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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2015 in all areas

  1. You kids and your "Dank Memes". Geroff my lawn.
    5 points
  2. NOOOOOOO ONEEEEEE Grooves like Sir_NutS No one Moves likes Sir_NutS No one's mixing's incredibly Smooth as Sir_NutS There's no mix he's made thats deemed too muddy He's got tutorials to spaaaaaaare I am so sorry
    4 points
  3. I'm finishing a two-month-long internship in a law office in Paris (trademark law, baby), before heading back to my home. I'll be starting the last year of law school in September (Master's degree). Other than that, I just finished the VV3 album and waiting for BA3 to come out. And I also finished a new video project with my association in August. We're planning to go to small conventions soon.
    2 points
  4. D00des. The mixes this round are amazing. You guys blow my goddamn mind with some of the killer studio chops you have. Flex, your mix gave me the biggest boner and then it continued for the whole rounds worth of mixes so I had to consult my doctor. He listened through and also got a boner. So big props to all of you dewds.
    2 points
  5. Therein lies the challenge. It's not always going to be easy. Focus in on other aspects of the piece.
    2 points
  6. I love the idea of click-bait headlines pertaining to SFRG. "This guy gave 13 remixers a week to make Mega Man X remixes. The results will BLOW YOU AWAY."
    2 points
  7. i love those WWE OCR videos
    2 points
  8. WE FINALLY DOIN’ IT! We need your help to add genre, mood, instrumentation and other tags to the OCR database. The full list of terms. The minimum of what we need for every ReMix is: Primary Genre (e.g. funk, metal, rap, EDM, jazz) Secondary Genres (when applicable) 1+ Mood (e.g. aggressive, goofy, romantic, sad) 2+ Instrumentation (e.g. acoustic-guitar, chiptune, piano, singing) Additional tag types we want to apply whenever possible: Specific Arrangement aspects (e.g. # of instruments, minimalist, extended soloing) Effects (e.g. distortion, glitching, lo-fi, vocoder) Origin (e.g. collaboration, created for a compo) Live production aspects (e.g. live ensemble, live recording, use of live instruments) Regional influence (e.g. Celtic, Japanese, world) Time (e.g. tempo, long or short duration, time signature) Usage (e.g. workout, winter/holiday, Halloween, meditation) This is a serious project, so you need to have a good understanding of what the tags mean and also have a good ear for labeling genres and identifying instruments and moods. We want to build an accurate library of tags for the remixes on the site. If you’re interested and you think you have what it takes, let us know right here in this thread and we’ll assign you a block of ReMixes to work on and PM you our tagging submission form where you can enter the data. THANKS! __ Can we add more tags to the list? No! We don't plan on adding many other tags, but if a good case is made for something we've overlooked, we may add more. Note on genres: We're not trying to add tags for every subgenre under the sun. We're going for pretty broad descriptions. We don't need "tribal Moombahcore chillwave"; EDM works just fine in most of those cases. Note on using "epic" for mood: We're not using "epic" as a synonym for awesome/amazing/yoooooooooooooo. We're using it to describe ReMixes that are grand, heroic, or anthemic in scope/tone, which isn't limited to orchestral and rock pieces. Note on lyrics and duration: Larry has already handled lyric-specific tags (original, existing, explicit) for all lyrical ReMixes, and duration tags for long and short mixes. Problems?! If you’re working on tagging your batch of ReMixes and run into an issue where something isn’t clear, then post here and let us know and we can help you.
    1 point
  9. Hey! You all like Chrono Trigger, right? And you remember that awesome http://spectrumofmana.com/ album? Well get ready for more! Artists behind Spectrum of Mana, featuring a few additions from Overclocked ReMix, Dwelling of Duels and even the Russian VGM community are releasing a Chrono Trigger tribute album called Chronicles of Time to celebrate it's 20th anniversary! The bad news is, the complete 5-disc album is coming out sometime later this year. BUT, a sampler album called "A Premonition", containing 13 tracks was released yesterday, clocking in at 63 minutes of awesome. So, get it now! The entire thing is up on , Soundcloud, and you can download it from the website: http://chroniclesoftime.net/ Stay tuned for the full album later this year!
    1 point
  10. Not so fast, son! I gots to have my say. Agreed that arrangement sounds solid and performances are good. The only real question is whether or not the levels/overcompression is a dealbreaker. For me personally, I do hear some audio squashing in places and there is simply too much noise going on in the most intense sections that hurt this. HOWEVER, like Dave mentioned, despite this there is still a reasonable amount of clarity and distinction between the various parts. I don't know if I'd want to listen to this on headphones too long personally due to ear fatigue, but I think it just squeaks by on the production front. YES
    1 point
  11. The Coop

    What's everyone up to??

