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  1. I made this video in anticipation of this song one day being posted, in case anybody was curious where the title of the remix comes from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQS2_Mt6_Lc
    4 points
  2. I have quit gaming as a regular hobby, though I have recently played a bit on steam and am back into Overwatch for the new event for a couple weeks. Overwatch is the best gaming investment I have ever made because it's one of the few games these days that's just meant to be a blast with your friends and they always keep doing things to make it feel fresh. It was a $50 dollar purchase and I get continued enjoyment out of it. However, months often pass where I don't even touch it. As I get older it just becomes apparent what a waste of time and productivity killer video games really are and I would rather do just about anything else most of the time. I often see users on Steam who have 300 hours sunk into a game in a short timeframe. I simply cannot fathom my life being so remarkably boring and/or non-existent as to be able to rack up that many hours in a game.
    2 points
  3. My only real attempt to kick video games was the second semester of my sophomore year of college. Left all my consoles at home,uninstalled the games i had on my pc and went about my studies. After what was a pretty successful semester I returned home, went to gamestop, and spent upwards of $300 on all the games I missed. The first few weeks of the summer break I was engaged in the deepest, darkest,most unholy gaming binge i've ever had. Advice? Don't fight it, it always comes back around. As long as I have Sonic 2, Streets of Rage 2 , Resident Evil 2 and hope for a Freedom Planet 2. No, I will not stop playing. I do need to kick my overwatch addiction in the worst way though.
    2 points
  4. @DarkEco, this is all sounding very familiar to me. Being a fairly long-time gamer myself, I'd like to say from my side of the fence that I haven't quit gaming - my games mean too much to me to give up completely - but over the years I have found myself playing them less and less as my life has become more and more complicated. I average now about 16 hours a month; about 8 hours every other Sunday (when I can get away with it). When I do game, I find myself going back over those old titles - sometimes it's a track I hear on OCR, or an interesting article, or even an obscure reference that makes me want to play a game again. Did that recently with Super Mario RPG; after hearing some of the amazing songs on the SMRPG album, I HAD to pick up the game again to get a little context to the tracks I was hearing. That being said, like @Skrypnyk I have a very hard time justifying going to the next generation of console. I've played the console hardware shuffle over eight generations now and it doesn't make sense to me to pay $450+ CAD to upgrade to a PS4 that I want maybe six games for and have very little time to play. As far as 'cutting back' is concerned, I was trained at a young age to schedule my game time; typically blocks of one to three hours depending on whether my brother was using the games and/or whether my homework was done or not. Once I moved out, blocks of three hours became blocks of eight to twelve. Now that I'm older, I still consider a good day's worth of gaming at eight hours, but the frequency is far less. I don't think a full 'detox' is necessary; I think some scheduling and a little self-discipline should bring a little more balance to your life, so you can pursue other activities AND still enjoy a game form time to time. But hey, this is just my opinion. If you think you need to do this, then don't let me stop you - I'm just saying there's more than one path.
