to post a link to the official live-recorded soundtrack for Double Dragon 2.  It's very cheesy, but some of the tracks are really brilliant and go farther than they did on consoles and the arcade.  "Advancing Towards Sunset" is a good example.   I would love to see what some of you could do with this, and anyway I am super-excited that OCR is finally trying to give the give the DD series some respect.



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