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Welcome to new judges, Big Giant Circles and pixietricks!

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I hope you're a lot better judge than a remixer. FLMC3 was omgwtflol. I don't have doubts about Pixietricks since she's a classical trained musician. Then again, I don't go to the WIP forum anymore and rarely listen to any new mixes (I'm sure FLMC 3 was supposed to be a joke or something, right??)

Actually I'm curious as to how the 11 people were selected. Do the judges contact the people that seem like good candidates, or do people who want to be judges PM the panel?

Regardless, I don't think I'd be a good edition for the following reasons (although I asked DJP for the position a few years ago):

1) I don't like the people running this site (or most of the other users even).

2) I'm not that interested in videogame music anymore.

3) My reviews/critiques tend to be unusually harsh, unpredictable, and different from most other peoples'.

4) I don't have nearly enough free time as what's required to go through every submission on time.

5) I don't think I could keep my sanity for very long listening to that much amateur (mostly n00b sounding or completely sh*tty) music.

Besides I'm sure no one cares what I think about judging, or the panel, or the new members. Quite frankly, I'm not really that interested anymore since I don't have the time or interest to download every new mix here. I have some vague plans to start submitting mixes here again, so it would be in my best interest to know everyone's judging style (the same thing for every other remixer here).

Beautiful tirade. Really. Self-important, tangential...only remotely on-topic at all. Next time I care to know why GLL thinks he wouldnt be a good judge, I'll subscribe to his newsletter.

well thought-out zing!

hm doesn't really roll off the tongue does it


I hope you're a lot better judge than a remixer. FLMC3 was omgwtflol. I don't have doubts about Pixietricks since she's a classical trained musician. Then again, I don't go to the WIP forum anymore and rarely listen to any new mixes (I'm sure FLMC 3 was supposed to be a joke or something, right??)

Actually I'm curious as to how the 11 people were selected. Do the judges contact the people that seem like good candidates, or do people who want to be judges PM the panel?

Regardless, I don't think I'd be a good edition for the following reasons (although I asked DJP for the position a few years ago):

1) I don't like the people running this site (or most of the other users even).

2) I'm not that interested in videogame music anymore.

3) My reviews/critiques tend to be unusually harsh, unpredictable, and different from most other peoples'.

4) I don't have nearly enough free time as what's required to go through every submission on time.

5) I don't think I could keep my sanity for very long listening to that much amateur (mostly n00b sounding or completely sh*tty) music.

Besides I'm sure no one cares what I think about judging, or the panel, or the new members. Quite frankly, I'm not really that interested anymore since I don't have the time or interest to download every new mix here. I have some vague plans to start submitting mixes here again, so it would be in my best interest to know everyone's judging style (the same thing for every other remixer here).

Beautiful tirade. Really. Self-important, tangential...only remotely on-topic at all. Next time I care to know why GLL thinks he wouldnt be a good judge, I'll subscribe to his newsletter.

You can stop PMSing now, they have a real female on the board. Guess you can also return that pink dress.


I hope you're a lot better judge than a remixer. FLMC3 was omgwtflol. I don't have doubts about Pixietricks since she's a classical trained musician. Then again, I don't go to the WIP forum anymore and rarely listen to any new mixes (I'm sure FLMC 3 was supposed to be a joke or something, right??)

Actually I'm curious as to how the 11 people were selected. Do the judges contact the people that seem like good candidates, or do people who want to be judges PM the panel?

Regardless, I don't think I'd be a good edition for the following reasons (although I asked DJP for the position a few years ago):

1) I don't like the people running this site (or most of the other users even).

2) I'm not that interested in videogame music anymore.

3) My reviews/critiques tend to be unusually harsh, unpredictable, and different from most other peoples'.

4) I don't have nearly enough free time as what's required to go through every submission on time.

5) I don't think I could keep my sanity for very long listening to that much amateur (mostly n00b sounding or completely sh*tty) music.

