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This is really spiffy. It has a dance feel with a very... industrial, I suppose, feel to the lyrics. I think I could jam to this for quite awhile.

"You know that oil and water don't mix." = awesome


Damn, this is hot man......I always love a good rap remix on here, and the synthy/industrial intro and underwriting make this especially unique. I also loved the lyrics; though simple in elocution, I like how they followed common hiphop motifs while hinting at the theme of the source itself. Great stuff all around : D


Holy salty shitbricks! That's an awesome song right there.

I could try and talk coherently about this mix but I can't. Trying to talk while this mix is playing is impossible. You end up just going "ASAAFLAJKHELHAL THIS MIX ROCKS KAELJKAELKJVJAELTB".

Only downside is the abrupt ending. But other than that, ALJKVHEJKVHEKLS THIS SONG EQUALS AMAZING SELFJSEGLHSKLHFURZRRRR.


Well, it seems pretty ok. The only thing that seems iffy to me is the singing. (or rapping, or whatever its called nowadays)

But hey, I've always been one dislike vocals in my ocremixes (unless it's pixietricks :D)


I too think that this remix SOUNDS really bad ass. The "white boy" style rap is groovy and the sound quality is top-notch, but does anyone else think that this song is greatly lacking in form? The music, while sounding better than the original game's, is practically the exact same format. I don't have the original to listen and check right now. But I'm pretty sure it's the same key, same tempo, and same structure. There's basically just words on it and better sounding instruments. Is that really ok? I'd love to hear what someone like Zircon would say about this remix.

PS: I totally do like listening to this remix.


It's alright. The lyrics are good, but the delivery sounds off at a few spots. Chorus is fine though, and I do like the drums. The song as a whole is good work, but it didn't hit me as hard as it did with other folks. I'm interesting in hearing other stuff by these guys though.


I like the tune, and the synth sound is cool, but... the rap delivery, and the sound to the rap just doesn't... it doesn't deliver like I was expecting it to.

For a song of this caliber, the rapping is too "white" sounding.


Oh AE, you have been gone from OCR too long...

Granted, to my ear, the tune does follow the original very closely. Rapping doesn't get on my nerves (a plus!). Bit grittier than what I expected, to be honest, but that's not a problem.

Moar plz.


The beats and synths are slick and sufficiently phat, I love the lead synth a whole lot. Lyrical flow is good, though the lyrics seem kindof trite. There are some good lines; the oil and water line is gold, but I wasn't really impressed with a lot of the rest. He has a great sound and the delivery was pristine, just the rhymes need a little more substance to them; Maybe i'm a snob, but there were too many single-syllable words in the chorus. Not a dealbreaker, this is going on my playlist for sure.

This would be good in a Parappa game. Make it like prince of persia 2 where it gets all hardcore n shit.


Wow...now this remix caught me off-guard...

Awesome, awesome work. AE's remixes were one of the first ones I downloaded when I first got addicted to OCR back in 2004, so I'm glad he's returned (with his posse, I might add) with this awesome song. How fitting it is that this is remix number 1600.

First influence comes to mind is Linkin Psrk. Of course, PlanetSkill have their own flair here. The Electronica/Egyptian beats surprisingly mash really well with the Rapcore stuff. Lyrics caught me off-guard here, since I wasn't expecting them at all. Nicely delivered and written quite well. The guitars are also so awesome.

I'm officially addicted to this remix. One of my personal favorites since StarBlast's "Forever Until Tomorrow".


lyrics do not want. I mean they work but i'd prefer an instrumental version.

Listenable sure, the synth work is great and the song as a whole is punchy. but...


Oh well, its still nice.


Man, I really don't understand all the hating on AE's vocals here... the recording of course is great, but his delivery is always flawless. He's one of the best rappers around in the community. Besides;

"You know that oil and water don't mix!"

How can anyone not like that line? :)

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