beneath the sea Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 I have been out of the anime thing for a few years but just finished Huruhi Suzimuya. It was really good and has resparked my interest. Can anyone recommend any newer series that are very serious, dramatic, sad or epic. Something cathartic to watch. I want to get attatched to the characters. Something really good, I don't have time to waist with a mediocre series. Thanks much in advance. Quote
Ninja-san Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Black Lagoons a great seris. Everything is done wonderfully form animation to characters Quote
Soma Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 I like Bleach though it's just DBZ with weapons, same for naruto (but it's ninjas). I enjoyed Prince of Tennis quite a bit, but it's somewhat an older series. Beck is one of the best modern anime's I've seen. It's about a Japanese rock band. Playing live shows, writing songs and still making time for school and girls. Characters are handled really well and the music is pretty amazing and filled with Engrish. One of the main guys lived in America for awhile so he sometimes uses broken English. I haven't been hooked onto many good anime's lately. Haruhi is frickin awesome though. Just doesn't seem like there's as much quality stuff coming out anymore. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Death Note. It's clever, and the main character is essentially the villain of the show. Very serious, a great show for all of us who enjoy our dark side. Quote
zircon Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, both seasons. Really good stuff. Quote
CH Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Ghost in the Shell Fate Stay/Night Kino no Tabi Black Lagoon Death Note Code Geass Magipoka Quote
Gimpypirate Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Black Lagoon (Intriguing stories but there's probably only 3 characters you really get attached to) Gungrave (By far one of the most excellent animes I've ever seen. Nearly all the characters really grew on me) And if you've got the stomach for it Elfen Lied (Graphic violence and nudity but it was actually a pretty decent show) I'd also recommend watching em all in the original Japanese dubs with English subtitles. English dubs tend to make me laugh at how unnatural the speech sounds. Quote
Triad Orion Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 I third Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Quote
Paradiso Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 If you haven't seen Death Note or like the previous poster mentioned a while back, the Black Lagoon series should spark your interest. Quote
beneath the sea Posted March 28, 2007 Author Posted March 28, 2007 Thanks much guys, getting me some black lagoon right now. Seems interesting. I'll check out Ghost in the Shell and Death Note also. Quote
OverCoat Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 If you want serious and epic you need not look any further than Monster, the story of a doctor who saves a very evil little kid. I'll also second that Black Lagoon recommendation. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Ghost in the Shell and Black Lagoon are great and 'serious' and all that, but they strike me more as pop-culture fancies of violence and cyberpunk to me. Still worth a watch though. If you want more anime in the same vein as Haruhi Suzumiya, you should check out Kanon 2006 made by Kyoto Animation and Air. Both are cutesier and less openly comedic as Haruhi, but they both have much more serious and dour dramatic aspects to them. I think some great under appreciated shows are Akagi and Black Jack. Akagi for the sheer fun of watching the main character 'defeat' his enemies with nothing more than sheer intellect and wile and Black Jack is a really well made medical thriller anime based around one of the oldest, 'serious' manga stories ever made. Quote
Specter Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Last Exile is pretty awesome, and Full Metal Panic is good too (not the weird "Fumofu" season though). Quote
The Mutericator Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Heh, despite the dozen or more different anime's I've seen, I can't help out here at all. I'm the kind of person who watches anime for the sole purpse of laughing or going "fuck yeah!" when something badass happens. (Read: Tenchi (all of it), Rune Soldier, Tales of Phantasia, Chobits, Read or Die, Ouran High School Host Club.) If that's what you're after, just ask. But this serious stuff... sorry, can't help. Quote
Paratha Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Serious business (in addition to GITS SAC and Death Note, both of which are good): Mushishi Ergo Proxy (haven't seen this though) Serial Experiments Lain Seriously serious business: Pugyuru Cromartie High School Though Haruhi is neither serious, dramatic, sad, nor epic... Quote
Beatdown Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 If you have an open mind I'd highly suggest One Piece. Not the absolutely shitty "translation" (LOL4KIDS), find it subbed or find the manga. It's probably the most...well creative anime's I've ever seen and if you can get past Oda's exaggerations and PCP-induced ideas the series itself is very much epic. It's probably not as serious as a lot of what's been previously mentioned, but you say "serious/epic" and "Haruhi" in the same sentence and I giggle slightly. Don't expect to finish it anytime soon though. I think they're up to episode 302 and approaching the halfway point of the series. Quote
MaxFrost Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 2nd on One piece, once again, don't touch the 4kids 'translation' sucks Also, Code Geass - fairly new series, very epic, just had a huge plot twist added. D-Grayman - oddball, humor, and overpowered main characters FTW! Prince of Tennis - sports anime in a DBZ type style...gotta love it. Black Lagoon - Cyberpunkish, pretty neat. Also, little bit older, but completed. Black Cat. Quote
about:blank Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 I second most of the recommendations here and would also like to recommend Texhnolyze. It was created by the same team who made Serial Experiments Lain, so if you're a fan of Lain, I'd definitely recommend Texhnolyze, and if you haven't seen either of them, you should check them both out. Also, I don't think it's been recommended yet, but you should check out Wolf's Rain, it can easily fall under the categories of dramatic, sad, serious, and epic. Also, if you're a fan of Yoko Kanno, she composes most of the OST, which is a definite plus. Quote
Hellcom Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Like overcoat said, if you want some serious anime look no further than the series “Monster”, its one of the best anime/manga series I have ever seen. It is a psychological thriller about a Japanese Doctor working as surgeon at hospital in Germany (The entire thing is set in (Germany/Czech Republic). After a series of events that lead him near to the end of his professional career and personal life, he saves a 10-year-old boy with a gunshot wound to his head against the orders of the Hospital Director. Afterwards the three highest doctors above him are killed via poison thus securing his professional career; in the chaos of the deaths the boy and his twin sister (being treated for shock) disappear. The rest of the story is set seven years later. What is great about this series it is relies on no special effect or visuals or fantasy settings, but purely on narrative and character development. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Wolf's Rain Paranoia Agent Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (at least the first season) Quote
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