    OH SHIT! ZOMBIES! **breaks out a flamethrower and a double-barreled shotgun**
    1 point
  12. live-recording is the entire piece of music having been recorded in one take, like a concert recording. live-instrument is used in something like a track where a live instrument is actually played and recorded. OCR00087 doesn't have live instruments. It's sequenced.
    1 point
  13. Check my phone to see notifications and all speak related Sir_NutS
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. First, apologies for the very late mod review. Some weird timing things in the intro. I don't terribly mind, but I'd be remiss not to mention it. Slow attack on the string thing 0:50 makes it sound like it's lagging behind. Sounds like a crash is missing from 1:01, and from similar places later as well. Nice piano sound 1:13. Hats and cymbals could be a little louder and a little brighter, because I can barely hear them. It's not just my ears, is it? Overall needs to be louder. Not necessarily by much, but it's lacking impact on my setup. I would probably fiddle with the compression, add side-chaining or give the parts that should have more impact a tiny nudge in level, maybe all of these. At 2:50 I'm hoping it'd end. Seeing it's only about half way, I'm a bit concerned about how it'll work. I'm glad you're changing it up after that point, but I wonder if it's a little too late. Giving the earlier parts more impact might solve this. I would look into mixing up the chord sequence some, though. It's currently just Em-D-C-D through most of the track. No wonder it gets repetitive. Even if you don't change it much, you can do a lot by switching one or two of the chords every once in a while, to signal a new part, to serve as punctuation, whatever. You can swap out either D for a Bm(7), the C for a G or Am, depending on the notes you use in the other parts. The Em works well to keep the mood, but you can swap it for an Em7 or a G/E from time to time. Modifications to an otherwise repeating chord sequence is a way to signal progression to the listener, and helps keep the track a little more interesting. It might not always be necessary, but it often helps. Snare sounds like it's lacking mids. You could easily bring down the synth lead and give the snare a bit more mids instead. Ending is really cool. Source is there, nicely adapted. I'm cool with the source usage. Overall, nice work. It might be a pass, but I would personally want it to be better before I was satisfied.
    1 point
  16. "Warning: This tutorial contains NutS"
    1 point
  17. "He added a compressor to his effects chain. What happened next was NutS"
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. That'd be cool Mike! Just please name all of your segments "with NutS", i.e., "Mixing with NutS", "Mastering with NutS". If you ever do segments with guest artists, they can be titled "When NutS aren't Enough", i.e., "When NutS aren't Enough: obsessive snare drum tweaking techniques featuring special guest Jivemaster"
    1 point
    1 point
  21. This is not a ruse. It's a glorious tribute to our great lords Dracula, Cthulhu, djp, and Nicolas Cage.
    1 point
  22. If you like clean, but strong vocals, I've been particularly fond of Caligula's Horse lately. They're prog metal, if you like that. Here are a few of my favorites: The last one is a slow burn, but it's what got me into them in the first place...especially since I was playing Skyrim when my friend sent me the link. They have a new album coming in October. :> Really stoked.
    1 point
  23. Hey all! Obligatory 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF CHRONO TRIGGER'S NA RELEASE post While we had hoped to release the album in time for the 20th anniversary of Chrono Trigger's NA release, we have some exciting updates to share! -The album titled has been officially set as Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger -All but two tracks have been sent off for post production! We are getting very close to having the music finished. -Jorik Bergman (Bowlerhat) has signed on to play flute on a tune for the album. -djpretzel will be helping us to get a website up and going for the release! That's all for now folks! We hope to be getting a trailer out to you sometime in early autumn. Stay tuned!
    1 point
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