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And Lotd2242's reasons for finding it not his tastes are, quite frankly, valid. I found the way the motorbike came out of the Tumbler to be a reach. All the way through the movie until that point, I never had to go into any level of suspension of disbelief. But once I saw that bike pop out of the side, it popped that nice little bubble that had been there since the movie started. If Batman had instead salvaged parts from it and made the bike as a substitute later on, that would have not only been awesome as hell, but entirely plausible.


I am pretty sure that the fact that the bike was actually built into the tumbler for filming makes it more realistic than any other movie vehicle ever

The only part of this movie that didn't make any realistic sense was how the hell did Dent get that awesome two-sided suit so quickly.


I am pretty sure that the fact that the bike was actually built into the tumbler for filming makes it more realistic than any other movie vehicle ever

The only part of this movie that didn't make any realistic sense was how the hell did Dent get that awesome two-sided suit so quickly.

He got the number of Joker's tailor.


I'm fairly certain it was. The shoulder of it was charred like his face. Given the timeframe from hospital to stickup in the bar, it also makes the most sense.

Actually the whole Harvey Dent part of the movie I thought was its greatest failing. It's also the biggest character departure. He got shafted like Ras Al Ghoul did.

I think that fucker wears eyeliner in every single movie/show he's in (Lost City, Cane, Lost, Smoking Aces) and it's almost always out of place.

My only gripe with the movie, and a little one at that, was the seemingly pointless inclusion of Scarecrow at the beginning. His behavior made no sense, and it was a waste of a decent character/actor.

I agree and disagree with ya. I'm glad they tied it up, as it was a loose end, but they could have done so much more. On the other side of the coin, if he was too big, it would have detracted from the rest of the movie imo. Maybe he'll pop up again, as we know the Joker won't (well shouldn't... :? damn you Heath Ledger and your awesome acting and OD'n skills). If they don't make another Jim Carry Riddler, he could be a bamf bad guy.


By the way, matter of opinion:

Heath Ledger wearing a nurse uniform, waddling away from an exploding hospital will go down as one of the greatest scenes in film. I'm still sitting here impressed with the acting. When the Joker is filming that video, and yells "LOOK AT ME". Wow, scared the crap out of me. Same when Dent shouted "SAY IT!" to Gordon. Good rage goin on.

By the way, matter of opinion:

Heath Ledger wearing a nurse uniform, waddling away from an exploding hospital will go down as one of the greatest scenes in film. I'm still sitting here impressed with the acting. When the Joker is filming that video, and yells "LOOK AT ME". Wow, scared the crap out of me. Same when Dent shouted "SAY IT!" to Gordon. Good rage goin on.

People were laughing their ass off at the IMAX theater the meetup was at when that scene occurred. The image of it was priceless, especially the Joker's reaction to things not working exactly correctly.


The movie was absolutely fantastic. The Joker, Harvey Dent, Gordon, Batman... they formed some kind of quartet of greatness. Maggie Gyllenhaal did an okay job (better than what's-her-face did in Begins), but she lacked a certain human level of interaction you'd expect from, well, someone who's known so-and-so for years and years and what have you.

It's a superhero movie, granted, so you have to suspend your disbelief at times, you know? The Joker being so freakishly SMART through the whole movie was almost to the point of deus ex, since his hand wasn't apparent in the work at times... but he's always been somewhat of a genius in the comics and the animation at times, so I went with it. The bike thing? No problem there, really, if you can go along with ANY of Batman's gadgets, I'd assume. Most of his gadgets actually aren't all that unbelievable. But whatever. The biggest "lol wut" in the movie came from the seemingly unimportant cell phone sonar system thing... and I guess that was the only thing that detracted from the movie for me.


By the time Harvey took the screen again, I'd forgotten all. about. anything. else.

Some complaints I'd read before seeing the movie:

*The dialogue was too ham-handed

*Harvey's alter ego wasn't as good as Harvey

*Real-world common sense dropped at a whim

Points 1 and 3: It's a superhero movie. It's not supposed to all make sense scientifically; there WILL be plot holes at times and lapses of logic. The RELATIVELY FEW times this becomes apparent in The Dark Knight are forgiveable, in my opinion, compared to all the Marvel movies or even Begins or ANY OTHER superhero movie, for that matter. If anything, The Dark Knight was the most believable superhero movie in recent memory.

Point 2: A matter of taste. The damage done to him, in my mind, seemed JUST enough of a justification for his behaviour. Also, his final scene in the movie was BY FAR the true and final climax of the movie. My heart was racing! I think Aaron Eckhart has proved himself as a talented and relevant actor with this movie; of his few previous roles that I recognize, all were forgettable. BEFORE NOW. Did you believe in Harvey Dent? I did. I didn't even want to, really, but I did.



