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OCR01631 - Metal Slug 3 "Light 'Em Up"


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Holy crap, it's Prot. It's been a LONG time. This kicks ass. It's not quite as full on as some of your other pieces have been, it sort of backs off the top end of the EQ (Comparitively, at any rate). But there's a lot of variation,layering, and a great sonic variety. It's reminiscent of Neighburgers, which incidentally also kicked ass. Great work, and welcome back!

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I can definitely see the attention to detail in the synths/leads that djp was talking about. Clearly very nuanced and refined. Still, I'd have to say I prefer some of Prot's older stuff over this. Even though the production was slick and the arrangement was driving, I didn't feel quite as much intricacy or complexity as from some of his other works....

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A really great remix, classic Prot style, the only thing I didn't like was the bass mixing. Sounds way too loud to me, practically overrides every other element in the mix... maybe I'm just crazy since no one else mentioned it...

The bass is a huge driving point of the original.

This track is an excellent example of taking the original and building amazing new complex parts on it. As far as instrumentation and style it doesn't deviate from the original that much (which is fine, since MS3 has probably the best music of the entire series, this track being one of the strongest), but it's built on very well. Nicely done, Prot.

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While the energetic parts of the remix are quite good, I find myself enjoying the breakdowns more. They have come a long way since Sauzer posted this in WIP, and I really, really dig the way the rhythm guitar is incorporated (especially from 3:10 onward).

However, I feel that the remix could have used a bit more variation, or should have been somewhat shorter. There's just not enough variety for five and a half minutes. Or so I think.

Nevertheless, good work.

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