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uhhh *ahem* that body pillow has survived my thunder thigh's loving more nights than you can count kicking ass at worms.

I would like to say some of MY favorite activities from MagFest this year (just to sort of throw it in the face of OA)

* Driving around for TWO hours (it was way more than one...unless my perception of reality just sorta konked out) looking for a liquor store, and finding out that Alexandria, VA is inhabited by three things: Hotels, Cleaners, and Foreign Restaurants.

* Having my Volvo actually injure someone without being in motion (sorry OA, just too funny)

* Finding a hat that has the face of a constipated ServBot on it.

* Encountering a fire alarm that happened mysteriously during a set featuring Shael Riley......

* Having LionTamer fight me back from the OCR guitar.

* Shaking hands with DJP

* Watching Taucer be forced to do acrobatics by the crowd

* Almost having a seizure from the lights display during the concerts Saturday night

* DS Pictochat outside during the firedrill. So many penises...

* Successfully fighting AeroZ away from grabbing my nipples.

I'm sure there are a ton more, but I think that three quotes can be used to sum up MagFest:

1) "DO IT, F@GG0T!"

2) Your Mother.

3) "I'm going to take you to Level 100!".

love to you all. MORE PICTURES!

  OA said:
*The DoD listening party that lasted till 4:30 am where I consumed roughly half a gallon of caffeinated liquid. Hearing the worst Secret of Mana mix ever, and wondering who would vote for it just because it was so terrible.

You're not welcome at the next MAGFest.

(I gave it 6.)

(Larry gave it 5.)

  Level 99 said:
* Driving around for TWO hours (it was way more than one...unless my perception of reality just sorta konked out) looking for a liquor store, and finding out that Alexandria, VA is inhabited by three things: Hotels, Cleaners, and Foreign Restaurants.

The quest for Beer is a valiant one!

Rest of the highlights:

*Secret of Mana mix during DoD...go listen. Then imagine listening to it at 3AM after having been up for almost 24hrs with basically no sleep. Priceless

*Actually winning one game of worms on the DS even though I am absolutely awful and managed to kill myself at least once per game.

*Dinner at Fridays. It was great to sit down and have an opportunity to talk to a bunch of people. Wearing the lampshade as a hat was pretty cool too. :)

*Our room was the shiznite. I laughed so hard the first two nights I practically lost my voice. The amount of jokes and one liners were priceless. I had an awesome time hanging around those 4 dudes.

*Brad playing sax on Time Scars and Schala's Theme in Jamspace.

*All of the bands were indcredible but Arm Cannon's Super Metroid mix was the friggin shite yo!

*The last night where Sam and the guy who ran Jamspace played piano together. Prob the best improv musical experience of my entire life. You guys are awesome!

*Having AeroZ tell me about how his parents were mad he wasn't going to visit any of the sites around DC. Then we managed to get lost on the way to the hotel and drove by almost half of the monuments. We actually ended up at a different Hilton in Alexandria initially...

*Talkin and analyzing music with AeroZ. It was awesome to talk in depth with someone comparing the different ways you approach the musical creation process.

This was friggin awesome. I just wished it was longer so I could meet and talk with more people. I def agree with OA about how it is being around with so many people with the same interest of games and music. If you are thinking about goin next year def go!

  CHz said:
(I gave it 6.)

(Larry gave it 5.)

I threw my votes away kind of in the middle because it was unintelligible, but I probably would've given it a 7

Turns out it was by Dasaten. If you hung around after the Saturday concert you would've heard the DoD results from Paragon.



it's not as funny by yourself but now you can remember what the hell was so funny.

  djpretzel said:
part of what I liked about M5 was that a smaller group of hardcore OCR peeps sorta did an impromptu round-table discussion about the site, which I missed not having this year.

I'd like to do something informal like that next year, maybe as part of a panel (although I'd prefer a roundtable like before) or maybe just something informal, but a chance to get feedback in person (NOT about the sidebar, dammit!) from interested mixers and visitors would be really slick.

That's a bet, especially because (I realized this the other day; how quickly it comes 'round) by next MAG, this whole OCR thing will be rolling up to its tenth anniversary! zawmgg!

  djpretzel said:
Even though we did limited prep, I felt like the panel went very well. We had a lot more ff7 videos to show and there's stuff we didn't cover... part of what I liked about M5 was that a smaller group of hardcore OCR peeps sorta did an impromptu round-table discussion about the site, which I missed not having this year.

I'd like to do something informal like that next year, maybe as part of a panel (although I'd prefer a roundtable like before) or maybe just something informal, but a chance to get feedback in person (NOT about the sidebar, dammit!) from interested mixers and visitors would be really slick.

Well...it would be hard coordinating such a large group of OCRs, which will probably be larger at M7. A good portion of us spent the nights drinking in different rooms each night (to avoid security) though, so if there was some incentive (*hint* *hint*), you'd probably be able to attract much of us.

  Blake said:
yall shouldve came to 1408 on sat night. we heard some fine stories from Snappleman.
I was so out of the loop that night; catching the Captain S marathon, then the concerts then... you all just disappeared!
  OverCoat said:
Bacon is now a meme
So let it be written, so let it be done.

In any case, while I'm still sorting through my photos I'm uploading my videos to YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/digamejh I've got 3 up at the moment, 2 of Virt at the Chiptunes concert, and the other of some jamming.

  Hale-Bopp said:

Wow, you guys. I'm still reeling. It was my first magfest, but certainly not my last. Consider me and the wife there next year. Much love all around.

I said hi to your wife and I think I scared the hell out of her. Maybe if I'd been wearing my OCR shirt she wouldn't have been quite so terrified.

  big giant circles said:

For those who don't know, (I didn't before) Starla is in fact, very tiny. I think she might actually be a pokemon. (<3)




Since Starla came up I need to say this with all of the respect and love for her in the world and I mean absolutely no offense to anybody here or any ill will to anybody for any reason.

Starla has like the greatest ass in history.

Again, I deeply apoligize is anybody is offended by my comment and I mean no disrespect or malice... just... DAMN.

  The Pezman said:
After I left, apparently. Too bad, I wanted to actually meet the guy.

That's okay, you still got to meet Connor! (the world's cutest bear)



Btw, it was of course totally friggen awesome meeting up with everyone, especially the 'new' folks I hadn't met in previous meetups. I actually didn't end up jamming much at all just cuz there were so many people to hang out with, maybe next year that can change... :D

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