EvilZereno Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 Agreed with almost everyone... this movie was hands down one of the most thrilling and fun movies in a long time. I loved the presentation, I loved the feeling of helplessness, and I loved the super intense sequences; I kept on forgetting to breathe. Awesome movie. Highly recommended. Go see it. Quote
Atomicfog Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 Oh yeah, and the overture at the end (Roar!), was an epic orchestral score. I'm trying to find it everywhere to no avail. BTW, if anyone who stayed for through the credits was wondering what that voice clip at the very end said, it's revealed here: http://boards.ign.com/teh_vestibule/b5296/157534266/r157535371/ Quote
chrono26 Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 Oh yeah, and the overture at the end (Roar!), was an epic orchestral score. I'm trying to find it everywhere to no avail. Michael Giacchino is a beast Quote
Dyne Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 plot was atrocious, just like lost. another movie for sheep and psudo-nonsheep alike Quote
Maco70 Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 Oops... I forgot to go see this opening day. ><;; Quote
Atomicfog Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 Michael Giacchino is a beast Funny way to put it, but yeah. It sucks that I cannot find this piece of music anywhere on the interweb Quote
big giant circles Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 SPOILERLAWLZ no, the soldiers didn't kill her, she POP'd from the bite. If you remember, when they first walked into the clinic area, there was a body on a cart that was missing it's entire midsection, and the person pushing the cart said something like "yeah another bite victim here". so yeah, the bugs have poisonous venom that makes you explode. and they rushed her out of the room so she didn't explode on everyone and freak everyone out even more. Quote
Soma Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 I thought the movie was fantastic. I'd watch it again but the beginning seems like you would fast forward through for repeated watchings. Loved the monster even though I'm not sure what it really looked like. I tried googling for a picture but didn't find anything concrete. Cannot wait for a sequel. Though in the sequel they had better spill the beans on the monsters origins. I hope it doesn't turn out like everything JJ Abrams touches and only makes you have twice as many questions as before. Quote
Tenucha Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 I thought it looked like a hairless bat without wings. The beginning was very drawn out, I understand they were trying to establish characters and situations and so on but it lasted way long considering it was supposed to be happening is if it were real. Over the course of the movie I foudn the characters, moreso the cameraman, annoying. The movie was very much a thrill ride roller coaster with a few moments throughout there were predictable but other moment that were presently non-predictable. Dunno if I'd see it again but I did enjoy it. The guy sitting next to see split hal way through the film and the guy to my left pointed out at the end that this was no movie to watch hungover haha. Speaking of, anyone else feel the end theme "Roar!" was one of the most disturbingly stupid orchestrated movie theme ever? Quote
sgx Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 If I don't keep talking, I'm gonna SHIT my PANTS right here in the stairwell! That line made me laugh. Quote
Tenucha Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 Oh yeah, and the overture at the end (Roar!), was an epic orchestral score. I'm trying to find it everywhere to no avail.BTW, if anyone who stayed for through the credits was wondering what that voice clip at the very end said, it's revealed here: http://boards.ign.com/teh_vestibule/b5296/157534266/r157535371/ I felt totally opposite to what you felt But thank you for the link! I was wondering what that was! I'm hoping for no sequals. Please let there be a movie out this year that will not see a sequel later in its marketing life Quote
Raziellink Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 No spoilorz plz, movie doesn't come out untill Thursday. Earliest i can see it is Saturday. Quote
DJ Mighty Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 I felt totally opposite to what you felt But thank you for the link! I was wondering what that was! I'm hoping for no sequals. Please let there be a movie out this year that will not see a sequel later in its marketing life normally i would agree with you on this 100%. but i feel because there is so much mystery behind it, if done right they could really make a good sequel that would further expand the mystery and keep you guessing at the end what the hell is going on. Quote
chrono26 Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 normally i would agree with you on this 100%. but i feel because there is so much mystery behind it, if done right they could really make a good sequel that would further expand the mystery and keep you guessing at the end what the hell is going on. I think they said that if they did a sequel it would be the same incident but from a different camera, and different people. maybe that group of people would be smarter and figure out what was goin on. Quote
Zero Rei Maru Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 So I'm guessing none of you followed the ARG? If you have, well, I wouldn't drink any slushies anytime soon after seeing this movie. Jesus Christ it was intense though. I loved the rats part. And the creature was a crab thing right? Quote
