djpretzel Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Bahamut Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 I have to say, this is easily one of my favorite tracks from this project, if not my favorite. The amount of energy & dynamics seen in this mix that melds well with the epic feel of the original song does it justice. I don't really have much else to say but thanks for the amazing track that far surpasses all of your previous OCR efforts Jovette! Quote
duelace Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 i'm not familiar with his work cus i just started paying attention to the artist names which is a bad move on my behalf but wow, its a good sone with a nice rmx of the original track which is he didnt change to much, personally i give it a 10/10, thanks for something else to listen to while do daily stuff, even listen to some music at work and recomend friends to the site cus they like what im listening to. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Excellent interperetation. I love it. Both concept and execution are surpassingly brilliant. Quote
Wanderer Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Oh my god, fuck yes. Congrats on the amazing progress you've made; this is utterly fantastic. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 3:10 gives me chills every time I listen. Quote
rathoi Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 [Name: The Crossroads (Cid's Theme)] [Project: Final Fantasy 7 - Voices of the Lifestream] Disclaimer: If you thoroughly enjoyed this particular piece, this review will probably not be for you. But that's okay, no one has to like everything. --------------------- Allright, I've been quiet for awhile just simply enjoying the time and effort people have put into different musical tracks with a wide variety of tastes and concepts, but I have to say that with this latest release as part of a Final Fantasy 7 project... I'm not impressed. While I thoroughly enjoy some interpretations of musical themes and other people's ways of twisting it to become something more of what they envision or their interpretation, I am also a believer that there is a point that, when crossed, loses not only the essence of the music in question, but contorts it so badly that it has a negative impact on the original. While I do enjoy most of the tracks that were present and have been recommending the entirety of the set to others, and will continue to do so... I think that one particular track doesn't deserve to be on this album compilation, because the nature of the music strays so far from the original that it blurs the theme into a series of nonsensical lyrics that have no bearing on the intention of the original music. In this particular instance we're looking at Cid's Theme from Final Fantasy 7. The original piece was meant to be a forlonging tone of dream and intent, a desire unfulfilled and yet still yearned for, and the symphonic nature of the majority of FF's musical numbers lent itself to the drone of a horn lead. A sad yet hopeful number that lends itself to a dream-like quality as it plays, a slight military overtone to all of it (that's typical for FF7). Then there's this remix. The first minute or so of the tune was a watery reflection of the original's introduction, and I was holding my thoughts as I do whenever I first hear a tune. Then when it shifted into a hard rock-base, I thought, "Well, that's an interesting take on it, let's see where they go with it..." And then the vocals started. Okay, let's be fair. Someone obviously put a LOT of work and effort into this. I'm really happy that someone would be willing to do that, and let me be the first to say, I really do appreciate it. Even as a fan of FF music, I appreciate the hardwork and time that had to have gone into creating this, and I hope you do more work because that's how you get better. A lot of music to go around, and frankly, while I myself don't possess the talent to even think of such an approach, I do know that something of this caliber took a lot of time to put together. Now, my opinion: [rant] I hated it. I hated every lyric, I despised the vocal tones and rythm, the fluctuations that didn't even come close to matching the tone of the original piece for a good majority, until what I can only presume was intended to be a chorus line entered in. It was as though someone had created this rock tune, had spent hours laboring over the vocals, the guitar, the beat, and the singing (which by the way, for a singer, they were -great-), then suddenly found out about a FF related project and slapped in the theme music almost as an afterthought to the whole piece. Not only did it not adhere to the original except as notations scattered carelessly here and there for a 'sprinkle' of the original flavor, but the effect at the end felt downright insulting to anyone who'd enjoyed the original as much as I did. As though the author of this piece decided that they would bend the song to their will, instead of the other way around, and the end result was a mismash of harmonies that were completely unrelated with one another. [/rant] From a perspective, it's not fair to say what I didn't like, if I didn't use a different piece (from the same collection) as an example of what I did like. Track 1-02: Big Giant Circles - Every Story Begins With a Name (Opening - Bombing Mission] This particular piece fit the theme and buildup of the introduction of Final Fantasy 7 almost perfectly. Even though there were a few liberties taken, deviations from the path the original tune took, it was really nice to see that at certain points the author of this piece veered right back to the familiar tune that a listener might be looking for. With the introduction of unique pieces that were stylistic, he never strayed too far from the path without bringing up a memory of what we know to be the pace of the original. And that's part of what's missing here. Cid's Theme is probably one of the most memorable in FF7, and I don't believe