Ginnsu Posted August 21, 2002 Posted August 21, 2002 Final Fantasy 6 'Enchanted Esper' This is one hell of an amazing mix, in part because of its length. Yeah, there are some mixes that just shouldn't be very long, but there are some that just scream at you "There should be more here!" This one on the other hand is very complete, covers all the bases and styles possible, and keeps you interested. The guitars to me, sound a bit too harsh, almost grainy. But that is all I can think to mention negatively about this excellent piece of work. Indeed, excellent work Protricity. Quote
Fyrewave Posted August 21, 2002 Posted August 21, 2002 I am already a fan from the earlier DKC2 remix by Protricity. This FF6 peice is in the same company of Death on the snowfield and Terra in Black. An excellent job of creating a mood as though traveling somwhere. Very nice style and attention to detail, sounds as if it took quite some time. Great work. Quote
Brink Posted August 21, 2002 Posted August 21, 2002 I love all of protricity's mixes and this one doesn't fail either, I still can't say it's greater than cursed pirates of the sea (which is one of my most solid favorite mixes to ever come out of this site) but I do know it's going to grow on me. The guitars are quite grainy, but I think it fits in the theme of the original. I know this isn't a request forum but if protricity happens to read this would you think about doing either: "Still More Fighting" - ff7 or "The Dreadful Battle" - ff4 The first mix has been done before of course, but the 2nd would be pretty new ground no? The Dreadful Battle I've been dreaming of seeing ever since I first came upon OC remix like 2 years ago now? Anyhow, ignore most of that really, not trying to force anything, this is another great mix by Protricity. Quote
Dinobot 2 Posted August 21, 2002 Posted August 21, 2002 Dude check out my post here and join in the battle! By the way nice mix, runs very smooth. Quote
gog Posted August 21, 2002 Posted August 21, 2002 All and all, not bad. Not too shabby at all. It begins with a very nice piano bit that reminded me of the SaGa Frontier 2 Soundtrack. In fact, being a huge fan of that soundtrack, I was a bit disappointed it did'nt stay that way. That disappointment lasted for about a micro second tho. At about 2:25 the song starts picking up with some crazy echo piano thing that worked for me and a bit of percussion. At about 3:40 we hear the first bit of grainy guitar. True, it be grainy, but I thoght it still sounded good. It switches from piano goodness to grainy guitar and back again a few more times from here. It does this for a long while, almost ten minutes, and still manages not to be to repetitive. All and all I thought it sounded retty damn good. In my opinion, it sounded a lot like Mike Oldfield's 'Tubular Bells', that song from the Exorcist but... better. And that's a pretty big compliment considering how big a fan of 'Tubular Bells' I am. While not as good as a lot of the other remixes on this site, this song still deserves a listen. Quote
Ryan8bit Posted August 21, 2002 Posted August 21, 2002 This is a nice song, and some of the guitar was executed well, but clipping really gets me. I can't even seem to remember this music from FF3... oh well. Quote
danny B Posted August 22, 2002 Posted August 22, 2002 Ari, you know what I think of this already. But for everyone else.... FUCKING GREAT Except for your lack of music theory Just kidding, fucker. ASU ROCKS! Quote
AlwaysAlone Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Long songs are great. Well done long songs are awesome. They just give you so much more to listen to. I absolutely love this mix, and in parts reminds me of his DCK2 mix, which was also well done. Great job! ^^ Quote
MassMedia Posted August 28, 2002 Posted August 28, 2002 I have to say i love this remix but the errors are driving me nuts! they sound like ripping or encoding errors, like blips. any way we can get a retouchup version?????? Quote
Ginnsu Posted August 28, 2002 Author Posted August 28, 2002 MassMedia: Nine posts and no mention of blips, encoding errors, or ripping. You think it might be possible that you are an exception? You might want to consider redownloading. Quote
MassMedia Posted August 29, 2002 Posted August 29, 2002 ...... woah XingDVD Audio Decoder sucks on media player... there was no error when i played it in WinAmp. wierd how this song was the first to do this. Does anyone know how i can replace the decoder in windows media player? Quote
Gnam Posted August 30, 2002 Posted August 30, 2002 Good concept, not so great instrumentation. To start out, the piano is nice, but the synth guitar (I think that's what it's supposed to be, maybe a flute?) carrying the main melody of the song is pretty weak. Also, the piano rythim is a little too slow compared to the original version, and seems to make the tempo of the song contradict itself. Considering that the first minute or 2 of the track is a straight-forward true rendition of the song, merely done in new instrumentation, the fact that the instrumentation wasn't too good made the song seem fairly boring. Things pick up about 1:40 minutes in when the drums come in and the "real-sounding" electric guitar comes in. Its still sounds a little synth, kinda like the guitar in the OST version of the Lavos Final Battle song of CT, but I didn't really mind. It also becomes more interesting since he begins taking liberties with the original composition and doing new things with it. Unfortunately it didn't seem to do anything specific with it, it just kinda fooled around with different variants of bits of the tune. Pretty good instrumentation, but not much substance. The length is nice, and it's cool to see how he tries different variations on the composition throughout the rest of the peice, it just doesn't seem to build up to anything. The melody feels like it's been cut up, shuffled and then hastily glued back together. I think I would have prefered it if the track was about half as long, and mainly consisted of the composition from the begining portion of the track paired with the instrumentation (especially the electric guitar) of the middle of the track. This way it would be more on par with the likes of Ailsean's Terra In Black and Steve Pordon's Mystic Forest. Sorry if I seemed a little critical, just trying to be honest and give some sugestions. Quote
