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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. I just can't think of... wait, what? Not implying in any way that my suggestions are de facto solutions to the 'problem'. Simply advising you to read posts in their entirety before passing judgement on someone you don't know. That, we can agree on.
  2. Will you guys ever consider making an 'OCR 10 years anniversary' shirt? Could be a cool way to celebrate the site's success and spread the word at the same time.
  3. There's no word to describe how amazing this would be if it were to happen for Badass volume 2. Considering the quality of 'The Curse of Yamato' and the fact that the only CL mix on OCR belongs to you, I'd say: this is a job for Mr Roe.
  4. Definitely great to hear that sir, but sadly, PRC might not be around for much longer unless more people support it as well. On topic: fact remain, there's going to be much more albums created (and released) in the near future, whether they're for popular games or obscure ones. Which means the backlog of TBP remixes will inevitably increase, whereas djp's days aren't going to stretch to 48hrs so he can post 10 mixes with writeups a day. Unless you can stop OCR's site & community growth in size and popularity (but why would you?), there simply isn't any practical solution to the exposure problem. Aside of course from raising the quality bar again to only allow game industry level remixes past the panel, or impose another moratorium on album projects. Last option would be to allow another senior staff member to post remixes, but as everyone knows: only djp can djp.
  5. Looking forward to yet another smexy cover artwork.
  6. Sure. Now if only there was a way for album directors to cover lesser known games... Wait a minute, there is! It's called taking a risk.
  7. Fixed. Can people handle this much badassery?
  8. Future indeed doesn't seem bright, and it saddens me very much, because the clear goal of PRC to cover previously unarranged games is what made this compo so great and unique. Plus, the spirit of camaraderie and mutual growth present in every round I was able to enter made it all the more enjoyable. But at the same time, arranging obscure titles is proly what discourages most people looking for exposure through their remixes, as giant compos like the GRMRB have demonstrated. As painful as it is to admit, it seems that exploring new soundtracks for the fun of arranging isn't appealing anymore for most people. That said, if DoD can be immensely popular by having themed monthly compos that often cover lesser known games, then there's no reason why PRC couldn't. Bundeslang, I think you just need to take a step back to find out what makes a competition popular, and rethink the approach as well as the promotion. I'll be up to help cause I really do not want to watch another compo slowly fade away (r.i.p. ORC and ARC). Let's bring back the PRC to life!
  9. As mentioned in the OP: So you're welcome to suggest ideas or give it a shot yourself, like I did.As for girl-tees, maybe something simpler and non-invasive, like this (but with better resolution logo): Otherwise gals, Diotrans covered the subject already.
  10. DAT ASS! Superb trailer and awesome work on the new logo guys. Time to replace the old Badass sig I made aeons ago with the new design:
  11. @The Damned: Just letting you know that I've sent my track to Will a few days ago. Though with the UK panel taking precedence over the weekend, I've yet to hear back from him.
  12. Thanks for doing my favorite Daft Punk song justice. Quickmix yes, but full of nostalgia goodness. Masashi Hamauzu is among my VGM heroes, and this track sounds like it could have been made by the man himself.The Lucretia reference also reminded me of Dirge of Cerberus, which is equally atmospheric and some of Hamauzu's best work imho. Now that I think about it, I'm also reminded of Nobuo Uematsu's A Secret Sleeping Deep in the Sea from FFVII. Anyway, it's very cool to see you explore new horizons with the same level of success as your regular stuff. Great work and I really hope you'll score some games in the future bro.
  13. You might be interested to know that the People's Remixing Competition is exactly what you're describing (minus of course the incentive part). This compo could really use some love, so if you have time and wanna bring under-appreciated VGM to light, please consider entering. Now, this thread confuses me because, last time I checked, VG-remixing was still the act of paying tribute to other people's work for the fun of it. Seeking extra recognition within the very community for that exact reason comes off as overtly selfish if not a bit hypocritical. Especially considering the powerful social tools available today and the fact that OCR is doing everyone's promotion for them, free of charge. If you really want more exposure, making an original album and spreading the word about it (like many remixers did) would be more productive. Also, I like how tons of requests have been left unanswered for years, yet a mixpost incentive suddenly made everyone wanna remix obscure vgm. Apparently, the good ole love of game music wasn't motivating enough for some.
  14. Imho, the 'University' trend caters more to gym-addicts and fashionistas rather than the actual OCR population/fanbase. The 'Instruments' one is great, but slightly too busy atm. Sometimes, less is more. If you're ever open to suggestions, here's my 2 cents:
  15. What about using ingame dialogue to provide a backdrop for the arrangement? Does this warrant an instant rejection as well (including for project mixes)?
  16. Been looking at the Water Area theme for a while myself, but considering how obscure Drakkhen was, an entire album might be too optimistic. That being said, with a quick search you can find on the web, though I can't guarantee they'll suit your tastes.Also, I've enjoyed its sequel (Super Drakkhen/Dragon View) a lot, so I might consider looking into it in the future.
  17. Yeah, same here. Last time I checked Nintendo was joining the fun with the likes of Sony, EA, Capcom and Square (among others).
  18. Yay! Glad that the account was brought back to life so swiftly. By the way, in regard to: I'm just gonna go ahead and speculate since no other reason for the takedown was given and this wasn't mentioned anywhere in this thread. Could the links in every video description to buy hoodies/shirts and to make donations have led some people to draw the wrong conclusions?
  19. Yeah, after loosing the albums in a recent HDD crash, and with Will's site down, I was kinda sad not being able to get them back. I too enjoyed the previous years OCC and am definitely looking forward to this year's edition.
  20. Got a few questions for ya Callum: -is the project still dubbed The Dragon's Tale? If not, what the new concept? -why open the whole BoF soundtrack but omit halt the tracks for BoFII? -have you started recruiting pro-actively yet? (mixers list, invites, etc.) Also, I'd like to point out that making such an album is a pretty long endeavor/commitment on the director's end. Having sources claimed, finding a place to organize the project and motivating everyone to finish their tracks can be tough. Not to mention all the administrative work going alongside the project to ensure it can be completed and released properly. So I hope you're ready to get down to business and that it's not just distraction from studies for you. Best of luck man.
  21. Too bad Shinny had to step down, but if Tuberz is willing to assume project lead, then I say go for it. I'm still up to take part in the album and remix my source once everything gets back on track. Simply ask a mod to lock this thread and start a new one. http://ocremix.org/info/Album_Project_Guidelines If you're shooting for OCR status then you need to draft a project proposal and organize with OCR peeps. But first you're gonna have to gather enough interest and ensure enough well-known remixers are on board. Alternatively, you can contact KyleJCrb with your project idea to try and get private forums on KNGI. This could help you organize things in a more efficient way. Good luck.
  22. Gravity is most likely your worst enemy in the advanced modes. The third or fourth course in Hardcore took me around 10 min the first time. Some sections are gruelling even with a solid racing game background, but that's cause we're not used to think that way when driving. You can get around most obstacles or situations with quick reflexes, but there's definitely some trial and error involved here. It's still a lot of fun to play though.
  23. Ahah, yeah I saw the trailer for this one a few days ago and it really cracked me up. There's a plethora of references to old NES games, and the mash-up is really well done. The general aesthetics and tongue-in-cheek humor reminded me of Dorkly Bits as well. Will be checking this one for sure.
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