that this remixer did it justice. ---------------- One last thing I'd like to say on this: From the standpoint of a song all by itself with no relation to any other tune or mix or even the original it was based on... it was a pretty good tune. Something I could see myself listening to over and over, if I didn't know where it'd come from. Adding lyrics to this tune wasn't a bad choice; it added a unique flavor that was very pleasing to the ear (when it wasn't straying off onto a tangent). I guess you could say, the concept was phenomenal, but the execution was just not up to par. With the basis of the original on my mind, it just felt like disappointment after disappointment as it wore on. In any event, don't take this too seriously as it's nothing more than an opinion, and I'm sure there are others that enjoy it far more than I. But honestly, I wish I could hear a version of Cid's theme that was more orchestral goodness, more emphasis on a pair of horned insturments dancing together in the stars, and not just a 'jazzed up', 'funked up', 'rocked out' or 'interpretive danced' version; a simple relation of the theme with a grand, epic emphasis to it. Quote
AMT Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 I could be wrong, but I think this is the first song on the site that impressed me so much that I'd post in the review topic. Amazing work, my only complaint is that there isn't more like this! Quote
DuskyFerret Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 I've got to say...this could be honestly the best remix in the entire album. Now why I admit, I haven't actually played FF7 or heard any of the original tracks, I can appreciate this mix and would be proud of what Jovette has done to the original. I can understand the complaints from the other post, but don't you think you're being a bit...well protective of the original . It kind of sounded like this was your golden tune and you didn't want anyone putting their grubby little hands on it. Full credit to the Jovette for taking this mix out of its comfort zone. I dont know whether the lyrics have anything to do with the game or not, but i gotta say, they're INFECTIOUS in the best way possible. They stuck in my head all day and will probably be there for along time to come. The best remixes in my opinion, are those that not necessarily stick to the original, but can just fill your head with imagery and make you become lost within your own head, and this song does this to great ends. That bridge is GOLDEN:!: Quote
hhallahh Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Okay, it starts with the Cid Theme. Then it transitions to a heavy rock portion which is not based on the source material at all. Then a refrain which is based on the Cid Theme. Then back to heavy rock.. Ick. I wanted to combine the intensity of heavy metal and techno, with the energy of hip hop and breakbeats, with the dramatic and anthemic feelings of classical and oprah. Schizophrenic indeed. What part of Cid's Theme demanded "energy"? Energy provided through unrelated heavy rock segments with meaningless lyrics and a yowl more reminiscent of Michael Jackson than any serious musician? This didn't expand upon the source material, it stretched and butchered it to fit around the rock elements. I know that a lot of remixers have pulled off really interesting results by changing a song's theme and feel, but this is not one of them. However, I will concede that the "bridge" part of the song from 3:10-3:45 was nice. It was the only nice part which captured anything close to the original feel of the Cid Theme. Although the lyrics are still rather non-sequitur from that dimension... thankfully, they can be tuned out. I honestly wonder if this track would be better if all of the rock parts were simply cut out. Or maybe this is all a result of using the anthemic themes of Oprah. Damn you, woman! Quote
Darangen Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 The whole VotL project is awesome, but I have to say this track is definitely pulled the most plays so far. Great work! Quote
big giant circles Posted September 16, 2007 Posted September 16, 2007 this is a really cool song. now, i will say, that this isn't really my normal cup of tea, but it's refreshingly creative, and i can tell jovette put a shitload of work into this, and i do dig, bro. nice work. in regards to rathoi's post, that's cool that you're not so much into it, but in the project feedback thread, i think norg said it best with "variety is the spice of life. this pack is an entire spice rack. and not everyone likes curry (heathens. how can you not like curry?)." (Not that I'M demanding that you like curry, or anything. I just think it's a good quote) I am glad to see that you critiqued the track there at the end, with personal preference and/or bias placed aside. That shows the kind of maturity that more people should display, so cool. And BTW, glad you liked my remix. Thanks man. Back to Mr. Rivera's track. MY only gripe is the overall mastering was a little weak, IMO. I took a look at the waveform, and despite being close to 0.0 on the peak meter, this track still felt really quiet and far-away. Otherwise, again, I'm heavily impressed, and this has received a strong number of plays regardless. Quote
Hale-Bopp Posted September 16, 2007 Posted September 16, 2007 Wow. I really can't say much else. I'm just gonna go ahead and put this on loop for a while... Quote
badhabit Posted September 16, 2007 Posted September 16, 2007 This is the song from the album that is stuck in my head. Not necessarily even my favorite, but when I'm walking around this is the one that I'm thinking of. I liked all of the parts (symphonic, electronic, metal, etc), but while the lyrics in the metal parts weren't great, the bridge was just amazing. The other responses should already have highlighted how good the bridge is, but the lyrics are the best you've done so far I think, and the way they're sung (especially at 3:10) is just about perfect. My only real qualm is that when the bridge comes in and you say, "Each and every day's the same \ Life has left you nothing new" I always expect the buildup on "nothing" to lead to "new" being basically yelled, but instead it falls into the background. That's really the climax, and it doesn't get the emphasis I hope for every time I hear it. Anyway nice to see the return of DJ Crono Quote
