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  1. 4 points
  2. First of all, sorry if it is the wrong place to post. I know there's Bahamut's post in R&C but it is rarely updated. Mods, feel free to delete this if it doesn't belong here. I wanted to see what could be done with the various projects. And since anyone can direct a project, I think it's for the best if everyone can talk about it, suggest solutions, and even step up to help. It'd be a shame to have some cool music not released anytime soon because of minor issues. This is also the place to find possible music claims if you want to help a project. So yeah, help an existing project end before starting too many new ones! Please note my analysis is only based on public projects, official projects (not unofficial ones in R&C) and on what I know -- I will not spoil or say anything related to private projects or other stuff I may know. Here we go! ACTIVE/RECRUITING CastleMania -- Started a few days ago after Shariq proposed the idea à la Super Cartography Bros. Should be an OCRI album as SCB. Still in recruitment, go and claim tracks here. Final Fantasy VIII -- Started this year. Still recruiting. Brandon will most likely finish FF3 before working full force on this one. Secret of Mana -- Restarted in February 2016. Bahamut will probably work hard on this one. Some tracks remain to be claimed, so go ahead! Paper Mario -- Started a few years ago (around 2011-2012 IIRC). RECKENEFIN wants to complete it, the album recently got official. Some tracks remain to be claimed -- a co-drector/assistant may be welcome as well. Hometown Heroes -- Restarted in March 2016. Aiming for OCRA quality. Recruiting. 25 Years of Fire Emblem -- Started last year, and recently got its official status (congrats!). A smaller tracklist, with almost-finished tracks and advanced WiPs. I don't think it will be released anytime soon this year (maybe mid/end of next year) as it's still looking for more people (remixers, artists, etc.) Hopefully its official status will contribute to its development! Final Fantasy III -- Started in 2013. Quite active, Brandon really pushes to get this one completed. I'd say it's halfway through its development, but Brandon handles things quite well. It could be released by the end of next year or early 2018 if everything goes well. Super Mario RPG: Window of the Stars -- Started in 2013. Close to completion (lots of finished tracks), as the final deadline (Feb 16, 2016) was reached recently. Art seems to be done (or at least started). A few tracks seem to be still open for claims. ToN isn't very active, but DaMonz (project assistant) is, so your best bet is to contact him about it. Pretty sure this one can be completed and released by next year without too much trouble if the staff gets a little more active. Lawn Party! Plants vs. Zombies -- Started in 2014. Most of the album is close to completion, and Timaeus seems to be quite active about it. Art will be needed in the future. This one can be completed this year (next deadline in April). Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors -- Started in 2010. Volume II (Water) is done according to Shariq. Production for Volume III (Fire) will mostly start soon-ish. Shariq will handle the rest of the production (and I trust him not to wait until 2020 to release Fire lol). Lufia II: Of Gods and Men -- Started in 2010 (v2?). Apparently, half of it is done, and Wesley recently said he would finish it this year after a long absence. I trust the man, this one could be out by the end of the year or in early 2017. LIMBO/INACTIVE Dragon Warrior / Children of Erdrick -- Started in 2009 (6-7 years ago already -- I had the time to produce the whole VV trilogy by that time lol). No public update for almost two years, despite the will to start it again. Apparently there are already some finished tracks plus a few claims. As it seems the project staff doesn't seem to be active (at least in a public way), it'd be interesting to see someone either take back the reins actively to complete all the music (as Kyle suggested) or simply release a short EP/OCRI album with the finished music. VROOM: The Best of SEGA Racing -- Started in 2013. Last year, Stevo proposed to release it as a smaller OCRI EP, and that's a perfect suggestion, as there is enough music (and almost finished music) to create something very cool. I don't know how this went this last year. Art is probably a priority for this project now, so step up if you are interested or know someone would could be interested. It shouldn't be too hard to complete that one, and the concept is too excellent to let it go. Tim Follin: Dirge of the Follin -- Started in 2007 (10th anniversary next year lol? -- It started before I registered I think xD). No real update for quite some time, except comments from Brandon about the project's age. I don't know what Larry intends to do with this project, but releasing a smaller OCRI album would be the easier solution. Stuff like art will probably be needed in the future. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -- Started in 2012. On hold. As djp said in the last post, the project staff was "more of less okay" on the fact it could be revived under new management. The project is currently in development hell, with no one to direct it. Except if Emunator or Theophany come back, I'd suggest someone (with the project and OCR staff's agreement) takes this project's management. OoT is a BIG name in the VG community, and the line-up so far is quite excellent -- it'd be a shame to see this one die due to inactivity. A lot of work awaits the person(s) who will tackle this one. FINISHED/RELEASED/SOON-TO-BE OUT BadAss: Volume III -- The album will be released soon (if you trust djp's cryptic post in the Project thread -- but maybe he's lying because he's badass and evil? ;)). Chronology: a Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger -- Almost complete. Based on what I saw in some MagFest video, it should be released soon-ish this year. Seiken Densentsu III -- Started in 2008. Apparently, Meteo Xavier and the staff have reached a consensus on the end of its production so it should be out this year if everything goes well. TL;DR: Google Sheet
    3 points
  3. @Chernabogue Beat me to it! GREAT job on trailer & thanks for the quick weekend edits! We didn't quite make February, but it shan't be long, now Help spread the word:
