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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2015 in all areas

  1. An OverClocked Chrismtas v.9 -- RELEASED!! To grab the latest album, FOR FREE, go here: http://williammichael.info/aocc/ I just wanted to take a moment and thank The Coop for once again helming this album project. It takes a tremendous amount of effort by him, as well as our musicians to put this album together, and I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! I wish everyone a safe, healthy, and happy, Merry Christmas.
    3 points
  2. First mix is up @ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03280 Congrats to @DusK & @The Coop & everyone involved!
    3 points
  3. Hey guys, In a crazy whirlwind of productivity, I put together this arrangement/music video in roughtly a 24-hour window lol. There's a link to the SoundCloud file in the video description if you want to download it. I hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7206KnnMYvI
    2 points
  4. the prequels make it pretty clear that force sensitivity isn't heriditary
    2 points
  5. Well, I'm gonna be THAT guy. 1-Vampire Killer (CV1) 2-Bloody Tears (CV2) 3-Beggining (CV3)
    2 points
  6. man, i want to hop in here and say how much i appreciate the kind words coming from everyone in this thread. thanks for giving me your ears, your time, and your thoughts; they're humbling gifts to receive. and thanks to dave and all of the ocr staff for toiling over this site, to give video game music the platform it truly deserves, as well as the constructive criticism and undue praise you all have given to me over the years. much love everyone, and hope you all have a merry Christmas. - peter/melody
    2 points
  7. There is a plan in my head for v.10. Details after the start of the new year.
    1 point
  8. Updated the first post of this thread with the new site location. Thanks for getting everything uploaded, Dyne. Now go get the music, people!
    1 point
  9. The Damned

    OCR Secret Santa 2015

    Not a Secret Santa gift, but freqrexy got me something off my Steam Wishlist. Which is odd, because I got him/her/it/I DON'T KNOW STOP JUDGING ME nothing! That's not changing I'm just stating the obvious.
    1 point
  10. Just gonna throw up a link, I put my gifts together that I got from fxsnowy! The half gloves plug into a USB and get toasty warm! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0yA2xJvloATSURZWmZzaU9yNFh3RlpCZFIyVlZwWmgtZ3Q4/view?usp=sharing To my secret santa; I was a bit slow, but I mailed out your package yesterday! I hope it arrives soon!
    1 point
  11. I'm working on everything right now. It should be up within a few hours, and there will be a post once it's released. No worries, it's going live today.
    1 point
  12. Yeah I agree, I didn't even know she was supposed to have a bigger part until I read stuff after seeing the movie lol. Hopefully she's brought back and more interesting in the next episodes. I think my biggest concern for the trilogy at this point is that Rey will end up being a Skywalker. I really, reeeaaally don't want that to happen. I know everyone's expecting something along those lines, but it's just soooo cheesy. And the message kinda ends up being something along the lines of "you're a useless piece of shit unless you're a Skywalker"
    1 point
  13. Sean Schafianski -- I have massive respect for you my friend. So much that I double, nearly triple-checked to make sure I spelled your name right. This is so many miles and leagues above my OCR solo debut remix. By most standards even more established remixers this would be seen as a strong remix. Sure, there's some oddness to the mixing... vocals a tad loud, would have preferred a little more body to the acoustics.. Starting at 1:07 it seemed like the kick and snare was loud, and the kick could have used more of a low-end boost to give it some warmth/thump, maybe around 80Hz.. bass presence in the mix seems a bit too sterile, a bit clean. But the performances are so amazingly well done and everything sounds so awesome, and distinctly Japanese-arrangement sounding. With Emi Evans singing on this, it would sound right out of NieR perhaps. Maybe for the upcoming NieR 2? It's weird that around here critiques can be summed up to "I wasn't bothered by THIS..." But with this song, I find myself not really being bothered by any particular element. I love the piano, both the sound and the sequencing (or performance, not gonna assume). Aforementioned nitpicks don't even bother me, they're just things that I personally would have dug hearing differently but doesn't affect my enjoyment of the song. The guitar solo is really nice and the tone is well-crafted. I think the drums could have used a little work in terms of leveling and EQ, but on the whole, the sound design is fantastic and the arrangement is very pleasing.
    1 point
  14. Solid intro here. Nice pads, percussions, voice samples and synths used to create the eastern feeling. The bass that enters at 0:45 has a cool saw effect but sounds a bit thin, like if it lacked more bass. Not sure if I have much else to say, the samples are nice, production is clean and the arrangement is fun, even if it doesn't have many catchy melodies. You really nail this heavier electronic sound which is quite zircon-ish. Maybe, even too zircon-ish! That's a compliment of course, but I'd be interested in having you branch out a bit more sometimes.
    1 point
  15. Definitely sounds like NieR. I haven't heard many Vocoloid pieces, but the tone in this one seems better, more articulate. I agree on the backing being strong; it certainly helps when I don't comprehend the lyrics. Also found this fun to improv snare solos over for some reason.
    1 point
  16. Alright, alright, esperado convinced me to join in, but I don't know what source to pick as of yet. Need to think on that...
    1 point
  17. Remixer: ibeginwiththeendinmind Name: Chris Ross Email: User ID: 54548 Link to remix: Game: The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile Arrangement Title: A Prisoner's Vengeance Original Track: Perfect Nightmare "The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile" is an indie title on XBLA by Ska Studios; the studio also known for "Charlie Murder," "The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai," and "I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMBIES 1N IT!!!1." The soundtrack is composed by James Silva, one half of the Studio's team. The original soundtrack for the game can be heard here: http://music.ska-studios.com/album/the-dishwasher-vampire-smile I felt inspired to join OCRemix after I had heard about it from ExtraCredits, and had had the idea of reworking this track floating around in my head for some time. I really love the atmosphere and language of the track, and felt that it was an incomplete idea, so I set out to flesh it out into what I have here. I moved the direction away from the industrial/punk sound it had, and made it into a straight up metal track. I was playing around with the idea of sung vocals, but I felt that keeping the whispering throughout was in keeping with the atmosphere. If there is any concern over how close the beginning of the song is to the original (and use of the lyrics therein), I do have permission from the copyright holder to use it in this manner, and his blessing over this song.
    1 point
  18. Obligatory "I'd love to participate, but.." reply. But hey, I'll try to listen & vote!
    1 point
  19. Rexy