Besides I'm sure no one cares what I think about judging, or the panel, or the new members. Quite frankly, I'm not really that interested anymore since I don't have the time or interest to download every new mix here. I have some vague plans to start submitting mixes here again, so it would be in my best interest to know everyone's judging style (the same thing for every other remixer here).

Beautiful tirade. Really. Self-important, tangential...only remotely on-topic at all. Next time I care to know why GLL thinks he wouldnt be a good judge, I'll subscribe to his newsletter.

You can stop PMSing now, they have a real female on the board. Guess you can also return that pink dress.

lol, self-justification.


I hope you're a lot better judge than a remixer. FLMC3 was omgwtflol. I don't have doubts about Pixietricks since she's a classical trained musician. Then again, I don't go to the WIP forum anymore and rarely listen to any new mixes (I'm sure FLMC 3 was supposed to be a joke or something, right??)

Actually I'm curious as to how the 11 people were selected. Do the judges contact the people that seem like good candidates, or do people who want to be judges PM the panel?

Regardless, I don't think I'd be a good edition for the following reasons (although I asked DJP for the position a few years ago):

1) I don't like the people running this site (or most of the other users even).

2) I'm not that interested in videogame music anymore.

3) My reviews/critiques tend to be unusually harsh, unpredictable, and different from most other peoples'.

4) I don't have nearly enough free time as what's required to go through every submission on time.

5) I don't think I could keep my sanity for very long listening to that much amateur (mostly n00b sounding or completely sh*tty) music.

Besides I'm sure no one cares what I think about judging, or the panel, or the new members. Quite frankly, I'm not really that interested anymore since I don't have the time or interest to download every new mix here. I have some vague plans to start submitting mixes here again, so it would be in my best interest to know everyone's judging style (the same thing for every other remixer here).

Beautiful tirade. Really. Self-important, tangential...only remotely on-topic at all. Next time I care to know why GLL thinks he wouldnt be a good judge, I'll subscribe to his newsletter.

You can stop PMSing now, they have a real female on the board. Guess you can also return that pink dress.



I hope you're a lot better judge than a remixer. FLMC3 was omgwtflol. I don't have doubts about Pixietricks since she's a classical trained musician. Then again, I don't go to the WIP forum anymore and rarely listen to any new mixes (I'm sure FLMC 3 was supposed to be a joke or something, right??)

Actually I'm curious as to how the 11 people were selected. Do the judges contact the people that seem like good candidates, or do people who want to be judges PM the panel?

Regardless, I don't think I'd be a good edition for the following reasons (although I asked DJP for the position a few years ago):

1) I don't like the people running this site (or most of the other users even).

2) I'm not that interested in videogame music anymore.

3) My reviews/critiques tend to be unusually harsh, unpredictable, and different from most other peoples'.

4) I don't have nearly enough free time as what's required to go through every submission on time.

5) I don't think I could keep my sanity for very long listening to that much amateur (mostly n00b sounding or completely sh*tty) music.

Besides I'm sure no one cares what I think about judging, or the panel, or the new members. Quite frankly, I'm not really that interested anymore since I don't have the time or interest to download every new mix here. I have some vague plans to start submitting mixes here again, so it would be in my best interest to know everyone's judging style (the same thing for every other remixer here).

Beautiful tirade. Really. Self-important, tangential...only remotely on-topic at all. Next time I care to know why GLL thinks he wouldnt be a good judge, I'll subscribe to his newsletter.

You can stop PMSing now, they have a real female on the board. Guess you can also return that pink dress.


They moved. Don't know where to, but they moved.

Congrats Jill and Bgc. Oh, and perhaps things with BGC and GLL could be resolved with a bit of friendly competition in FLMC4. Would you submit to something like that BGC/GLL?

I'm not sure what I have to resolve with GLL. Although, he apparantly doesn't like my music, but it doesn't cause me any inner anguish, so I'm totally cool with it.

Besides. I obviously sUx0rz at teh fr00ti l00pz

Congrats Jill and Bgc. Oh, and perhaps things with BGC and GLL could be resolved with a bit of friendly competition in FLMC4. Would you submit to something like that BGC/GLL?