    3 points
  4. I've just watched the trailer... IT'S FUCKING BADASS!
    2 points
  5. LONG LONG LONG OVERDUE UPDATE: So as you can see we have @HoboKa on board as the Co-Director. Brilliant stuff! Having spoken to him/ at length during the course of this project, I'm happy to have him on board. He knows this game, and he knows his stuff. Welcome! I've been in the wilderness for a couple weeks, but I'm happy to say that's behind me. Back on track with this album and happy to continue forwards. Still, as Hoboka himself has mentioned, if you can't reach me, feel free to contact him. Onto the state of the album: We now have 9 tracks of 34 claimed. That's almost a third, equating to one disk, not to mention the first claimed WIPs have started trickling through! This makes me happy. Keep claiming if you want to, It'll be good to see more faces Everyone already on board, who hasn't sent their first WIP in yet, I'll be contacting you presently. Happy musicmaking, folks!
    2 points
  6. Yeah, awesome stuff with the trailer Alex! Evil is almost upon us!
    1 point
  7. Hey look I'm on an OCR album! So hype for this. Also forgot there was actually a Digimon remix on this, YAY
    1 point
  8. So, I finally listened to these two songs. Sure, they're very similar, but they're extremely minimalist. Very basic kick-hat percussion with two alternating chords and simple spoken-verse lyrics. One could easily come up with something like this without having heard the original. I often hear songs that are highly reminiscent of other songs where there's no plagiarism going on, and that's with songs that have actual melodies. Just had one this week in CCoI where wildfire somehow managed to create a remix that "obviously" made use of a song she'd never heard before. So I'm strongly inclined to believe this is a coincidence.
    1 point
  9. Bleck

    Street Fighter V

    on the one hand, I get that on the other hand, who the hell is buying Street Fighter just to play Arcade Mode in fucking 2016
    1 point
  10. I'd be interested, if you didn't brush my WIP off as a midi and make me totally demoralized
    1 point
  11. Not all projects will be finished... A small few could be abandoned. Honestly I'd like to see some fresh big projects started instead of stringing along old dead ones. But if there's potential to release some of the old ones that'd be good if the music aged well. What I'd personally like to see -- more albums that start with a small tracklist (maybe 5 required songs) but allow people to claim other things based on their interest in other sources. This would keep albums from getting too large, and make sure if someone claims something it's because they put in the effort or were familiar with it to know what it was. I'd like to see a Star Ocean album done this way (small, but covering all the games) A NieR album, RPG Themes album (main themes from RPGs) Indie album (covering great songs from games like Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Transistor, etc) I think this is a thing that should be done, and trying to save older projects isn't a justifiable reason to not do new stuff like this.. not to say we should outright abandon them all, but those involved should do their part to finish off the existing ones.. For example I still need to send Level99 a finished WAV for my Vroom track and I intend to do that.
    1 point
  12. OMG OMG OMG!!! Oh wait, I already knew that
    1 point
  13. I totally hate when people say how close their votes are (especially when i disagree with them ), but I understand their perspective on that. This vote was super close for me, and it took 4 listens each before I was confident in what I was preferring. The production was pretty close for all of them to me, and the arrangements were all good, I voted for the one that had the most energy.
