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Not this time.

Kyle's hunch was correct; "Gold Rocking Saucer" is a rip of "Blast Running! Gold Saucer" off yu-suke's album Battle Guy.

Edit: So is "Clash on the Big Bridge."

I guessed that some of the rock ones must've been doujin mixes - I had a feeling that this person dug into pretty obscure sources of music to get all of these tracks, especially with the rock oriented tracks and it seemed like my original suspicions are verified. Strangely, I don't think any of these tracks are any of the SSH ones, which was the first place I looked.

Some people can't create something great. So they do the next best thing.

I honestly dont think anyone CANT. It takes time and practice. Like learning C++ for me, im not good at it, but im getting better by putting time into it, and learning as much as i can. For thoes who dont want to put that time into and steal others work, its pathetic.

When you create something great, it has a sense of self gratitude. But I guess some people dont see that eh?

Sadly, some don't. Most do. (I think, maybe not.) It's a shame, you can't buy that feeling of self-gratitude for a price.


You know what I find funny? Members of Newgrounds bitching and moaning about their works being stolen, and yet, you have members on Newgrounds stealing from this site!

Sadly, some don't. Most do. (I think, maybe not.) It's a shame, you can't buy that feeling of self-gratitude for a price.

It's truly is a shame. "Artist" who steal the musician works of others shouldn't even call themselves musicians. They know that they are horrible, that they will never get what they want in their musicianship the hard way, so they go around by stealing and making other people suffer because the thief will never gain anything music-wise.

You know what I find funny? Members of Newgrounds bitching and moaning about their works being stolen, and yet, you have members on Newgrounds stealing from this site!

It's truly is a shame. "Artist" who steal the musician works of others shouldn't even call themselves musicians. They know that they are horrible, that they will never get what they want in their musicianship the hard way, so they go around by stealing and making other people suffer because the thief will never gain anything music-wise.

That's not fair at all. The musicians who complain are the ones who are stolen from, and the ones who are stealing, we do our best to get rid of... like this instance for example :D!

It's true we have thieves, we're doing our best to make sure they don't breed and grow in numbers.

Thanks David for your find, this should be plenty to ensure his removal from the system!

Take care OCer's, it was a pleasure!

~ Selcuk

That's not fair at all. The musicians who complain are the ones who are stolen from, and the ones who are stealing, we do our best to get rid of... like this instance for example :D!

It's true we have thieves, we're doing our best to make sure they don't breed and grow in numbers.

~ Selcuk

I'm sorry then. I didn't mean to sound like an jackass of sorts but at times, I do get a little upset at some NewGrounds members who steal despite some members on that site also steal. I didn't mean to be anything unfair.



He says his guitarist performs some of these tracks, while songs that have the exact same guitar sounds and articulations are said to be produced. I know there are some WICKED guitar VST's like East West Ministry of Rock, and LPC's Electric guitar, but i'm not convinced that those guitars are fake. Though I don't pretend to be a metal man, it's usually easy to tell which instruments are fake by the face every time you use the same note, timbres and slight elements always remain the same.

And let's be realistic here. The level and skill necessary to mix in these loud and hot pieces are not at all easy and some of these songs I can hear the experience coming through.

To be fair, it seems I originally caught some of the lower quality mixes, which is why I was commenting on the problems with them. Comparing them with the songs referenced above, I can definitely hear what you mean by a big quality/skill jump.

EDIT: Noone expects the OverClocked Inquisition!

I honestly dont think anyone CANT. It takes time and practice. Like learning C++ for me, im not good at it, but im getting better by putting time into it, and learning as much as i can. For thoes who dont want to put that time into and steal others work, its pathetic.

In nearly any field which requires any skill, be it music, programming, or something else, there's a noticeable difference between those who have a gift and have chosen to use it and those who just work hard. Putting time into something can only get you so far. Learning and practicing how to compose, for example, is not going to make you a genius composer. Having the right ingrained skills along with hard work will. Short of genetic modifications, an individual human isn't capable of everything to a high degree.

Can everyone do everything at some basic level with enough practice? Short of genetic and physical defects, probably. I doubt there are many people, if any, who couldn't get a remix posted here. The difference is whether those people spend years learning things and need a ton of major revisions and resubmissions to get things right or whether they pick it up relatively quickly and their music is actually inspired.

In nearly any field which requires any skill, be it music, programming, or something else, there's a noticeable difference between those who have a gift and have chosen to use it and those who just work hard. Putting time into something can only get you so far. Learning and practicing how to compose, for example, is not going to make you a genius composer. Having the right ingrained skills along with hard work will. Short of genetic modifications, an individual human isn't capable of everything to a high degree.

