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It's back from the dead and looking to consume us all.

Here you go:


Once again, pissing on my childhood. *Barf* By the way, isn't Chun Li supposed to be a hot asian girl, not some blonde American white girl? And when are we going to start learning from our mistakes?

Maybe it's a late April fools joke.

Edit: Apparently this is really old news, but I just found out. Maybe it's canceled?

A white chick playing Chun-Li? Now that's just plain wrong.

As bad as this sounds for the direction the movie is taking, we can all rest assured that there's no way they can top casting a Frenchman as Guile in the first movie.


What they need to do is get Lucy Liu to play Chun-Li. That's what they need to do. Then they need to get Robin Shou as Ryu. But who to play Ken...? Obviously, we need an unknown. Hm...

Questions, questions...


If the movie's about Chun Li, it should be called "Chun Li", not "Street Fighter". Also, no cracker should be playing Chun Li. She's asian. And another thing, Lucy Liu is the most generic Asian chick that my mind can recall. There are many better-looking and more talented asian actresses out there.

And finally, this movie should be squashed to death like a fly caught between a 4,000 pound anvil and a brick wall.


They'll never get it right.

It's scary...kind of like, why Nintendo doesn't release a proper 3D pokemon adventure/rpg.

It's almost as if the devil is playing with everything that is holy 0_0

They would do the fans such a huge favour by giving them the end all, amazing and perfect Streetfighter movie that actually follows the story and puts the characters in the proper place.

And another thing, Lucy Liu is the most generic Asian chick that my mind can recall. There are many better-looking and more talented asian actresses out there.

'Tis true - the reason Lucy Liu became active in western movies and such is because the Chinese all thought she was ugly.


Ethnic look surely isn't famous in their native nations.

And I don't understand these one-character comic/game movies nowadays. Weren't they always spectacular failures commercially?


Oh man, I totally forgot about the Street Fighter movie. This movie, the Mario Bros movie, the Super Mario Bros Super Show, Capt. N, Doom, that Zelda cartoon....it's amazing how they can never do justice by their video game source material.

And no, Lucy Liu would not make a good Chun-Li. End of story.


Lucy Liu as Chun-Li, Chow Yun Fat as Ryu, Steven Segal as Ken, John Travolta as M. Bison, Chuck Norris as Guile, Vin Diesel as Sagat, Cuba Gooding Jr. as Deejay, Antonio Banderas as T. Hawk, Uma Thurman as Cammy, and Kelsey Grammer as Blanca.

Best. Movie. Ever.


Did no one read the RUMORED part of that whole article?

Also, Street Fighter The Movie was FUCKING EXCELLENT. So many great hillarious lines, Bison was such a bad man, the gaming puns where great, and you have to think about the time. Most people didn't even know the game had a story other than "Bison r badmen." This tried to build a story for everyone, and it's a pretty ok story. Yes Ryu and Ken are fucked up, but god damnit THEY'RE NOT THE FOCUS. It was a great, hillarious movie, and if you watch it with friends, or even by yourself, you're going to have a GREAT TIME

Lucy Liu as Chun-Li, Chow Yun Fat as Ryu, Steven Segal as Ken, John Travolta as M. Bison, Chuck Norris as Guile, Vin Diesel as Sagat, Cuba Gooding Jr. as Deejay, Antonio Banderas as T. Hawk, Uma Thurman as Cammy, and Kelsey Grammer as Blanca.

Best. Movie. Ever.

You Forgot Masi Oka as E. Honda... although he would have to gain a few pounds...

lol :P


I liked the original Street Fighter movie....

Lucy Liu as Chun-Li, Chow Yun Fat as Ryu, Steven Segal as Ken, John Travolta as M. Bison, Chuck Norris as Guile, Vin Diesel as Sagat, Cuba Gooding Jr. as Deejay, Antonio Banderas as T. Hawk, Uma Thurman as Cammy, and Kelsey Grammer as Blanca.

Best. Movie. Ever.

No thanks. Sometimes too many A list celebs can spoil the broth.

Wasn't there also a Street Fighter live action show in the US? I know the Korean one, but I could have sworn there was also an American one. Think "Kids Incorporated" but replace the stage performances with tournament fights.

...or am I just assimilating random childhood tv memories into a new, stupider, show?

By live action show do you mean like a theatrical live action or a tv show?

I don't know about Street Fighter, but I definitely saw the live action theatrical event of Mortal Kombat once as a kid!!! I still have a souvenir from the show! lol. Man, that was a pretty silly endeavor.... haha.

/deviation from original topic

I remember the old Street fighter movie. Ah, good times. I think I was in like 3rd grade or something when it came out. Defintely Elementary school. Man, I just saw some of the movie on TV just recently... and.... yeah... its pretty bad. -_- Jean-Claude was the worst Guile ever. And Geez, Ken and Ryu, they were the shrimpiest dorks in the whole movie. They didn't even have real parts. In fact... *ack* what a silly premise of the entire movie. It makes me a little sad.

EDIT: HEY!!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST ReMEMBERED?! THE STREET FIGHTER CARTOON!! It was on the USA network in the mornings on saturdays (if I'm not mistaken). Anyone else remember that?! Good times.


soo cheesy... yet I'm strangely drawn to it.

and one more for fun...


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