    1 point
  14. I really don't buy that this is an accident and even if it was, I have doubts the composer wouldn't catch themselves. "When Worlds Collide" is among the most popular nu-metal/industrial rock tunes from the 90s. It still pops up in movies, games, commercials, radio etc. all the time. I mean, the vocal style, melody, rhythm and even the backing power chords in that FFXIV track sound almost completely the same. I'm normally not one to agree with most of these kinds of claims, but I'd bet that if Powerman5000 wanted to, they could probably convince a court without much effort that it's a rip-off. While it's true that there's only so much you can do and patterns happen in genres, part of being a composer is being familiar with a wide variety of music and being able to tell if your piece is a little too close for comfort to something you're inspired by. I recently scrapped one of my tracks because I realized that it sounded like something I'd heard before, but I couldn't remember exactly what. When I shared it, people pointed out how very similar it was to "Rapid Fire" by Blue Stahli, which is a track I actually knew how to play. Then, I face-palmed hard, laughed, and got rid of it. I get the feeling this composer may have skipped that final step.
    1 point
  15. I'm curious as to the mic setup you have. Are you able to provide a picture? The piano mics sound too far away and are capturing a lot of the room reflections which are probably a significant part of your problems outside of the playing itself. Watch a few YT videos on mic'ing pianos and move the mics closer if you can. If it's a grand as you stated above make sure it's open and stick one of your mics as close to the strings as you can. Are you using any external reverb plugins? If you are eventually going for a Soule-esque reverb layering (which would be cheaper than mic'ing the entire hall) you need to start with the closest mic setup possible then use your reverb plugins to simulate mid and far mics and mix all of them together. For now, try taking them off, if you are using them, and see if you can just use some light EQ'ing to get the sound you want from the mic's you have. Just to echo Nebeblebix and the others there's a lot here that needs to be addressed and even flawless mixing won't fix it all.
    1 point
  16. Well first of all, things sound very out of tune. What's the tuning status and reference frequency (A4) of that piano? Has it been maintained at all? If it's not possible, I recommend trying slight pitch shifting until things jive better. Frequency clash from things being out of tune render things muddy as well, because things that usually just get absorbed into the same note/frequency are adjacent and dissonant (if I play A on a flute and C D A on a piano, the A's should vibrate at the same frequency and thus be perceived as basically one note, otherwise it's two separate microtones). Do that with ensemble harmonies, and you're bound for a mess. Very eye-opening, and a reminder that the best solutions to our problems can be the simplest ones.
    1 point
  17. dannthr

    My stuff sounds muddy

    Ryan's videos are great! Always great tips, whether you're a Reason user or not.
    1 point
  18. Ronald Poe

    Endless Night

    I just listened to "Exile Vilify" and was blown away. It was an awesome song and moved me. Although I wouldn't expect anything less from a seasoned remixer like Branden Strader. Also Brandan, are you hoping for a season 2 of One Punch Man?
    1 point
  19. What's really interesting is that the idea to master the whole album was shot down by G-Mixer because he didn't want anyone messing with his limiter It's a great album anyway.
    1 point
  20. Perhaps this may answer your question?
    1 point
  21. General Overview: Going through December Reviews month, I found that the album that contained most of the tracks I reviewed came from this album. So I figured that this album would be worth a download/listen/review. It totally was, as this is by far the most eclectic compilation album anyone can listen to. Nearly every music genre that could possibly be represented is represented in this album. I guess it shouldn't surprise as the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack has always been eclectic, but Overclocked took that about ten steps further with this specific album. It's not perfect, and I don't expect everyone to go through the entire album from beginning and end due lack of preference in other genres. But this is definitely worth investing in for many reasons (if you like DKC series, if you like DKC3, general Overclocked fan, music fan, video game music fan, etc etc etc). I'm an elementary student teacher, and I would totally use this album to help kids discover what music genre's appeal to them, and which ones don't. I also appreciate this album as until last month, I didn't even know that the Game Boy