vici_ruthless Posted September 16, 2007 Posted September 16, 2007 i'm falling directly in the middle of this argument. it's a total love/hate thing going on. i appreciate and adore the inventiveness while simultaneous loathing the entire POV of the remix. jeez... is that even possible..? regardless, it's art and dose deserve some applause. Quote
PassivePretentiousness Posted September 16, 2007 Posted September 16, 2007 who do you think you are star salzman good job Quote
Miletus Posted September 18, 2007 Posted September 18, 2007 Okay, it starts with the Cid Theme. Then it transitions to a heavy rock portion which is not based on the source material at all. Then a refrain which is based on the Cid Theme. Then back to heavy rock..Ick. Schizophrenic indeed. What part of Cid's Theme demanded "energy"? Energy provided through unrelated heavy rock segments with meaningless lyrics and a yowl more reminiscent of Michael Jackson than any serious musician? This didn't expand upon the source material, it stretched and butchered it to fit around the rock elements. I know that a lot of remixers have pulled off really interesting results by changing a song's theme and feel, but this is not one of them. I thought he was drawing from the source material that was the character behind the song. Simultaneously longing for the skies and abusing that engineer woman (I forget the name) - both a childlike dreamer and an angry shit. Don't know about the lyrics but that's how I interpreted it. Quote
Turraken Posted September 18, 2007 Posted September 18, 2007 I thought he was drawing from the source material that was the character behind the song. Simultaneously longing for the skies and abusing that engineer woman (I forget the name) - both a childlike dreamer and an angry shit. Don't know about the lyrics but that's how I interpreted it. I agree. While the heavy rock portions do deviate from the source song quite a bit, and the whole mix does seem to be a love/hate thing, the mix DOES capture a lot of Cid's character. ...and I'm on the 'love it' side of the fence Quote
vici_ruthless Posted September 18, 2007 Posted September 18, 2007 I thought he was drawing from the source material that was the character behind the song. Simultaneously longing for the skies and abusing that engineer woman (I forget the name) - both a childlike dreamer and an angry shit. Don't know about the lyrics but that's how I interpreted it. jeez... that's a good point. i totally missed that. i think i like the song a bit more now Quote
Coffeeholic Posted September 18, 2007 Posted September 18, 2007 I completely agree with rathoi I didn't like this remix at all. Quote
Tensei Posted September 19, 2007 Posted September 19, 2007 I think that aside from personal opinions, one should pay attention to how the style the mixer was aiming for was executed, which in this case, is near flawless. The cheesy guitar chugs, the distorted rapping/singing/growling and the harmonized clean singing all are VERY common elements in J-pop, and even though I despise this kind of music, and don't like this particular song very much either, the whole execution and quality of both arrangement and production should be able to shine through any genre-bias. It's easy to just flat-out say that it sucks, but the mixer had an idea for the style mix, and IMO nailed it perfectly. Quote
Barnsalot Posted September 20, 2007 Posted September 20, 2007 I didn't like this at first- It's not what I expected to be done for Cid's theme- but I've spent some time listening to it, and it's really grown on me. I'd say it's one of my favorite tracks from VotL now. Quote
TakingBackFlow Posted September 20, 2007 Posted September 20, 2007 I got an account just to say I love this friggen' song. Quote
Lotd2242 Posted September 20, 2007 Posted September 20, 2007 If this mix started at 2:40 I would have enjoyed in its entirety. At 3:10 and I would've loved it. In fact, most of the time I will just skip right to that part when it comes up in the playlist. I did understand sort of how the metal sections were after that swearing, abusive part of Cid's personality, but it really didn't flow with the original theme (or even the rest of the mix) in my opinion. And I also always felt the vulgar and abusive side of Cid were less hardcore metalish and more redneck than anything else. As was said, clearly this mix does not suffer from lack of effort, technique, or even in some senses execution. But this mix can't really decide what it wants to be, and so I felt that it suffered from that. I would really love to see how this mix would sound if it were more focused into the way it presented the theme after 2:40 and was directed towards building up to that section. Quote
Ren2 Posted September 22, 2007 Posted September 22, 2007 ~_~ Heh, I don't normally review so, forgive me for my lack of knowledge in music techs and such. I will say that, yes,I sensed a little bit of J-pop/rock/whatever kind of flow in there with the vocals but it was okay, I wasn't fully bothered with that. However, I will say the style you portrayed in the Chorus and the Bridge were just.... awesome.. I mean.. I loved it!! It flowed nicely with the original theme in there and I wished it would continue like that; ethereal. "If I got to give some point to the new man tryin' to run my joint" the way that was said >.<d I liked that energy. Hmmm what else...? OH YES!! In the end, the bridge... it won my heart over despite all else. I would like to see another remix of this song with the flow the bridge had, I can't stop listening to that part! Great job! b>.<d Quote
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