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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2017 in all areas

  1. @prophetik music Confirmed, this is currently a hard limit for users of the "Members" group; relevant settings: Conversations allowed to start per day = 5 Conversations allowed to start per minute = 1 Maximum recipients per conversation = 5 These are intended to mitigate any spambots that might make it through (or, I suppose, overzealous users?) from abusing the PM system. Do you need more & why? If so, and perhaps regardless, we may create an "elevated" group above regular members for users who have been around a good while, made numerous contributions, etc., and we could bump these settings for these ELITE SPECIAL PEEPS...
    3 points
  2. voted! also I only had a few seconds of bonus mix
    2 points
  3. Gario

    Lufia II: Of Gods and Men

    Alright, so here's where we're at: Currently, @Quinn Fox @Amphibious @zykO @DjjD @Sbeast @Alephmale have missed the deadline, so their sources are available if someone can send me a WIP of them beforehand. Of course, if they have a WIP then awesome - they're back in the game (and I really hope they do!). Thanks @Jorito @Eitzpii for keeping on top of things on here - your effort is appreciated! I will be getting in touch with everyone who is nearly finished with their older track over the next week and pushing them a little to get their finished WAVs in relatively soon. Please send me something as a WIP, as it would be better if we had more tracks than less, but as a project I do plan on pushing this forward regardless. Alright, that's it for now. Let's keep this thing moving!
    2 points
  4. Another nice pick from VV3!
    2 points
  5. Well me entry is up. Pretty simple affair overall.
    2 points
  6. So we just passed our second-to-last deadline, and I am very happy with the progress that we saw for this deadline. Not only do we have a handful of tracks that are nearly finished, we also saw a good amount of new WIPS and a few folks reaching out to get a bit more time for their updates. So thanks all, let's keep it up! Unfortunately we didn't hear from everyone, and that also means a track that previously was claimed has become available again. Anyone interested, I Closed My Eyes, the dreamy Game Over tune, is now up for grabs again! Next deadline is July 2nd. It'd be a good idea to shoot for a near final version of your track so you don't have to rush it towards the final deadline in September. Stay tuned!
    2 points
  7. Congrats on the first Suikoden II mix on the site since 2001! Great job on the vocals, Joy, and I also loved the solo violin from Trev. The guitar from Joe was also certainly worth the reach-out. Good on Jorito for putting together this collab!
    1 point
  8. just checking in; still alive, still working on the track, should have an updated WIP sometimes this week. sorry about vanishing...
    1 point
  9. heard a final for Forest of Illusion today, so as soon as @noTuX gets me a lossless, that one's done! also heard a badass jazz arrangement from @Wiesty that is gonna be a real standout collaborative performance on the slow album. i also have WIPs promised from several people by the end of the month...looking forward to hearing it! my music pc is back in business after some issues with hard drives so i'm excited to get working again as well.
    1 point
  10. @The Imposter has now claimed The Awesome Black Hole. Welcome aboard! 3 tracks to go! Now you can REALLY drop the mic. Which mic did you get? No, not yet - I still haven't had a chance to sit down and figure out how I want this to work, let alone write any sort of script. Since quite a few folks are asking about this, I guess I better get on it. Record it, duplicate the track, then hard-pan each track left and right. You can do stereo pretty good this way.
    1 point
  11. I accidentally read this as "Are PMS limited to 5 people?" and I was thinking "Dude, Brad, work on your syntax." And we laughed... because it's Monday...
    1 point
  12. Very enjoyable longform symphonic rock track, good performances to add some extra life into it. There's a small harmonic wart with the organ at 1:47 when transitioning between parts. That's about the only thing I personally object with the track, I see a bunch of production crits but my ears were not bothered by the production. I like the variety of the instrumentation and keeping everything fresh for the whole duration is an cool achievement. It really sounds quite effortless actually. The track also has a very strong sense of forwards drive, which is nice, it constantly feels like it's going somewhere. It's also interesting that the parts do not differ greatly from another, and since everything else is clicking, this emphasizes the sense of forward momentum.
    1 point
  13. Haha, great source choice! My composition is done but I need to work on the mix.
    1 point
  14. Quinn Fox

    Lufia II: Of Gods and Men

    Hey, if I can take Mountain Path of Ice Fog, then count me in. I'm back in the scene, so to speak.
    1 point
  15. Okay so first off, I agree that the sample work could be improved, but I don't think it's that bad at all. Mechanical harpsichord don't bother me, because I personally think that's how the instrument is meant to be played most of the time. The violin is the most noticeable one, and could have used more expression in the sequencing, but the writing is great. Also, the drums didn't bother me. The kick and snare could have a tad more presence, but are definitely easily audible even in the busy sections. I don't think those issues are dealbreakers, especially with such an awesome arrangement. The progression is excellent, and the source is handled very skillfully. No hesitation from me even with the aforementioned issues. I think this is still an easy YES
    1 point
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