Advance port had unique music. So I had nothing to compare any of the "GBA" tracks to, and I still enjoyed them. It made me more curious about the GBA version of the game. Moral here is, you miss out on a lot of good Overclocked tracks (and albums) if you choose not to download it just because you've never heard the original before. Album Strengths (AKA Personal Favs): Track 1-4: Unbearable (Brothers Bear) by Brandon Strader This was already a fun track, so it's nice to hear Brandon retain that fun factor even while making the track his own. Track 1-6: Purewater Pressure (Stilt Village) by WillRock Very relaxing and light hearted. It just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Track 1-7: Bash the Bastards! (Bonus Time) by WillRock, Level 99 I was expecting something much more intense with a title like that, but I still enjoyed the relaxing folk rock vibe I got out of this. Track 1-8: Funky's Joint (Hangin' at Funky's) by Brandon Strader Compared to DKC 1 and 2, I didn't really care for Funky's theme in DKC3. But this interpretation of Funky's theme actually makes me appreciate it more. How do I describe this without using any funky puns....damn it. Track 1-13: Banana Revolution (Live in Kongcert) [Cranky’s Showdown] by Jason Covenant feat. AkumajoBelmont Loved the "'live performance" vibe. Almost sounds like this was actually recorded live at a venue of sorts. Track 1-14: Permafrost (Frosty Frolics) by Draconiator, Flexstyle I was still humming this version of Frosty Frolics when I reviewed this last month. It gets stuck in your head quite easily. Lucky for this track, it's a good song to keep in your head. Track 1-18: Shenanigans Bananigans (Jungle Jitter) by Archangel Very creative arrangement. For someone who had never done a "cartoon-chase" style theme at the time this was being produced, you sure made it seem effortless. Track 1-19: Cliffside Clamber (Rockface Rumble) by Ergosonic The percussion made this track a 10, and then the rock guitar at around the 4 minute mark took it to 11. Track 1-20: mojo gogo (Jangle Bells) by prophetik Said it in the original, but I'll repeat it here. Very Motown, very comparable to the Contours, all around excellent arrangement. Track 2-7: Water Warped (Water World) by GSlicer, The Scarborough Joker .ti evoL .dica ni gnimmiws retfa lanimilbus lla tca ot tnaw em sekam kcart sihT Track 2-10: Wrinkly's Nightcap (Wrinkly 64) by Doc Nano This was such a sweet track. Very Claude Debussy-esq. Track 2-11: The Mighty Junglol (Chase) by Jason Covenant I feel like this track was made for the purpose of starting a meme of some sort. But outside of being reminded of YTMND, I did like this track. The narration track reminded me of how narration was delivered in old LucasArts adventure titles. Track 2-16: Friendships Through Dark and Light (Crazy Calypso, Crystal Chasm) by Vampire Hunter Dan This sounds like it would have made the best ending theme to a Donkey Kong Country game ever. Track 3-2: Treehouse Campfire (Treetop Tumble GBA) by Level 99 Wanna go camping in the wilderness? Wanna bring a guitar? Is the weather clear and starry? If you said yes to all three, then this should be the music to represent such a trip. Track 3-4: Thump Brothers (Brothers Bear GBA) by Flexstyle I love this track, and the beat-boxing. But still, it makes me want to hear the damn bears rap about themselves. Track 3-9: Funky's Tricks (Funky's Game GBA) by Malcos I loved the fun electronic/chill vibe this track creates. The beats are fabulous, and the main melody is so soothing. Track 3-11: Arichnophobia (Arich Boss) by Flexstyle feat. Paul Capps When I reviewed this last month, I had to hear the original because if this boss truly did have its own theme, it's gotta sound good, right? All I can say is, I wish that the original...well...GBA original theme sounded half as good as this arrangement does. Track 3-13: Post-Apocalyptic Society (Boss Boogie GBA) by Harjawaldar And then you get this boss battle theme which just sounds like it was made to motivate the bad guys more than the good guys. But that's okay, because it's fun to be bad, and to hear what represents the bad sometimes. Track 3-14: Nutz in the Head (Nuts and Bolts GBA) by zykO I actually liked the weirdness of the track. The distorted drums really added to the track, and really captured that "in the head" feeling. Track 4-1: Undercurrent (Enchanted River GBA) by Pot Hocket This is such a soothing, innocent new age stroll in the water. Very nice. Track 4-3: Heart of the Cave (Cavern Caprice GBA) by Rozovian ....wait, Super Metroid was used in this? Huh, interesting. I guess that makes kind of sense. Still a nice, pretty track. Track 4-7: Spanish Jitters (Jungle Jitter GBA) by David Wise feat. Robin Beanland, OC ReMixers Damn this track is incredible. You really have to hear for yourself how incredible this track is. So much effort from so many people in one track, and it all