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She was excellent in Sherrybaby

But yeah she was still the weakest part of the film - I think it's because she had to take the role of a character that she would have understood better had she played it in the previous film


Didn't particularly like the movie. The Joker part was well-played, but the script was a total failure. He wasn't funny, and I wasn't convinced.

Two Face was just terrible altogether. How do you convince a hospital not to protect your gangrenous face or not to give you drugs? That just isn't possible. Also, I cracked up several times when Two Face fell onto the acid, on-queue, and when his face caught on fire, on-queue. Almost comically contrived. Maybe he should have been Joker.

I liked the cellular sonar. Cool concept -- I think it would require 4 phones to create a 3D map, but maybe not a good idea to rely on it for martial arts...

Wasn't a fan of a lot of the moral choices in the movie. And sure, the boat full of criminals is going to selflessly toss out the detonator... haha. Maybe makes for a good Joker scene, but... k. And glad they confirmed that the hospital was evacuated! Whew! Thx PG13. Can't wait for Punisher War Zone.

It was like they went down a checklist of all the things that a successful movie needs, but didn't really stick their head out for anything in particular.



1) the joker is not supposed to be funny

2) the audience is not supposed to "be a fan" of the morality presented by the movie.

i'm not sure what you look for in movies, but maybe you should come back to this one in a couple years and see if you get a little more out of it.


1) the joker is not supposed to be funny

2) the audience is not supposed to "be a fan" of the morality presented by the movie.

well to a degree he's suppose to be a little bit funny, but yes no one should be a fan of the morality of the movie. People could get hurt. :)

Didn't particularly like the movie. The Joker part was well-played, but the script was a total failure. He wasn't funny, and I wasn't convinced.

Joker's not supposed to be funny here, he's supposed to be psychotic.

Two Face was just terrible altogether. How do you convince a hospital not to protect your gangrenous face or not to give you drugs? That just isn't possible.
Yes it is, it's called "refusing treatment" and it's pretty much a right that every American has.
Also, I cracked up several times when Two Face fell onto the acid, on-queue, and when his face caught on fire, on-queue. Almost comically contrived. Maybe he should have been Joker.
Not acid, oil. Weren't you even paying attention? And what do you mean "on-queue?" It's spelled cue, by the way, but besides that, what was the cue?

And what were you expecting to begin with? To be surprised that Harvey was going to become Two-Face? How is it contrived that that's the way half his face get's messed up? It's not any more outrageous than how they did it in The Animated Series (explosion) or in The Long Halloween (acid during a trial). It fits right into the framework of the story.

Wasn't a fan of a lot of the moral choices in the movie. And sure, the boat full of criminals is going to selflessly toss out the detonator... haha.
A criminal who's done time and knows that people shouldn't be playing into the hands of a whackjob like the Joker tossed the detonator out of the window. That was kind of the point of the scene.
Can't wait for Punisher War Zone.
Yeah good luck with that. What is it, the second reboot?
Didn't particularly like the movie. The Joker part was well-played, but the script was a total failure. He wasn't funny, and I wasn't convinced.

Two Face was just terrible altogether. How do you convince a hospital not to protect your gangrenous face or not to give you drugs? That just isn't possible. Also, I cracked up several times when Two Face fell onto the acid, on-queue, and when his face caught on fire, on-queue. Almost comically contrived. Maybe he should have been Joker.

I liked the cellular sonar. Cool concept -- I think it would require 4 phones to create a 3D map, but maybe not a good idea to rely on it for martial arts...

Wasn't a fan of a lot of the moral choices in the movie. And sure, the boat full of criminals is going to selflessly toss out the detonator... haha. Maybe makes for a good Joker scene, but... k. And glad they confirmed that the hospital was evacuated! Whew! Thx PG13. Can't wait for Punisher War Zone.

It was like they went down a checklist of all the things that a successful movie needs, but didn't really stick their head out for anything in particular.

The thing you found least believable about Dent was that he could refuse the pain meds?

