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I keep forgetting: how long was the OST for the first 7 mainstream Pokemon games? (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal)

You forgot Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, and Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Last I heard, they were considered "mainstream" games (by which I think you mean "main series").

To answer you question, if you remove the remakes and their music, but include music made exclusively for the third versions (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald and Platinum), we get roughly 415 songs. Now, we could cut that down a bit by removing some songs that carry the same melody (like the Gym Leader theme that is used across the series) and the various chimes and event tunes (barely even six notes, if that), we still get well over 350 songs.

Now, as much as I like to do the entire series to date, I thin that would be a never-ending task, and I think the talent drain is bad enough. Besides, we have a nice sampling of each generation, and I think it works.

Maybe in the future, if this album is popular enough... a sequel album? "The Missingno Tracks: Special Pikablu Edition"?

If you ask me, cashing on hype doesn't justify anything unless you're perfecting the product in the meantime.

What exactly do you mean by "perfecting the product"?

We are taking music from GameBoy, GameBoy Advance and DS games, and redoing them into vocals pieces, piano solos, psychedelic mindtrips, and punk/ska rock-outs, using everything from saxophones to DragonAvenger's voice. If that meets your definition of "perfecting", then there you go.

As for the idea of cashing in, a new game always gets the fan community excited. This way, we get more attention, which means more downloads and torrent use, which means more people listen to the music we put all this effort and time into.

Besides, it's not like we're aiming for the exact same day. I would love to get at least two to four weeks before. If they both came out on the same day, everyone would be busy playing the game to even bother with this album. We'd put it out and no one would bother looking it up. That would make us a bunch of sad pandas.


I knew before you said it that Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum were the main series. I just didn't mention them because nowhere in the first post (that I've seen) does it say this project is covering those subsequent 6 games.

As for "perfecting the product"...Sorry. I've spent so much time debugging programs that I think everything has to be obsessively "debugged". I got carried away with my overperfectionistic thought patterns that I feared for this project.

  • 1 month later...
I wanted March 1st... but that got shot down by the powers that be.

April 1st? Haa haa, no. Maybe April 15th, but from what I was told, it's more likely to be May 1st than anything else.

You can go look up your mudkips elsewhere on your own.

They've just scheduled Heart Gold and Soul Silver for March 14 (aka Pi Day). If The MissingNo Tracks is to be released in April or May, I hope the hype on HG/SS will recede before then!

  • 2 weeks later...

March 14th release in the States?


I would, but DJP was all "nah brah, that's when someother project comes out," and I was all "Weeeeell, cockfuck. There goes that plan" and then he was all "dude, chillax, it will happen, and stuff. You want to hit this" and I was all "dude, I'm muslim, we can't do that," and then he was all "you're muslim?" and I said "no, not really, I just like to see how people react to that," and then he was all "whatever, man" and I was all "whatever" and then we were all like "whatever.

True story.

Mostly, there are only three or so remixes left. One with DragonAvenger who had computer problems, and a couple of remixes that just popped up.

You want a listen-too, LT? I can hook you up.

Is the tracklist on the first post up to date? Because if it is, I've heard of waaaaay more than 3 remixes that are still being worked on :-P

They were too awesome for this project. Those will be saved for Missingno Tracks Special Edition, coming out later this year. It has a different cover and a few extraa songs for only a few hundred bucks extra!


March 14th release in the States?


Ha, I remember when once upon a time the race was to finish the project before Diamond/Pearl hit stateside. Damned felt that the album would face a huge setback since everyone working on it would, as true Poke'mon fans, switch gears to the new game.

And here we are almost three years later. I cannot wait to hear the final product.


OK, so there's a bit of an issue with artwork at this point.

Basically, we have had several different artists come in at different points, and they all did some nice work... but their individual styles and skill levels aren't matching well.

I've also noticed that we don't really have a coherent overall style or subject. It's mostly different little clips of artwork scattered all over the place. I believe the issue with that is that we (and certainly myself, of course) were in what I like to call "OK, that's awesome and let's do it now and not look back" mode.

So for now, I've locked the project board's artwork thread, and will be reconsidering the entire direction of the album's artwork.

It might be a few days before there's any real decision made.

I'd like to thank our artists for the work they have done so far. It's not your fault per se, so much is it is a lack of managing it better on my part.

  • 1 month later...

Just listened to Champion's Horizon on OCAD, and it was absolutely beyond awesome. I remember the first time I surfed to Route 27 and heard that theme. That, and finding out that I was in Kanto (that's right, fucking Kanto from RBY) gave me an experience that was close to an orgasm, and the remix absolutely portrayed the feeling I had when I went into Kanto in Silver. Awesome work, Willrock. Can't wait for this song along with the others on the album.

  • 3 weeks later...
Just listened to Champion's Horizon on OCAD, and it was absolutely beyond awesome. I remember the first time I surfed to Route 27 and heard that theme. That, and finding out that I was in Kanto (that's right, fucking Kanto from RBY) gave me an experience that was close to an orgasm, and the remix absolutely portrayed the feeling I had when I went into Kanto in Silver. Awesome work, Willrock. Can't wait for this song along with the others on the album.

Agreed. It sounded pretty freakin' sweet.

  • 4 weeks later...


So you're having art woes eh?

I know plenty of really good artists that might be able to pitch in. I know that other OCR album art usually have a single artist making them so as to be consistant.

I can't say much for my art myself, and I'm not sure it would be up to snuff, but I have connections. If you think you could use a different artist to work on it, let me know, I can find someone.

No offense to the rest of the artist. Heck, I haven't even seen the existing art in question, but I can tell ya that art consistancy is pretty important when it comes to presentation, and if you have a lot of artists working on one project, well, it can sometimes look sloppy, no matter how good the individual art looks.

Just my two cents. :P


Listened to the preview in the first post, hoping to hear the R/B Rival theme (one of my fav tracks) and it was there. And I loved it. So now I really can't wait for this... ^_^ Even though I've been waiting 3 years already. :P

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