The movie was absolutely fantastic. The Joker, Harvey Dent, Gordon, Batman... they formed some kind of quartet of greatness. Maggie Gyllenhaal did an okay job (better than what's-her-face did in Begins), but she lacked a certain human level of interaction you'd expect from, well, someone who's known so-and-so for years and years and what have you.

It's a superhero movie, granted, so you have to suspend your disbelief at times, you know? The Joker being so freakishly SMART through the whole movie was almost to the point of deus ex, since his hand wasn't apparent in the work at times... but he's always been somewhat of a genius in the comics and the animation at times, so I went with it. The bike thing? No problem there, really, if you can go along with ANY of Batman's gadgets, I'd assume. Most of his gadgets actually aren't all that unbelievable. But whatever. The biggest "lol wut" in the movie came from the seemingly unimportant cell phone sonar system thing... and I guess that was the only thing that detracted from the movie for me.


By the time Harvey took the screen again, I'd forgotten all. about. anything. else.

Some complaints I'd read before seeing the movie:

*The dialogue was too ham-handed

*Harvey's alter ego wasn't as good as Harvey

*Real-world common sense dropped at a whim

Points 1 and 3: It's a superhero movie. It's not supposed to all make sense scientifically; there WILL be plot holes at times and lapses of logic. The RELATIVELY FEW times this becomes apparent in The Dark Knight are forgiveable, in my opinion, compared to all the Marvel movies or even Begins or ANY OTHER superhero movie, for that matter. If anything, The Dark Knight was the most believable superhero movie in recent memory.

Point 2: A matter of taste. The damage done to him, in my mind, seemed JUST enough of a justification for his behaviour. Also, his final scene in the movie was BY FAR the true and final climax of the movie. My heart was racing! I think Aaron Eckhart has proved himself as a talented and relevant actor with this movie; of his few previous roles that I recognize, all were forgettable. BEFORE NOW. Did you believe in Harvey Dent? I did. I didn't even want to, really, but I did.



I agree about the bat vision thing. It was just retarded rotating CG imagery. However I'm really impressed that it's the only obvious CGI aside from the helicopter.


I actually had no problem with the Batvision other than the fact it was working in an area with no phones.

I really didn't feel thrown by the gadgetry. I thought the gadgetry was generally staying within the bounds of the real world environment they tried to create.

It was the continuity of the characters, their motivations, and the world they're supposed to be in that were what I had issues with.

The Joker being so freakishly SMART through the whole movie was almost to the point of deus ex, since his hand wasn't apparent in the work at times... but he's always been somewhat of a genius in the comics and the animation at times, so I went with it.

Very early in the movie, I really started to stop thinking of the Joker as just "some crazy guy" and more like "a supernatural force." (And I don't mean it in a bad way.) The feeling was really driven home to me near the end where he gives his final monologue during that upside-down shot, his coat flapping around him, his arms raised above his head as he eerily drifts back and forth like some sort of malevolent spirit. Again, not so much an enemy that could be defeated as an inevitable force which had to be survived.


Haters of spoilers? Oh, you better believe it!

Why the frick are the lot of you talking about Batvision?! I didn't KNOW the friggen MOVIE had BATVISION in it! Do the lot of you have no common courtesy whatsoever for your fellow man?!

:-x Dang it! :-x

That's it, I'm not coming back in here until Monday morning. I'll have seen this thing myself by then.

(I admit I'm overreacting, but it's really not by that much. I'm 3/4 serious.)


I have to agree with how Dent's lines were very hammy and downright cliche. I know that making the dialogue complicated isn't going to solve everything, but not everything he said had to be consisted of cliche one liners.

As for Maggie Gyllenhaal, she almost singlehandedly ruined almost all scenes that had her in it. I've never seen a worse actress in a superhero movie, ever.

And as for the Joker, I think it's safe to say that the movie is very, very far from being realistic the way he just skates through without even having loyal henchmen but just taking a bunch of thugs from other gangs. I'd imagine that won't work out at all in real life or even in comic books..

Haters of spoilers? Oh, you better believe it!

Why the frick are the lot of you talking about Batvision?! I didn't KNOW the friggen MOVIE had BATVISION in it! Do the lot of you have no common courtesy whatsoever for your fellow man?!

:-x Dang it! :-x

That's it, I'm not coming back in here until Monday morning. I'll have seen this thing myself by then.

(I admit I'm overreacting, but it's really not by that much. I'm 3/4 serious.)

Why are you even in this thread then? :P

Edit: For some non-spoiler fun, DarkeSword's little bro made this a month ago....

...and it already has 3x more views than my Castlevania video which has been up for more than a year.

Viral status is a fickle and elusive thing. :(


Just saw it. Altogether it was far from perfect but I still found it pretty great, though the ending was too drawn out. Probably post more on my opinion after I get some sleep (and after reading the rest of this thread).

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