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Final Fantasy VI 'The Atomizer'

Whatever Mustin was on, i want some of it. This three-car pile-up

of movie clips, guitar shredding, and saxophone seduction is

probably the single most bizzare thing we've heard out of Mustin.

Check out the Haunted Hell (IncuCujoKonda D. Bros Mix) for more

Mustin weirdness. Very cool.


This remix embodies Mustin, and I say that because it's creative in the extreme. I garuntee that on your first listen you will be going, "I loved Atma Weapon! WTF did he do to it???" But give it time to grow on you, and you'll realize that it's probably in the top FF remixes on this site.

  • 3 weeks later...

I can remember the first time that I listened to this at my friends house (he had downloaded it earlier that week and I hadn't had a chance since I was still using silly dial-up) when he played it for me I went crazy, at that point it was our favorite on OCR. The voice samples really made the song for me though, although that's probably the same for everyone.

  • 3 weeks later...

Damn. this remix is hella tight... first time i listened to it, it freaked me out... then relistening to it, it brings out the pristene struggle of the battle on the floating contienent... i remember the first time i played ff6... and this song describes that PERFECTLY! 5 stars. :D Good job, Mustin

  • 1 month later...

I used to complain (well sorta) that there weren't enough weird or crazy remixes on this site. That complaint is no more thanks to this awesome mix by Mustin, who is quite frankly the man. Some nice remixage all around - I especially like the "Gave over man!" quote and all the Final Fantasy sounds near throughout the mix. Great Great job. Without a question, one of the best remixes on this site.

  • 3 weeks later...

You know, the Floating Continent was and crazy place to begin along with its theme song. then along came this piece. I had to listen to it again just to make sure I hadn't lost MY mind. All I can say is...WHOA! Who'd thought this would become one of my favs. (Who'd thought to mix this song from FFVI?) Nice job, Mustin!

  • 1 month later...

This...is scary. And freaky. And bizzare. And...uh, well, it's sonically insane.

Overall, I suppose I have to admit it's pretty cool, and the ending reminds me of the great difficulty I had the very first time I battled Atma Weapon.

Still... I don't think I could listen to this every day, lest I take mind-numbing medication beforehand.

  • 3 weeks later...

Excuse my constant posting, I'm new; I just want to review a few things that I've downloaded.

Halfhearted disclaimer aside, this is a hell of a piece, in the best way possible. It's got a cool stereo switch in the beginning, which then goes into a furious buildup, which comes to the original Atma Weapon fight music, complete with little bleeps and bloops from the menu selection in the background.

After the main theme is stated--I'm doing this from memory, so the sequence is probably wrong--comes my very favorite part. The guitar and sax solos. The guitar is awesome, but the saxophone is so great that I'd love to hear a full ReMix in the style.[/subtle hint]

The rest kinda falls out of my memory after that, but there are some cool sound samples used in bizarro ways. For instance, some Looney Tunes plays in the beginning.

Domukaz gives five out of five for being original, and for those few seconds of jazzy bliss.

  • 4 weeks later...

Listening to this reminded me very much of how It went the first time I fought the Atma Weapon.

I think that I am the only one who got what he did at the end. The person is defeated, and he says "Aw crap"

The "you died" music starts, and the guy gets up and turns off the game. Then he walks out muttering "Stupid game"

I'm pretty sure that Mustin just hid a microphone in my room for most of the track's inspiration.

I give it 999/1000, for truly replicating a day in my gaming life.

  • 5 weeks later...

There are 3 sets of words that came to my head when I first started to listening to this song. The first is "What the hell? " The second was "Insanity alert!" and the the third "Awesome! I love it!". Seriously though. I love the complete contradiction of everything about this song. Even if it is a little crazy...I almost never like songs like this. I especially love the ending....while I never personally died to Atma, I had to reset it a lot to get the damned ribbon. Lots of fun memories here. And a great laugh at the end.

  • 2 weeks later...

This is one of the best remixes I have heard on this site. I don't think the vocal bits are randomly placed at all. The first time I listened to it was late at night so I had it turned down a little in consideration of the child downstairs. When I first heard the manic yelling, I was like, what the-? Then the next day I popped it into my car player and was like, "HAHAHA!! That's Daffy Duck!!" And I could finally hear the whole piece as I would assume it's meant to be - LOUD.

This piece is clever and by all rights original. When you think it's over...ah! Someone sprinkles some Fenix Down and the battle continues!

4 Stars and a peace sign from the 'Shroom!

:twisted::twisted::twisted: There is one thing that disturbed me in this remix. The fact that... I CANT GET ENOUGH OF THAT YELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its so damn insane! PURE INSANITY! AND I FRICKIN CANT GET ENOUGH OF IT!!!!!

"that's it, man....game over, man, game over!!!"

Those words describe the entire piece right there. This work is in your face, backing off only to let you think you can breathe. Then it's right back to the slamming power Mustin puts into this remix.

Reminds me of the first time Atma kicked my butt up around my ears when I first played FF6. Intensity, patience, and a snarling beastie that outweighs most small buildings just waiting to eat you alive.

The sampling on this can be called simply sadistic, like you know you're fighting for your life, you're trying as hard as you can, and you know you're just going to be mincemeat anyway.

The contrast in segments, the timing of it all is superb. I'm going to hunt down more of this man's work!

-M.P. Reyart


This is one of the most brilliant remixes I have heard on this site.

The way the Kefka music pops up in the middle is amazing. The sound effects do a great job of capturing the intensity of the Atma battle. It just feels like you are sitting there playing the game. One of my favorites.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not used to hearing voices in music, so when the vocal excerpts popped out, so did my ears. I found it best not to listen to this expecting music, because it's really not music to me... not a song.... it's more of an aural experience. That being said, what an experience it is though.

I love the sax work. Live instruments make my day. And the intensity of the entire track is just insane. Very difficult to capture properly, but done here. Worth the listen... and one or two more after it just to get used to the thing so you can appreciate it.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The most funniest remix I have ever heard. I enjoyed the part where our frustrated video game player goes game over. Its just a insane mix. The problem is, what would happen if I played this to the rest of my dorm. :o

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Fantastic!!!! You kinda wonder what's going on in the beginning, but when the actual song picks up, it all fits and makes sense. A very judicious use of Kefka as well, leading to a great sound. It truly is game over. Man.

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