How about him even being conscious with the level of damage to his face? Or being able to articulate at all? Hell, even him being alive after that is a pretty big stretch.

He would've been in a medically induced coma for the entire rest of the movie just to keep him alive.

How about him even being conscious with the level of damage to his face?


Or being able to articulate at all?

his mouth was still there

Hell, even him being alive after that is a pretty big stretch.

oh well excuse me dr lotd

let me just go tell all the third degree burn victims to go kill themselves


Saw it for a second time just a half hour ago.

It's even better than the first time, because you catch all of the forshadowing once you know what's going to happen such as (Alfred responding to the "known her all her life" statement regarding Rachel with "well, not yet" or something to that effect)


Guys, listen. Flirt amongst yourselves in PMs. Please. Please. You're making an awesome community look like a page full of youtube comments. I beg you: stop. :|

On topic, this is going to be one of the first movies I plan to buy on BluRay. I really can't believe how many amazing movies this summer has had.


Finally saw this today. But my friggen bladder was so full, I had to go at a pivotal point in the movie...twice!

Pffft, I'm such a woman!

But I caught almost everything, and loved it. I'm going to see this movie again tomorrow, and then I'll be able to give a proper reaction. Right now, this is my mindset: omfgwtfbbqlolwut??!!?!?!!?!1?111ELEVEN!!


i saw it too, while it was very well done, but it didn't feel like a complete story :|. it kinda felt like the movie was nothing but a middle. i thought the joker was well done (and shamefully found some of his jokes funny). but i miss the first movie's attention to detail and story. this one just sacrificed too much of that imo, but it was still well done.

That's strange. Some mod deleted my post asking what "mirrors" meant when it wasn't in the least insulting or off-topic. Try to show a little less bias, please. It hurts everyone if you misuse your authority.

if they didn't delete all the bad posts then this wouldn't be an awesome community apparently

It is just a middle though.

Again, I hope not. Like crazy_dewmaster said, the third entry always has a tendency to go downhill. As much as I trust Nolan with it, Ledger is gone and they're basically out of villains (except possibly the Riddler) to do anything good with.

That's strange. Some mod deleted my post asking what "mirrors" meant when it wasn't in the least insulting or off-topic. Try to show a little less bias, please. It hurts everyone if you misuse your authority.

It is just a middle though.

Asking for details in a movie that's immersed in utter chaos? Just can't really happen; the entire point of the Joker (as he had said before) was that he was an agent of chaos whose ultimate goal was to turn absolutely everything on its head.

Details are not necessary.

But there were still a lot of 'em.

I missed one or two things for various reasons, mostly bits of dialogue being drowned out by audience reactions (at several key points throughout the film the entire theater was clapping, stupidly).


Shut up and clap.


I'm usually ok with missing a line or two if the audience is having a good time getting into the movie. I remember going to see the first Star Wars prequel opening night. As soon as the Lucasfilm logo appeared, the audience went wild.

The rest of the evening was not so jubilant. :cry:

I'm usually ok with missing a line or two if the audience is having a good time getting into the movie. I remember going to see the first Star Wars prequel opening night. As soon as the Lucasfilm logo appeared, the audience went wild.

The rest of the evening was not so jubilant. :cry:


That's about what happened at my theater.

I can't really see a third movie being as good (or making much sense) unless someone steps up to bat for the Joker's part. What they did with him was definitely open-ended.

They can always use Mark Hamill!

Hehe Mark Hamil would be awesome. His Joker is great. Well I guess technically it's the combination of Mark Hamil and the writers of the Animated Series.

I guess they didn't have enough time after Ledger died to do a quick re-shoot to make the Joker's part end with more finality.


Nolan has a plan, I firmly believe this. He has envisioned an epic second sequel involving the Joker -- long before Ledger died (probably while writing TDK) -- and will likely follow through on that vision with a new actor.

And you know what? I wouldn't be entirely opposed to that. Nolan saw the potential in Ledger to pull off the Joker he wanted, and I have faith that he can find someone else to deliver just as good a performance as Ledger to keep with the vision.

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