pays off. It's so good, it made me worry that my experience with the rest of the album would be tainted by comparison XD Track 4-8: Sea Breeze Concerto (Stilt Village GBA) by Monkey Kong feat. David Wise A little bit new age, a little bit rock, a little bit fusion jazz, a little bit 80s pop, a lot of it fun to listen to. Track 4-9: Beneath the Moonlight (Stilt Village GBA) by Theophany feat. Harmony, some1namedjeff, Fishy Back to back Stilt Village? Okay, I'll take it. Very grand arrangement here. I didn't get that "ending theme" vibe from it, but I still got a lot of enjoyment out of it. Track 5-2: Jitterbug System (Jungle Jitter) by Flexstyle I loved the percussion work here. It's so addictive, and catchy. Track 5-4: Treetop Intense (Treetop Tumble) by Danton F. The heavy metal vibe brought into this track works really well. Now I have a second reason to associate "intense" with Treetop Tumble (the first being that saw blade level). Track 5-5: Joyful Jungle Jig (Jungle Jitter) by Chernabogue I'm amazed that I recognized this as being from Chernabogue. Guess that what happens when you go through Vampire Variations in a week. The percussion and flute work done here are so good. The synth melodies make the jungles seem a little twisted. Like you'll lose your mind if you stick around too long. Track 5-7: Canopy Crawl (Jungle Jitter GBA) by Evory feat. Gintokipianist (Man, Jungle Jitter brings out the best in Overclocked, doesn't it?) This track makes me think I'm listening to audio from a silent film. Very fun, and very natural sounding.
    1 point
  22. NO! It's mine! He beat me in the race! ;_; HAha!race? you guys are way behind... the WIP I submitted for owa rounding the judges panel corner.. I know because I submitted it about 3 weeks after BOF it was finished then, and it is finished now anyways really good luck with your Submissions. Im confident in your work in general blake. Although I cant remember which one of yours you submitted! to talk breifly about my BOF mix. I'd just like to say... the rooster is your king! also.. I would like to say. the SFX were not the focus of the peice, just there to help tell the story. Story of Ryu's First good Deed --- opening---> Ryu Arrives in Camlon, a desolated town, taken by monsters, the people have been kicked out of their homes, and the duke forced from his keep. The children are not safe. ---1:12---> Although its not really his quest and is going to be time consuming, Ryu decides that it is completely within his power to lend these people a hand. It is on the way to Windia afterall anyways. Ryu makes his way to the Ducharchy and tells them to step aside, --- 1:35---> as a man on a mission he makes his way through the keep's gates (strutting is optional) and --- 2:07 ---> lays eyes on the giant oak doors, which he then opens. The mysterious halls reek sour of spoiled and spilt blood. ---2:22 (make a wish ryu)---> he moves on down the halls. A great battle took place here. Bones lay scattered about... ---2:39--->Loses his cool for a moment, ---2:47---> he rebounds ---2:49---> and dumbly stumbles forward. His wits save him from a lethal claw swipe from a Giant Ugly Toad. ---2:52---> the battle between good and vile has begun! At first Ryu gets his bearings and musters up the will to stand his ground... but the beast is huge... by the crown it wears atop its head, it's likely also the leader of the monster incursion. the two face off in a lethal dance. ---3:35- A blow is struck upon the beast with keen precision! Ryu's courage is bolstered and the beast is bleeding and angry. As Ryu successfully connects a few more hits home, the Toad gains a second wind, and is totally super pissed. ---3:43---> the Toad fights back and ryu pays with some of his own blood this time... ---3:49---> and just as it seems hopless again, the toad comes crashing down atop the young man... as the toad tackles him, Ryu slashes bringing the blade in a circle and Up into the toads heart. ---3:57--->Silence, ---3:58---> no one is watching so why make it dramatic? Preferring his life more than suffacating under the dead stinking toad, Ryu climbs out from beneath it, bathed in putrid, green, slimey blood. ---4:15---> the toads body glows and blinds the room in a flash of red-orange light. A steady stream of energy pushes Ryu gently back the way he came to the giant oak doors, ---4:32--->As he approaches them they open... upon sighting him, the Hamlet rejoices in the name of the Light Dragon Clan. (NOT the Wu-tang, or cherry clans.) A night's rest and good food in the temporary shelters ouside the city help Ryu to ease of mind. A week later after the wounds have all healed, Ryu finds himself wandering again towards the lands of Windia, with the blessings of the Duke of Camlon on his shoulders and karma totally super awesome. ---End--- THAT is the way it was. (its true)
    1 point
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