Can everyone do everything at some basic level with enough practice? Short of genetic and physical defects, probably. I doubt there are many people, if any, who couldn't get a remix posted here. The difference is whether those people spend years learning things and need a ton of major revisions and resubmissions to get things right or whether they pick it up relatively quickly and their music is actually inspired.

This kinda reminds me of my brother, I picked up the electric guitar, and I hardly ever used it, didnt put much time into it. a good 8 months went by and my brother picked up one, Ever since then he has had Amazing musical talent. Not onIy Guitar, but Bass, Drums and Keyboard. He practices daily, has probably thousands of dollars in equipment, and prolly just as much in his 5 guitars he owns, with his keyboard and drumset.

More or less. He picked it up quickly first few weeks, was already playing riffs from tabs and learning to read music rather well, Now its his life. His Passion. I tottaly see what your saying too. Makes me wonder sometimes, Why didnt I apply my self? Back then the only answer was, I didnt care. Ever since I came to OCR. Dispite, not knowing my school had a muisc theroy class. I can fuze my love of computers and electronics into learning to make remixes. Which as soon as my MIDI Controller Gets here on like saturday, I can start going to town.

This is terrible... :| I myself ONLY use remixes for 'Personal CD' use (like it says on the FAQ or somewhere else on this site).
(UPDATE: Stolen, but not from OCR).

Thank goodness it wasn't from here.


I go there when I need an audio track that's not necessarily video game related. For example, I'm using Paid in Blood for a trailer I'm creating right now. I've actually also used your 'Rage of the Champions' track in another video production of mine, MaestroRage.

Good to see moderators reaching out to crack down on plagiarism, and the support of this community even if the original tracks in question aren't from here.

Gold star for Dhsu. :nicework:


  • 4 weeks later...

The list gets longer: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=DamonHiII

The guy at least made sure to include ocremix in the title of his most recent upload, but there's not mention of ocremix in older vids' title or description, nor does he correct comments.

ShinyRyu (1 month ago) +2 Reply

Your remixes are great!


DamonHiII (1 month ago) Reply


Thanks a bunch. I try to be as different as I can.....well, who doesn't right?



Wow, this needs to be dealt with... now, this is in my list of favourite mixes.

He's got a whole repertoire of these on his youtube account, take this guy down hard, however on his latest video he at least mentions OCR... still not acceptable though.

For those not familiar with the tune;


Unless that guy is Mcvaffe and many other remixers in disguise, there's some serious plagarism going on here.


DamonHiII (8 months ago) Show Hide

Marked as spam Reply

distroya2k, Oh dude!! I didn't know the actual name of it...LOL!! I just went by the game name or Lime wire and it poped up..LOL!! Thanks!! But this version can't be found anymore unfortunately....the site closed years ago.

^ Mentioned shortly after someone mentioned ocremix near the end of the F-Zero tropical mix video.

Nice find Rozovian.


Well, I can see the desire to control the promotion of your music, but unless you caused him to change the video information since yesterday, I didn't see him actually claiming credit for the music. It seems he just enjoyed it enough to spread it, and most people attempting to plagiarize wouldn't put the album art in the video or put the artist name and track name in the video, they'd change or obscure those details instead. I'd encourage him to change the vid description to properly plug the material so others can be informed and find your music if they like it.

As for DamonHill's videos, I sent him a lengthy message clearing up some stuff and asking him to better credit the videos using OC ReMixes. Part of the issue seems to be that he thought our website was closed. I'm not sure why he thought that given some of the comments he received, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, since, looking at 3 or 4 of the videos, I saw "OC ReMix" in some of the titles, and I never saw him claim he made the songs, even though other comments assumed he did.

When you guys find videos like these that don't explicitly plagiarize but don't properly credit the artists, track names, or where to download the track, definitely feel free to add comments clarifying those things. Just don't attack or accuse people unnecessarily, until you've given the videos and comments a good look.

Well, I can see the desire to control the promotion of your music, but unless you caused him to change the video information since yesterday, I didn't see him actually claiming credit for the music. It seems he just enjoyed it enough to spread it, and most people attempting to plagiarize wouldn't put the album art in the video or put the artist name and track name in the video, they'd change or obscure those details instead. I'd encourage him to change the vid description to properly plug the material so others can be informed and find your music if they like it.

Nah, that's not what happened. He was using my ODM picture for his profile picture, as well as using the same picture on songs by "DJ Audix" that I didn't produce. I've gotten a few messages on it recently; apparently some guy is trying to copy my name by adding "DJ" to it. I just received a message this morning that confirms this. Apparently this "DJ Audix" claims he made the art himself and by using it, is trying to associate himself with my work.

And also, I don't care at all if people post music from my album (properly credited, of course); in fact, that'd be pretty cool. :) Anyway, it now seems that this jameswh139 isn't the culprit, so don't go after him. He removed the videos and profile picture, and all is well.

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