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  1. This is the first song from my upcoming original album "Richter's Magical Quest", which has a total of eight tracks. It's a quest through different worlds, like water, volcano, winter, factory etc. A very versatile music adventure combining orchestral and electronic elements. This forest theme is quite energetic. Usually forest music tends to be very calm, so I chose this approach. Any feedback is welcome! You can listen to this track and all the other upcoming releases on YouTube . Hit the subscribe button to follow this magical journey! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anttipylsy/
  2. HI guys. This is a song I made a few ago and it's one of my favorite creations. I didn't have a style in mind for it when composing, so it's hard to describe it. You can check out my other songs from my Newgrounds profile since each one of them have a different style, but this one is which I was interested in sharing. What do you think about it? https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/992173
  3. Hello OC Remix Community! I have visited and enjoyed OCRemix.org since the year that it opened. I tinker with writing music and making remixes from time to time. I want to get feedback on my most recent remix. I also want to know if it would be a good idea to submit this piece for review. My piece is titled "Truth Be Told." The themes that I used were from two songs from Phantasy Star 4 called "The Age of Fables" and "Requiem for Lutz." These songs can be found in the Phantasy Star 4 soundtrack as recorded and uploaded by Dustin Odell on YouTube with timestamps 1:24:09 and 1:10:52 respectively: EDIT: I was going to wait for feedback before publish this on my YouTube but I havn't yet received any. Therefore, I published it on YouTube. You can listen to it here: The only live recordings in the song are of me playing clarinet. Please do let me know what you think!
  4. Ready to have your face melted into oblivion via sonic decimation? The type of sounds you will hear are in the vein of the TB-303 and the Access Virus. Here is WIP 3 of Acidity! It's an acid synth fest with additional distorted synths.
  5. I feel really confident about this piece. I know I've improved on the structure and pacing better than my first attempt at a Darius Twin remix (of the main boss theme). I went overboard, too crazy with the first one. Some of the beats were off-pace. I find it to be a cool listen from beginning to end, but it's also messy in places, and some of the transitions aren't very good. I'm going to have to redo the entire track one day. This time, I'm sure I got it right. I already filled in the remix submission form yesterday with the 192kps mp3 attached before making this thread. That's how good and accomplished I feel about my newest completed remix. Did I make a mistake here? It's my first time sharing any music I do on this forum. ^^; I normally share my music on both Soundcloud and Newgrounds. After listening to my track "Narukinians at War" enough times, I think I'll link to where you can hear it on NewGrounds. Yeah, the track sounds a bit better there. It's got the timer on the track at the bottom, similar to Soundcloud, so we're good on that. https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/988306 I say more about my remix in the description. I don't mind extra feedback. And, I don't remember hearing a remix of the Narukini theme done by anyone else. Would any of you know of anyone else who did, or attempted to? I'm just curious. If so, I'd like to hear the music! There's not many Darius Twin remixes in existence, as far as I know.
  6. Hello all! Here is a heavy electronica track! It's certainly got a dark and heroic vibe!
  7. Something special coming... glow ball juggling with original music piece! What do you think about the whole production?
  8. Hi there. I released my new original song "Sapphire". It's kind of instrumental electronic music... and very chill :D. What kind of feelings does this track wake up inside you? Where could this be heard (video games, anime, movies, atmosphere, place, scene, theme etc...)? I'm very interested in that!
  9. Here is my remix for Rundas so far! I just need to add some guitar and some other things. This may change quite a bit. So far I have almost everything finished! The voice may not stay as it is. I may use a vocoder. Let me know what you Metroid Prime lovers think about it so far. August 3 Update Added guitars! August 4 Update Added Rundas' Voice! August 5 Update New Guitar parts
  10. Here is a track I made just as a test. But we all know that a lot of emotions that we vent are from recent contemplation, anxiety, etcetera. I have been thinking a lot about the ethics of human augmentation lately. If you like Metroid, Half-Life, Deus Ex, 80s music, etc then you will likely like this. What do you think so far?
  11. Yo everyone! I released new version of this all time classic song from Touhou 4 "Bad Apple". It was very fun project to learn some new stuff with Serum vst (making risers and fallers, pluck sounds, bass etc.) Feedback is very welcome. For example, what kind of feelings do you have on mixing balance overall? Original song:
  12. Just an edm style track I've been working on. Was looking for feedback on the production quality
  13. Salutation everyone! Please, listen to the last version: V6, now with REAL GUITARS bits in it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/144o313TO7cJql9JJuTRYo57A90Qqlkku/view?usp=sharing Every time I start a new track, I think about the story it will tell. Concerning this one, it's kind of a crossover between The Matrix and the original story of the game: the hacker Link tries to hack into the JANUS system to find answers. The thing is, nothing goes according to plan... Regarding the arrangement, I was inspired by different sources, such as Master Boot Record, The Algorithm or to some extend Igorrr (all fantastic bands, but rather extreme), even though I shifted to something different along the way, and added some trance elements. Overall, I think it's a very fun track, but I lack confidence in my mixing/mastering skills, so I'd appreciate if you could focus more on this aspect. God, I hope you'll like it as much as I do Really, I'm open to all sorts of feedback. And of course, thank you for reading all this! Merry Christmas, happy new year, and have a fun listening tl;dr: fun electro/metal remix, I'm looking for feedback, and hope to be posted Old versions: version 1 version 2 version 3 version 4 version 5 version 5 more bass Source: Gameboy version / Switch version Post submission edit: I hid stuff in the specter of the track. I tried to hint at it (read the first letters of each paragraph of this post up to the tl;dr) but I guess it was too much work for anyone to notice ^^ So here is a link to a pdf detailling all the easter eggs I hid in the track : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B4o86pP--KYy7mTOpKp7JxvTTCMjK1vY Also, thank you to everyone who listened the track and commented, be it on the discord or the forums, and most particularly to Timaeus who played a major role in the production of this remix. See you all soon, be it for another remix of mine, or just to rework this in case of rejection!
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