    OCR Secret Santa 2015

    These two little figures (not the coffee cup which was bought at a past London Gaming Con) came through the mail today, and they look so adorable! And I was worried that with the lead up to the holiday, the OCR SS would be another delayed asset on top of everything else that had happened in the run-up to this event. Still, I am thankful they both came! Once I do some winter cleaning they'll have a nice, chilled home in my room. I had a look at the gift notes from the package and it also said something about download codes for some of their music. If they're anywhere, they weren't in the box; wonder if they ended up somewhere that I hadn't looked yet. Considering what the SS set out to do, I have a feeling there may be more that had gone under my radar, but we'll see. Nevertheless, thanks so much Garpocalypse!
    1 point
  20. This looks so cool. There should be a OCR Secret Santa Remix edition where people ask for remixes or something like that. That way people like me from countries far away could participate
    1 point
  21. Orchestrated music that’s blended with electronic music could not sound anymore dark and eerie than it does in this track. I loved the entire track, but 2:10 – 2:40 was phenomenal work. The “wub wub” transitions between each section of this track was incredible. It almost makes me fear the “wub wub" for when I hear it, I'm immediately anticipating a ferocious battle on the horizon.
    1 point
  22. To quote Gilbert Gottfried, "YOU FOOL!" Well ladies and gentle peoples, the deadline has come and gone. I'll be spending the next day or so finishing up the text for the back and making a song order after I listen to them all. After that, the files all go to Dyne so he can do some truly unspeakably vile things to them before handing it all out to everyone. I can't give you an exact day, but it'll go up between the 22 and the 25, so keep an eye out for it in the Community forum. With that, I'd like to give a big thanks to all the remixers who threw something together for this album and keeping that thing from punching through the rest of the way to claim us all, and to Dyne for letting me helm this beast again. And with that, we can stick a fork in this project, cuz it's done.
    1 point
  23. Spoiler Alert. James Bond is a stormtrooper. lol
    1 point
  24. Apologies to MindWanderer; I didn't mean to derail either. Though figuring out the key to a song is a very important skill to have, ESPECIALLY for compos like this one. I also want to clarify that I didn't mean that you should be able to figure out the exact key just by listening. I don't have perfect pitch, so I also sit down with a keyboard and determine what the "actual" notes are in a song. But you should be able to listen to a piece of music and at least say "that's major, that's minor, that's some other mode." Determining the quality of the key is probably the easiest part.
    1 point
  25. https://producerschoice.leadpages.co/5-packs-1-dollar-fb/uh, whaaaaaaaat? 1$ for 5 producer's choice sample packs. For a buck I'll give em a shot
    1 point
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