I'm not sure what I have to resolve with GLL. Although, he apparantly doesn't like my music, but it doesn't cause me any inner anguish, so I'm totally cool with it.

Besides. I obviously sUx0rz at teh fr00ti l00pz

I smell a passive aggressive collab.

Seriously, when people doubt one anotehr's music making quality, they should do a collab.


Just saying...


ya know... Or take things more lightly...

Congrats Jill and Bgc. Oh, and perhaps things with BGC and GLL could be resolved with a bit of friendly competition in FLMC4. Would you submit to something like that BGC/GLL?

I'm not sure what I have to resolve with GLL. Although, he apparantly doesn't like my music, but it doesn't cause me any inner anguish, so I'm totally cool with it.

Besides. I obviously sUx0rz at teh fr00ti l00pz

I smell a passive aggressive collab.

Seriously, when people doubt one anotehr's music making quality, they should do a collab.


Just saying...


ya know... Or take things more lightly...

Actually, that's a pretty good idea. LOL. Up for it GLL/BGC?

Frankly, I'm sold: I'm firing the panel and abdicating all mix selection responsibilities to GLL. He not only knows how to "make electronica sound good", but he's formed a cogent argument here that I consider unassailable.

This has to be the wittiest thing I've read all day. I know I haven't been getting along well with DJP lately, but he's beginning to grow on me once again.

I'm not quite sure how to respond to this. Even if this is completely sarcastic (which it most probably is), I'm still flattered that someone is paying attention to me. If you're being serious, I have to admit, I don't feel ready for such great responsibility. If I were getting salary that would be different, but I otherwise I don't have nearly enough free time to get anything done.


I'm not really sure how my "tirade" that had so little to do with this topic got so much attention. I would like to think it had to do with my main point of the judge selection process.

I'm really amazed at the decisions being made on this site since I started paying attention to what is going on. It's true, I don't like BGC's music, and it is also true that I would consider myself a qualified judge candidate based on what I deem to be high quality standards; and based on my experience.

It's always difficult to talk about yourself on a public forum without sounding "self-important". I try at least (I seem to fail often though) to respect others, even if I disagree or don't like them. However, I would always rather be honest rather than butter people up or go along with what other people think.

My point is really that I don't feel the judge selection process is fair to the users of this website. By users I mean people that download and listen to remixes from here and also people that frequent the forums (I don't mean the people on the judge panel; I respect the hard work they do to keep this place thriving).

I am aware that DJP runs this site, that he maintains it and pays whatever expenses can't be covered by advertisements. However, due to the amount of traffic this site gets, I believe that DJP and other people maintaining this site have a responsibility toward its users and listeners. What started as an idea has grown to a thriving community with thousands of forum-goers, and millions of listeners.

There was a time when I myself would download each and every remix from the games I played growing up. I would bask in the nostalgia, and feel giddy with excitement when I heard one of my favorite tunes re-arranged and produced in a styel that I enjoyed. I owe it all to DJP for organizing this idea and making it possible, for all the hard work he did so that other people could realize their own dreams.

My biggest concern is for the future of this site. I have been visiting here since its early stages, and fear that over time, DJP my lose sight of why this site exists. I feel that it is important that the site's users have a say in this site's future, because without its users, this site won't have a future.

For starters I would suggest is that there be another way ordinary users be involved in the judge selection process. I think a reviewing competition would be entirely appropriate and extensive. I see a huge problem with hand selecting people in that the best candidates for judges (I'm not talking about myself) may not be extremely active on the site. When there are people with over 15,000 posts to their name, it is extremely easy to overlook people. I think the fact that BGC was nominated is an example of this flawed process (I'm not talking about whether or not I think he's qualified); hardly anyone knows who he is. For that reason I'm amazed how the judge panel even knew about him well enough to select him, if not for his remixes on the site.

I apologize if this post sounds self-important and apologize also if it's too long to read. Let it be known that I truly care about the future of OC Remix.

