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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Interesting synth work here. Definitely has a unique sound that I can get behind, and with this kind of electro mix, the FX help it shine. Not bad, Avaris.
  2. Good classic trance take on the Bionic Commando theme. Have to echo DJP on loving the militant drumming in this arrangement. Very nice!
  3. Read about this place in the 2008 Game Informer article on it (one of the only useful things I've ever gotten out of Game Informer, actually) and decided to check it out. Came on, found the Donkey Kong Country ReMixes, fell in love with the site and signed up to the forums almost a year later.
  4. Ah yeah! Perfect kind of hard dubstep that messes with the electronic elements without just being a mess of glitches. I really loved the section starting at 2:15 on up, that was a nice change up into a more low-fi sound to lead the song out. Very cool stuff.
  5. You know, I'm going to be honest here, your voice works with this kinda of melody pretty damn well, actually. Soft and rolling with the beat, if that makes any sense. Love that piano. It may be old, but this ReMix holds up pretty well and there is feeling in it. Again, I am pro-fade out, so I can dig the ending, though if I had to nitpick, I'd wish the fade was just a little longer. Still, very good work, DJP.
  6. Let's see here.....well I did actually kinda like the fuzzy/staticy intro that cut into the main riff, but man, I'm sorry but some of these instruments just don't sound right. It might be just me, but some sections are just a tad too raw for me in the production area. Still, the arrangement had a few good ideas. Just not my thing.
  7. Hey, happy birthday!

  8. Gritty and glitchy for sure, but keeping the main melodies intact while expanding on them with electronic flair is quite the feat. I was glad to see some piano pop in among the grinding power, which kinda seems reminiscent of Balrog and Rose's characters as well, making this compo fight even more fitting. That might be unintentional, I don't know, but I love little things like that. Nice work and good return to the front page, Main Finger!
  9. Absolutely gorgeous orchestra, man! Sounds like something straight out of an epic adventure movie, especially with the softer break in the middle section and the vocalizing in the background. Damn good debut, Buckley!
  10. Ah, man, so slick and smooth like a nice shiny stone. And that electric guitar fits in so well as a driver to the main watery melody, helping things move along. For a downbeat, chill ReMix, this manages to keep a lot of the musical arrangement in the forefront and keep things interesting, which is cool and what I like to see from more easy-going ReMixes. Good job, you two.
  11. Hehe, now this is like the musical equivalent to a cartoon: fun, wacky and surprisingly good at getting you hooked. An aggressive, goofy, zany circus of a ReMix, what more could you possibly ask for? Very nice, loved it.
  12. Has a lot of sweet pep in it, and it makes for a pretty awesome rocking ReMix. Amazing work you guys.
  13. Very heavy and solid metal ReMix, indeed. There are things I would have liked to have seen expanded upon, but all in all, for something as clean and badass as this, it makes for a great jam that I can get behind. Rock on!
  14. Would it be too much of a stretch for me to say that TGH is a Pokémon master at this point? Well, at least musically, I'd say. Cute little chiptune ReMix that builds nicely and varies up the melody throughout the play time. Wonderful arrangement, fella. I love it.
  15. It does have a livelier sound to it, and the dance beat gives it enough punch to keep the momentum going. While it isn't something that blows my mind, all in all it's still pretty good. Nice work, man.
  16. I would actually say Mario Kart. Has the kind of balance I could tolerate between repetition, possible in-game injury (has to suck to fall in lava or get hit by lightning, even if it only lasts for a few seconds) and excitement if I had to do it forever.
  17. Pretty sweet arrangement. Love the accordion and violin in this, keeping the tango vibe you were going for feeling real. Not bad.
  18. Does have a great 90's sound to it, perfect fit for the time and has a foggy (and by that I mean far off in the background making some haze, but with good energy in the fore ground) shine on it, combining electronica and orchestral bits. Nice work.
  19. Haha, this came off funnier to me than it should have. Seems like while Guile's theme may go with everything in general, Chun-li's theme goes with just about any kind of ReMix with another Street Fighter. Sweet electronica OA. You nailed the beat and the energy quite well.
  20. Yet another fantastic ReMix from the Maverick Rising album. I've been listening to this one since the album came one and it's still a favorite. I liked the little voice clip at the end. Nice work, Bonkers.
  21. Always cool to hear ReMixers work on songs composed and put together by other ones. Nice way to get a lot of ideas and come up with lots of sweet arrangements, especially with production that sounds this nice. Extremely kick ass electronica track, Neblix!
  22. Yeah, now that's funky! I just love hearing the organ and piano going to work here, and I can say that the Zurna really helped nail down the Middle Eastern sound. Unexpected (for what preceded it) and interesting. Great ReMix and a great part of the album.
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