PrototypeRaptor Posted January 21, 2008 Posted January 21, 2008 So I guess I am one of the only people on the face of the planet who was disappointed by the movie... I mean, I didn't even get into the hype and it was STILL bad. The plot was ridiculously cheesy, the dialog was absurd, the monster itself looked nice if I could have seen it for more than 4 seconds at a time...I might have forgiven all if it wasn't for one fact that just kept bugging me. Why the hell did they keep the camera? And more importantly, how on earth did it stay functioning during the 6-7 hours the movie spans? I mean, it gets abused like some red-headed stepchild and it STILL continues working. And the picture quality never gets worse or anything - just some "bad" transitions when it hits the ground. Repeatedly. From around 6 feet in the air. And the batteries also survive the extreme heat and cold of the environments, not to mention the electric pulses going around...did you see the lights? Those things were freaking out like all hell...but not the camera. Good thing Panasonics come with electromagnetic shielding now, otherwise Cloverfield might never have been made. And the tape somehow survives the massive explosions so the government could find it. And the tape isn't affected by the pulses, either. And the microphone never gives out, distorts, or loses quality ever until the end. Even amid crazy dust storms or extremely windy environments. And my list of WTF could go on and on, but, meh. Despite all of my bitching, which most of you will undoubtedly think it is, the movie did keep my interest for some of the time and the battles were, for the most part, well done. I will give it this: it could have been worse. Oh yes, it could have been worse. Quote
Blake Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 So I guess I am one of the only people on the face of the planet who was disappointed by the movie... I mean, I didn't even get into the hype and it was STILL bad. The plot was ridiculously cheesy, the dialog was absurd, the monster itself looked nice if I could have seen it for more than 4 seconds at a time...I might have forgiven all if it wasn't for one fact that just kept bugging me. Why the hell did they keep the camera? And more importantly, how on earth did it stay functioning during the 6-7 hours the movie spans? I mean, it gets abused like some red-headed stepchild and it STILL continues working. And the picture quality never gets worse or anything - just some "bad" transitions when it hits the ground. Repeatedly. From around 6 feet in the air. And the batteries also survive the extreme heat and cold of the environments, not to mention the electric pulses going around...did you see the lights? Those things were freaking out like all hell...but not the camera. Good thing Panasonics come with electromagnetic shielding now, otherwise Cloverfield might never have been made. And the tape somehow survives the massive explosions so the government could find it. And the tape isn't affected by the pulses, either. And the microphone never gives out, distorts, or loses quality ever until the end. Even amid crazy dust storms or extremely windy environments. And my list of WTF could go on and on, but, meh. Despite all of my bitching, which most of you will undoubtedly think it is, the movie did keep my interest for some of the time and the battles were, for the most part, well done. I will give it this: it could have been worse. Oh yes, it could have been worse. You were thinking way too hard about that movie. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 I absolutely LOVED Cloverfield. Not the characters mind you (stupid Hud), but the movie and plot. And those sound effects? Bar none, the VERY BEST sound effects I've ever heard. When heard in the blasting bass of the movie theater, it was like a destructive, booming heaven!!! Quote
anthonium Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 It was an interesting movie. I went with low expectations and came out not WOW'd but satisfied. I actually felt the fear of the people throughout the movie. The motion sickness camera was not that big a deal to me but at the beginning of the movie I found it unnecessary. I've walked with a camera in my hands before and it's never that damn shaky. Anyway I liked the movie though I don't care much for a sequel even though I am curious to know where the monster came from. On a different note, I've been trying to find a good picture of the monster on the internet but I've had no luck. Has anybody come across one with views of it from all sides? Quote
Tenucha Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 So I'm guessing none of you followed the ARG? If you have, well, I wouldn't drink any slushies anytime soon after seeing this movie.Jesus Christ it was intense though. I loved the rats part. And the creature was a crab thing right? Which? The main creature or the little ones? What's the code for a spoiler box? So I guess I am one of the only people on the face of the planet who was disappointed by the movie... I mean, I didn't even get into the hype and it was STILL bad. The plot was ridiculously cheesy, the dialog was absurd, the monster itself looked nice if I could have seen it for more than 4 seconds at a time...I might have forgiven all if it wasn't for one fact that just kept bugging me. Why the hell did they keep the camera? And more importantly, how on earth did it stay functioning during the 6-7 hours the movie spans? I mean, it