    2 points
  5. Oh wow, that's lame. Nobody should profit from BadAss except we as directors ;P Have you contacted Polar Eclipse yet?
    2 points
  6. Hello, I am Reinhold from the Game-Art-HQ community. Back in 2015 we collaborated with OCR already and members from GA-HQ drew illustrations for the excellent Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart OCR Album. We are creating a couple of video game art tributes / collaborations per year and I thought it could result in something quite awesome if we can do another "Music & Visual Art" Project. I am writing this post because I myself am searching - Enthusiastic remixers that love the music of fighting games of the past and today - People that know what is important in a music piece and can basically do the judge part. I myself am a vgm addict since at least 1992 when I heard the timeless Guile theme for the first time in the SNES port of Street Fighter II but I believe that if we can do another collaboration, I leave the music part completely in the arms of the guys that are actually musicans. My idea for a Fighting Game Music & Art Project by OCR and Game-Art-HQ would be relative challenging and unorthodox for an OCR Album I guess. Fighting games are all about the fighting obviously. There are usually two characters beating the shit out of each other, and my idea would be to move this element into music tracks. In short, mashups. Ryu vs. Chun Li with elements of both characters themes in one track like they are basically fighting each other. Game-Art-HQ's Artists would come into play by creating illustrations of exactly those character matches. Including crossovers. Like if one of OCR's remixers has an excellent vision of creating a remix with Geese Howards theme with the one of M.Bison instead of another Fatal Fury or King of Fighters character, one of our artists would illustrate a fight between Geese and M.Bison. I think such a project should start relative small with a goal of 10 tracks. Ideal might be a mix of popular characters and games as well as to cover a few of the rarely remixed games. Each character should be a part of only one track, personally I would love to have 20 character themes of different games there. If you are familiar with fighting games, you know that a ton of them have excellent soundtracks, even if we go back to games like TMNT Tournament fighters or the earliest of the SNK fighting games like the first Fatal Fury or Art of Fighting. Here is a small selection of artworks that were created for Game-Art-HQ Art Collaborations in the past, we have a ton of very talanted artists in our community that love video games and just as much as everyone here: These are artworks made for our Legend of Zelda Bestiary Project, our Fighting Game Boss Tribute and the Nintendo 64 Anniversary we celebrated last year with games like DK 64. Would be awesome to get a new music and art collaboration together, I am open to support other OCR projects as well ^^ Greets and happy easter days everyone, Reinhold Hoffmann
    1 point
  7. I think a thread like this is long overdue considering how much I've gotten back towards Deviantart for a bit, but it's here: http://freqrexy.deviantart.com/ Before OC Remix, I did a lot of art and written work there, though 'art' was much loosely defined as I was one that just wanted to do their best with the mere traditional mediums I got stuck with. Now that technology has moved on significantly, I've found myself drawing digitally more often and learning as many tricks as I can to see how I could keep refining my skill set! I focus a lot on character drawing, with my primary focus being to pay more attention to overall pose work over detail. Here's a quick summary of the best artwork I did in 2016. You can see that a lot of my proudest submissions, oddly enough, tend to be of the Nintendo variety thanks to art projects I have been a part of - but I am always itching to go back towards the games that I loved at one point and seeing what I can do with them. I'm also looking to do artwork commissions as well! Prices go as cheap as $5 for a chibi or half-body sketch of a single character of your choice, or as high as $64 for a fully shaded picture with a background and 3 characters; prices depend on the type you'd like to see. Otherwise, alongside working on music, I'm always interested to see where the stylus would take my next. Have fun visiting!
    1 point
  8. I'm down yo. Fantastic artists! Maybe I'll sign up to brush up my art skills...
    1 point
  9. That's a pretty intriguing concept you have there, I rather like it. My fighting game history is pretty limited, mostly bits of Tekken, and I'm currently pretty much occupied with a lot of other things, but I'm interested to see what others think of the concept and I might even be able to chip in if it kicks off and my schedule has cleared.
    1 point
  10. Depends what you're looking to buy
    1 point
  11. I have a job and a kid and you'll pry my video games out of my cold dead hands. It might just be an hour or two a week, sometimes not even that, and a few minutes of Sentinels of the Multiverse or ALttP Randomizer on my phone, but if that's what I get, then I'll take it. My backlog of games I want to play before I die is probably long enough to last the rest of my life, even though I get more and more judicious about what I add to it.
    1 point
  12. I used to be a big gamer, but that gradually then suddenly stopped at one point. The most recent game I played all the way through was Twilight Princess in 2006. I occasionally played Smash Bros Brawl on the Wii, but I had to borrow my sister's console, and then when I moved away from home I couldn't take it with me. I occasionally would play my gamecube and earlier games, but even then I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety, so I couldn't play for more than 20-30 minutes a week before I would feel extremely guilty and worthless for not being productive with my time. I eventually got help for that, and was treated for the depression and counseling for coping mechanisms for the anxiety, so things did get better. I never really went back to gaming. Occasionally I would visit my hometown and would play whatever games were more recent on my sister's consoles, but couldn't get into them. I played Metroid Prime 3 and was like...motion controls? What is this? And I couldn't make it past the first 10-15 minutes. Same with Skyward Sword. This last winter break I didn't have anything to do, started to feel burnt out of music, had just graduated college, and was unemployed waiting for places to call me back, so I decided to play through the N64 Zelda games. I played through Ocarina but didn't get through Majora before things started again and I couldn't continue. I'm almost one semester into graduate school and am not going to continue that degree. I'm feeling very burnt out of music and things at the moment, so I'm going in a different direction. I'm going to study japanese, and will play games in that language as I progress. However, I probably won't really try to play catch up with games I missed. I'll do some older ones, maybe some 2010 era ones, but not really many new ones. When it comes down it it, I see everybody playing Undertale and Overwatch and I just am not interested. I used to be a gamer...but not anymore. Not even close.