On another note:

I think maybe BGC and me should do a collab! :lol:


OCR is OCR. Pretzel is our ruler and tyrant, the judges his cohorts and the mods their minions of dismay. It has been and will be. Dust to dust.


A lot of sites handle it different ways. This site attempts to prune through crap and select the best, an imperfect science/art at best. It's tough and there's no way for it to be 100% objective.

Other sites allow all songs, so you're mired in mediocrity, struggling to find those rare gems. I like this approach, but it has other drawbacks(bandwidth, organization, etc...)

It's an old debate. Fortunately, there are many choices out there. Do what I do. Visit them all. No site is perfect.

Also, appreciate that these are free. Man, that just doesn't get enough credit today.

I see a huge problem with hand selecting people in that the best candidates for judges (I'm not talking about myself) may not be extremely active on the site. When there are people with over 15,000 posts to their name, it is extremely easy to overlook people. I think the fact that BGC was nominated is an example of this flawed process (I'm not talking about whether or not I think he's qualified); hardly anyone knows who he is. For that reason I'm amazed how the judge panel even knew about him well enough to select him, if not for his remixes on the site.


While I suppose I can understand your first argument, I don't see much problem with the candidates being hand-picked. If somebody is "not extremely active" in the community, why would they be selected? Obviously there is a heavy workload imposed upon the judges, so why should those who are partially inactive be selected? From what I've observed, those who have their hands in shaping the community become possibilities for judges.

Pixietricks, for example, has done and continues to do much for OCR. It is of no surprise to me that she is a judge, because she's clearly demonstrated that she is both a worthy and wise choice for the job.

I'm not entirely sure what post counts have to do with this argument, and your example of BGC seems rather contradictory. The selection method of judges is flawed because they may too readily pick a better-known name over one who is more worthy of the title, but happens to remain in the shadows; and yet, BGC is an example of this flawed system, because nobody knew who he was?

I'm afraid I really don't follow you here. I think the selection of BGC as a judge very clearly disperses the accusations of bias in judge selections, as he was selected without being a well-known ReMixer.

And personally, I love both Pixie's and BGC's stuff.


Here's how the selection process works.

1) The Judges identify people in the community, such as remixers or frequent reviewers, that they feel have enough talent or knowledge to be a Judge.

2) The Judges debate with each other on the viability of various persons joining the panel. How would he/she judge remixes, can we interact with him/her, is he/she articulate, is he/she friendly or helpful in other areas of the site, and most importantly does he/she understand our site's standards?

3) After preliminary discussions based on our own interactions (past and present) with the various individuals, the Judges select a group that they feel should be tested, in order to help us answer the preceding questions better. These candidates are then asked if they are interested in joining.

4) Candidates are (very) informally interviewed on a range of topics, including community interaction, musical preferences, etc.

5) Candidates are sent a test batch of remixes of varying degrees of quality in terms of arrangement and production. The candidates judge these remixes as if they were already members of the panel, and then send their writeups to us.

6) The Judges review these test-batch decisions, discuss candidates, and vote on who they would like to join the panel.

7) The selected candidates are formally invited to join the Judges Panel.

That is a general overview of how the Judge selection process works. We don't include the community in our decisions, really. The Judges Panel is a varied enough fellowship to ensure that different kinds of people are selected and considered. Nominations in the inital stages are constantly shot down.

Viable candidates are not overlooked. If they were overlooked, they wouldn't be viable to begin with. One of our criteria to become a judge is that you stand out to us in some way from the crowd, be it through your music, your knowledge, or your community involvement.

With the way our process works right now, we're never going to pick an unknown, dark horse forum-goer who happened to join a reviewing competition and win it, because we don't know this person and how we would interact with him/her, and we don't know what kind of person they really are aside from what they've written in a review competition. We've been burned by this kind of thing before.

Publically campaigning for a spot on the Judges Panel is the best way to never earn a seat. The best way to become a judge is to let your musical skillset, or your passion for the site, speak for itself.

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