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I loved this remix so much that I created an account to review it. Seriously. This remix has a level of energy that I truly wish I'd get to see more often. The solo rocks my socks, the soundbytes fit perfectly, and pretty much everything about this remix got me pumped up. So in conclusion... this just might be my new favorite VG remix.


Whats pretty cool for me of this song was that this was one of the first tracks I had checke dout in the WIP section of the fourms... so I got to hear various renditions of the song in progress.

Its VERY cool and neat to see it not only finished but as an OverClocked ReMix!

The track itself is very good and very awesome!

I like that the remixer did cut down on the use of the turtles talking form the game.

If I remember right he had them a bit more frequent in the WIP.

At any rate it sounds very awesome and I cant wait to put it to disc so I can hear all the audio levels of the track (since my speakers on the computer are kinda blown...)


i think i loled about 3 or 4 times during this, and I can't believe the title ( i think i did a quadruple take) but this really rocks and is tons of fun. I gotta disagree with Larry in that the "my toe" section was easily my favorite part (thought the solo was really nice too).

Sweet mixing, awesome work. :-D[


Now that I foudn the now-locked topic... I miss the original title over the current.

"Wasteboarding" VS "Turd Surfers".

I guess they are kinda similar however... heh.

Wow, the memories. I love this game, and I LOVE this song. Also, "My toe! My, my, my toe!"


Pizza Time!

I couldn't have said it better myself. Also, I will probably be the only one to say this but the synth guitar totally rocked for me. It really brought the nostalgia home. Nice work man.




"...not bad..."


I LOVE this remix! Especially the homage to Alleycat Blues in the first minute -- the transition to a swing-style was seemless. Also, the preceding 2 measures (just before the first "Cowabunga!") made me smile. Brilliant solo work, too...I usually prefur "live" to sampled gutiar, but in this case it sounds pefect. If only every OCRemix had this much energy...

Well done!


This is my preference for the correct balance of new material to old; the original is used frequently, but is embellished significantly. Then, a solo is added near the end based on the chord progression. This blend encourages nostalgia while also creating a new style for the music that increases my appreciation for the original.

I have no issue with the samples used or FLSlayer in this case because they helped create this song's style as a close interpretation of the source material. The synths sound like they were taken straight from 1993 SNES sound effects, which is probably what the arranger was going for.

If every remix of yours is going to sound like this, please feel free to make about 50 more of them.


Awww yeah. I haven't downloaded anything from OCR in ages (lazy and naughty me) but when I saw that theres stuff from Turtles In Time, I couldn't resist.

All in all:

this song kicks ass.

It has a really cool "90´s sound" to it with its synths'n'stuff and the rock-energy is just ammmazing. And the guitar solo is just perfect. I think a synth-guitar fits so much better in there, a live one wouldn't fit quite as well.

I've had this on repeat for a while now... and I think I'll just keep it coming.



Man, this remix brings back memories... I used to play this game all the time as a kid. The whole song rocks, and the quotes in the song made me laugh several times. I guess what I'm trying to say is... COWABUNGA!



But not in that gay way.

Dude! Congratulations on getting this remix on OverClocked Remix. I know you had been working on this one for a long time. I still a couple of your earier versions on my comp. While IMO the older versions sound a wee bit better in terms of the production/mixing quality/sample, there is no doubt here that the arrangment in inself has made quite an evolution. Nevertheless, this mix rocks

Cowabunga Dude!


I can't say I respect his ability to choose user names, but I can respect Chumble's ability to make music. I can't find anything wrong with this mix.



Oh shit, I was gonna offer to record all the guitars live for this song... I guess I just forgot about it :(


Congrats on a terrific arrangement, dude!

I can't say I respect his ability to choose user names, but I can respect Chumble's ability to make music. I can't find anything wrong with this mix.


Says Ness757..... you fail.


Yay!!! What a mix! There are not enough words of praise I can possibly attribute to this! Reminds me so much of a 70s rock opera. So peppy and unabashedly... happy! If this remix doesn't firmly plant a grin on your face, then you must have acid flowing through your veins!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


This is a great ReMix! It combines old and new elements to give the theme a fresh sound, and the splicing of game quotes was genius!

Keep up the great work! ThanX! :)!!


Glad to see that this one made it on OCR. I have been downloading every single version since the WIP thread was started, and it got better and better.

However, there is one thing that irks me about the final version. This song has an incredibly high level of energy, except for the part between 1:10 and 1:29. In the last version I downloaded (the loud one, hehe), this part was better, not least because of more in-game samples. Generally, I'm not really fond of voice samples in remixes, however, seeing as how I am an absolute Turtles in Time fanboy, I really love 'em in this one.

Still, this is a great song, and in my opinion the best thing to come from OCR in months. I won't delete the WIP, though.


(Mad guitar solo)

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