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OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues


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If we had functioning Topic Reply Notification system, I could see what DS said about replying as being a serious issue. But we don't, so there's no way for sender to know anyone read it just by replying to the thread.
It works for me.

This is from another thread.

Basically, the Topic Reply Notification system hasn't worked for me in about... four months. The last one I got was on August 17th, and the ones I was getting back then just started up abruptly after not working for a good year or so.

Anyone know why they're so sporatic? I've made sure the box for getting them is checked, both on my posts and in my profile.

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If we had functioning Topic Reply Notification system, I could see what DS said about replying as being a serious issue. But we don't, so there's no way for sender to know anyone read it just by replying to the thread.
It works for me.

This is from another thread.

Basically, the Topic Reply Notification system hasn't worked for me in about... four months. The last one I got was on August 17th, and the ones I was getting back then just started up abruptly after not working for a good year or so.

Anyone know why they're so sporatic? I've made sure the box for getting them is checked, both on my posts and in my profile.

Topic replies work for me. It may be a spam-filtering false-positive issue, if your email provider is filtering server-side.

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Topic replies work for me. It may be a spam-filtering false-positive issue, if your email provider is filtering server-side.

It works good for me, but at some times I can suddenly stop receiving replies from a specific topic, even if I've posted in it alot.

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Quick question. If the vb switch is really, actually coming up within a week as TO suggested, could we perhaps have an actual announcement about the fact? There are some threads that need to be backed up before the forums are wiped and it would be nice to know exactly what kind of timetable we're looking at rather than just waking up one morning and finding everything deleted.

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Quick question. If the vb switch is really, actually coming up within a week as TO suggested, could we perhaps have an actual announcement about the fact? There are some threads that need to be backed up before the forums are wiped and it would be nice to know exactly what kind of timetable we're looking at rather than just waking up one morning and finding everything deleted.
We also need some rumor control. Is unmod gonna be gone after the switch?
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One can always hope... :wink:

A minor issue, that I've mentioned before. Even though I set my account to be logged-in all the time, and always enable auto-login, I still have to log in regardless. In fact, I can come to OCR, go to UnMod or WIPs (which you need to be logged in for, and then suddenly have no access because I need to log in again. It will only be a few seconds between entering the specific board, and then BAM! I'm logged out for some reason.

I've checked cookies and security settings on my end, and nothing has changed at all. And this site is the only one I see this happening on.

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I just found an interesting thread about vBulletin:


Apparently, the vBulletin vendor checks your forum from time to time and pulls the license from you if you have "depraved content" which seems like an arbitrary thing. In Hongfire's case it was lolicon. You already moderate that stuff out but it could be any number of things, including copyright infringing materials, or other "murky stuff." This is the forum software you're switching to? Are you serious?

I'm assuming this is why you're getting rid of UnMod. lulz

Though it's been so long since you announced you'd do it that I wonder if you'll still do it at all D:

Interesting. Jelsoft reversed their position after the fact, but it's disturbing. However, PHPBB has been so dead in terms of feature upgrades for so long now that I really don't see any alternatives. We've stuck with them for far longer than we should have, probably, and while I like the whole OSS/free software ideology, in this case it's been years without substantive improvements.

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Is unmod gonna be gone after the switch?

The current title of "UnModerated" is a bit inaccurate, as moderation can still occur for a number of reasons (spamming, flooding, trolling, illegal stuff, etc.), and with vbulletin certain mod's powers will be expanded to include banning; the plan is to rename the forum to "Off-Topic".

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Is unmod gonna be gone after the switch?

The current title of "UnModerated" is a bit inaccurate, as moderation can still occur for a number of reasons (spamming, flooding, trolling, illegal stuff, etc.), and with vbulletin certain mod's powers will be expanded to include banning; the plan is to rename the forum to "Off-Topic".

Awesome, I'm glad to know it will still be around. Thanks for the clarification!

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This isn't exactly new, but it's been slightly bothering me for a while now.

Personally, I think we should either have a sticky, in say, TechAss, or possibly put in the FAQ, about user Ranks and their respective post counts. I know the requests only come up once every couple of months, and if I'm missing a [semi]permanent list of them, it seems to follow that newbs would also fail to find it.

Not exactly an earth shattering issue, but I think it'd be nice to have around.

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You know, after using the site for the past few months, I still have this nagging question: why paginate the remix lists? I don't think I'm the only user who would rather just have all the remixes for a game on one page. The same applies to the list of games for each letter.

I know you've brought up the Chrono Trigger scenario multiple times, but scrolling really isn't that much of an issue at a reasonable desktop resolution. In addition, most people don't mind a little extra scroll-time, as opposed to a potential 2 or 3 extra clicks to get to the mix or game they want.

At least set the number of remixes displayed to 50 per page, like with the games list. It's more consistent, and would save us all a lot of clicks in the long run.

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Using Firefox? Add the following to userContent.css

@-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.ocremix.org/forums/)
.left-column {
display:none !important;

div.middle-column {
margin: 10px 0px 0px 145px !important;

div.middle-column-extended {
margin: 10px 10px 0px 10px !important;

div.breadcrumb {
left: 10px !important;
input {
background: white !important;
color: #4D4E6C !important;
border: solid 1px #4D4E6C !important;

textarea, select {
background: white !important;
color: #4D4E6C !important;
border: solid 1px #4D4E6C !important;

Voila, no more sidebar on your forums. :D

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