    1 point
  13. Loving all these replies! @Garpocalypse I'm actually in my second college year too haha! I must be on a very similar path. I can vouch for Sonic 2, SoR and Freedom Planet also. They're pretty close to my heart. I can see myself having a similar binge in 3 years time.
    1 point
  14. GCJ, nailed it with the mixing feedback. I didnt even realize i mixed the snare the way i did. Good ear
    1 point
  15. Even if there's an existing font, the way it's arranged is original and should be protected (by the original logo creator).
    1 point
  16. HoboKa

    Undertale - Waterfall

    Hi there 2r1t, figured I'd hop in and try to give you some feedback - hopefully it's helpful for you - take it all with a grain of salt and all that jazz... The sample quality could be more robust in my opinion and most of the lead instruments are too lout up to 1:19. Are those soundfonts? I'm thinking that 1:20 is where it gets better on almost all fronts - the dynamic flares are much better. The reverb on the piano is a cool touch. The strings and organs I think could use a sound upgrade. I like the re interpretive ideas, not sure if that'd jive with the big wigs at OCR, but there's always room for improvement if they have any feedbacks on that end. Overall, this is a very creative and interesting piece, it just needs to be executed a little better. Trust me, I know the struggle man, getting the right samples and the E/Q is always a challenge to master, but you'll definitely get there with practice and dedication Hope that was helpful.
    1 point
  17. Hey everybody, here's a major update. Short term sad news, long term good. My time has been waning a lot recently, as you've probably noticed by my lack of posts. The majority of my input has been behind-the scenes, while my glamorous assistant @Trism has been dealing with the front of house, as it were. Unfortunately, as things stand, my handle on the little I've been able to do has loosened a lot now as well. Without going into too much detail, life just has a way of making things impossible sometimes and priorities are thrust upon you rather than letting you choose your own. THEREFORE: Rather than let this project and all the fantastic work you've all done so far slip into obscurity, I've decided to hibernate it for the timebeing. I figure that voluntarily putting a pin in it while I clear my theoretical desk is a far better option than let the ship run adrift without a captain at the helm. Thanks for the support so far, folks, we WILL be back. This is just something that has to happen for now
    1 point
  18. OC ReMix Presents Super Mario RPG: Window to the Stars! January 31, 2017 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA... OverClocked ReMix today released its 61st free community arrangement album, Super Mario RPG: Window to the Stars. The album pays tribute to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, released in 1996 for the SNES, a unique collaboration between Nintendo and Square which blended gameplay from both the Mario and Final Fantasy series. Featuring 34 tracks from 29 artists, Window to the Stars is directed by OC ReMixers Dustin "Theory of N" Lagaly & Emery "DaMonz" Monzerol, and is available for free download at http://smrpg.ocremix.org. Window to the Stars includes a diverse group of musicians honoring composer Yoko Shimomura's fun and upbeat soundtrack (inspired by original works from Koji Kondo and Nobuo Uematsu) in a variety of styles, including chiptune, bluegrass, klezmer, metal, EDM, orchestral, and more. Window to the Stars was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nintendo or Square Enix; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners. "I feel that this tribute to the brilliance of Yoko Shimomura, Koji Kondo, and Nobuo Uematsu does the soundtrack justice," director Dustin Lagaly affirmed. "With nearly every track rearranged across 3 discs, the album as a whole portrays a sort of reimagining of the journey taken in the game itself." The album's artwork was designed by a pair of Montréal-based artists: game developer Kristoffer Soucy, who also created the Wii U platformer Shuttle Rush, with tweaks by Roxanne Chartrand. "Getting this project done was one big adventure for us," remarked Emery "DaMonz" Monzerol, who steered Window to the Stars to completion as co-director. "I hope listening to it all will be a big adventure for you all as well. Happy listening!" Window to the Stars also marks OC ReMix's third Mario series album, following 2015's Super Cartography Bros., which focused on EDM arrangements of Mario map themes, and 2014's Portrait of a Plumber, which tributed the Nintendo 64's pioneering launch title, Super Mario 64. About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Preview it: http://youtu.be/FF6uamDXbfo Download it: http://smrpg.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Super_Mario_RPG_-_Window_to_the_Stars.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/45157-
    1 point
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