Landon Posted October 7, 2002 Posted October 7, 2002 This is one of those times when my patience factors into my judgement. I wish I could appreciate this remix more because it is beautiful, but after the first few minutes I just got bored with it. Download it if you want easy listening and something that you can listen to for a long time. A long time indeed. 7 out of 10. Quote
Ignis Posted October 7, 2002 Posted October 7, 2002 This is a great mix. I think it's great how the mix starts of very melow then gradually gets to a hostile tone. I also liked how the piano stayed constant through out the entire song. It set the tone for the song. 9/10 Quote
Marduk Posted October 11, 2002 Posted October 11, 2002 This is one of the better remixes on this site, and like many of you I have well over a hundred ones that I've decided to keep. It has a sense of subtle power mixed with an otherworldly magical feel. I especially loved the way the guitar and piano play off each other. So basically I'm saying you improved on the original IMO, as the mood is there, and yet it is doubly as interesting. Kudos! Quote
The Protricity Posted June 25, 2003 Posted June 25, 2003 I wasn't sure if I would like this remix because I didn't like the song from the game, and because I heard it was a long remix. When I heard the song, however, I thought it was one of the best remixes I had downloaded. Good job! Quote
Xerol Oplan Posted August 8, 2003 Posted August 8, 2003 Wow. I've had this one for a while but finally decided to do a search for the review topic. I'm surprised that it's only on the beginning of the second page. Probably people being turned away because of the length. That's what download pausers/resumers are for. IT'S WORTH THE DAMN DOWNLOAD! From reading the posts I can tell that the error I have in it is probably from my download, but here it is anyway: When you load the file into any mp3 player, be it Windows Media Player, Winamp, or anything else, the song length is listed as "5:11". WMP and my mp3 player will cut it off at this point, but Winamp just keeps playing, and winamp is all I use most of the time(at home) so it's not really a problem. If I'm not mistaken, the song is around 6:33, if it is something different, someone please correct me. Anyway, here's the rating: ************1/2 (12.5) It's near the top of my list of best OCRs, and even best songs overall. (It beat out every Staind song I have, and a bunch of other non-game music..and i really like Staind) Quote
Dectilon Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 Few things strike me as out of place in this song. It's not as soft on the ear as you might hope, at least not through the first half of the song, but it's still not bad. The Chrono Trigger lair tune slides in and covers the song in a great way, and for that this tune recieves high marks on my part. Quote
Protricity Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 Never really publically released it, but here is a much better version in ogg. Its a lot clearer and higher quality. Some problems fixed. If you like the first one, get this instead. Its better. Also, there is no chronotrigger in this song. Quote
rhetoric Posted April 21, 2004 Posted April 21, 2004 the instruments are more realistic, not as synthesized. I like this version a lot. Thanks. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 Very professional work, i loved it at once. This one will stay in my collection for a long time Quote
Iason Posted September 18, 2004 Posted September 18, 2004 I am always touched when I hear this song and with this second version I can't even try to hold my tears back. It hits me so hard. Thank you for your work on this remix. Quote
Angelus Laminarum Posted October 19, 2004 Posted October 19, 2004 Damn, Protricity, you amaze me with your versatility... I like to think of myself as ecclectic as far as listening goes, but you seem to be just... like... godlike with all forms of music... though I haven't heard something from rap/reggae from you... which is just FINE! (No offense to those who like said genres, of course... I just don't) Keep it up! Quote
Alianger Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I think the choice (quality?) of instruments cause it to lack the feel I got from the original and there are a few "errors", for example in the flute melody. Soundscape is a bit too subtle for my tastes. Still, it's worth a download..just like everything else he's submitted! Quote
Bummer Posted October 7, 2005 Posted October 7, 2005 This is one of the better remixes on this site, and like many of you I have well over a hundred ones that I've decided to keep. Ohyeah? Well I got TWO hundred ones. But that´s not the point, the point is this remix. IT´S GREAT! Piano, my favorite instrument. Length 7 min, finally a mix long enough. Protricity, excellent. It may be a little repetive, but if you are a pianoloving nerd like me, you should DL it. Well, what are you WAITING for? Quote
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