gets abused like some red-headed stepchild and it STILL continues working. And the picture quality never gets worse or anything - just some "bad" transitions when it hits the ground. Repeatedly. From around 6 feet in the air. And the batteries also survive the extreme heat and cold of the environments, not to mention the electric pulses going around...did you see the lights? Those things were freaking out like all hell...but not the camera. Good thing Panasonics come with electromagnetic shielding now, otherwise Cloverfield might never have been made. And the tape somehow survives the massive explosions so the government could find it. And the tape isn't affected by the pulses, either. And the microphone never gives out, distorts, or loses quality ever until the end. Even amid crazy dust storms or extremely windy environments. And my list of WTF could go on and on, but, meh. Despite all of my bitching, which most of you will undoubtedly think it is, the movie did keep my interest for some of the time and the battles were, for the most part, well done. I will give it this: it could have been worse. Oh yes, it could have been worse. There was a plot? You took an hour and 30min thrill ride and totally looked way to far into it. I remember the picture quality dimming a few times. ANd they kept the camera 'cus the guy, Hud, stated right in the film that "people are going to want to know what happened" Your not the only one who disliked it, some guy to my left took off not even half way through the film... my mom also did not like it.... Mostly because, as she put it, if you put the camera in the hands of anybody else, they wouldn't ever be as bad as the guy in the movie. Am I the only one who doesn't care about the monsters origins and all the "who, what, when how" stuff?! Quote
Calpis Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 You were thinking way too hard about that movie. I thought the same things about the movie, even though in the end I didn't like the movie because there was no plot, nothing really that new about it, and it gave me motion sickness. Quote
TDKenyon Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 I just skipped most of the above posts for fear of spoilers (I don't like know much/anything about monster movies before I see them), so if my question has been answered, I apologize. From the previews I have seen, I haven't seen the monster(s) at all. Does the movie show the monster(s), and if so, do they show it/them a lot? Also, if they do show the monster(s), does it take a while/long time before they show it/them? I don't want to spend ~$25 (2 tix + refreshments) to see a movie that doesn't show a lot of the monsters. Please, not another Blair Witch Project. Quote
Linkjing Donuts Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 So I guess I am one of the only people on the face of the planet who was disappointed by the movie... I mean, I didn't even get into the hype and it was STILL bad. The plot was ridiculously cheesy, the dialog was absurd, the monster itself looked nice if I could have seen it for more than 4 seconds at a time...I might have forgiven all if it wasn't for one fact that just kept bugging me. Why the hell did they keep the camera? And more importantly, how on earth did it stay functioning during the 6-7 hours the movie spans? I mean, it gets abused like some red-headed stepchild and it STILL continues working. And the picture quality never gets worse or anything - just some "bad" transitions when it hits the ground. Repeatedly. From around 6 feet in the air. And the batteries also survive the extreme heat and cold of the environments, not to mention the electric pulses going around...did you see the lights? Those things were freaking out like all hell...but not the camera. Good thing Panasonics come with electromagnetic shielding now, otherwise Cloverfield might never have been made. And the tape somehow survives the massive explosions so the government could find it. And the tape isn't affected by the pulses, either. And the microphone never gives out, distorts, or loses quality ever until the end. Even amid crazy dust storms or extremely windy environments. And my list of WTF could go on and on, but, meh. Despite all of my bitching, which most of you will undoubtedly think it is, the movie did keep my interest for some of the time and the battles were, for the most part, well done. I will give it this: it could have been worse. Oh yes, it could have been worse. would you watch the movie if it were crap like you described? Quote
Hum4n After All Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 Bloverfield should have been over 45 mins into the movie. 2 Abram tanks. A missle artillery. BULLSHIT! Then a Stealth bomber air strike. FUCK YOU J.J. ABRAMS! Quote
Blake Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 I just skipped most of the above posts for fear of spoilers (I don't like know much/anything about monster movies before I see them), so if my question has been answered, I apologize.From the previews I have seen, I haven't seen the monster(s) at all. Does the movie show the monster(s), and if so, do they show it/them a lot? Also, if they do show the monster(s), does it take a while/long time before they show it/them? I don't want to spend ~$25 (2 tix + refreshments) to see a movie that doesn't show a lot of the monsters. Please, not another Blair Witch Project. Oh yes. You get to see what is actually driving the madness quite a bit. Which is why it's so much more entertaining than Blair Witch. Quote
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