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  1. I've known of OC Remix for years from GDQ, but for some reason never actually came to the website. But I'm here now! I've made several of these orchestral covers over the years as I learn more about orchestral composing/mixing, and wanted to share some here. Hope you enjoy:)
  2. Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra returns to the concert hall next month for two in-person video game music concerts, titled "A Spring Dawn," presented by our full orchestra and choir, and featuring special guest Harmonic Introductions, a vocal ensemble dedicated to the art of overtone singing. The concert will feature music from Warframe, Pokemon Red & Blue, and Halo 5, to name a few. There are two opportunities to see WMGSO and HI perform in person: Saturday, May 7 at 4 p.m. EDT at the Montgomery College Cultural Arts Center in Silver Spring, Md., and again on Saturday, May 14 at 4 p.m. EDT at the Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center at Northern Virginia Community College in Alexandria, Va. Tickets and details: wmgso.org/events.
  3. I love the idea of staging music and receiving audience feedback! While I already submitted for OCRemix review (newbie to the forum), it is very constructive to receive your feedback! Edit: Maybe I can rework it? Send your impressions and feedback please! Release Here's my arrangement: Yuji Ohno's (Koei) Operation Europe Attack Theme. I remember always wanting to start an attack (even a futile one) just to hear this song. Whenever the computer attacked first, I was bummed - sometimes I reloaded a save to change some timings hahaha! While the game hasn't aged well, the battle theme still packs a punch. For reference, here's the original SNES version: https://youtu.be/LCeG7L4fHPA?t=304 Feedback I welcome your likes and suggestions! I stayed mostly true to the song; added some harmonic parts and rhythm to progress the flow. Enjoy and thanks for listening! Cheers, CalloftheJay
  4. Here's a big orchestral medley I did a while back, featuring the Majora's Mask/Incarnation/Wrath themes. Any feedback, thoughts on the arrangement/production would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for listening
  5. Hello! I'm sort of being reborn on OCRemix today - I am also known as LjB0 with a profile here & a YouTube channel that has ended up being semi-successful for medieval game covers. But probably because of this, YouTube's algorithm seems to only be interested in medieval covers now on that channel! Honestly, the medieval thing has been a weird surprise and was never my main interest; just a quirky side hobby - I am much more interested in orchestral and soundtrack-style music, so I have today started fresh as James Laurence here & on Youtube. Really excited to also share original concept pieces with this new outlet! Going to work hard and make 2021 my year for getting properly into the industry. So with all that out the way, my first arrangement uses instruments from Cinematic Studio Series & Spitfire Audio (has been a total treat to use real libraries this year, for the first time ever) to turn Megalovania into a bombastic superhero anthem very much in the style of The Avengers' main theme by Alan Silvestri. Would love to hear your thoughts & really hope you enjoy the music! Thanks a lot.
  6. I made an orchestral medley out of a couple Chrono Cross themes. Any feedback is welcome, and thanks for listening!
  7. Here is an orchestra arrangement of "Cleyra" and "One danger put behind us" from Final Fantasy IX Original music : Nobuo Uematsu Arranged by me : Flute : @Bowlerhat Violin : @Chris ~ Amaterasu I had several influences for this arrangement: Celtic, movie, march band… I came where I wanted, following my inspiration and my mood of the moment. Enjoy!
  8. Hi guys, I just did orchestral cover on Dragonball GT theme music, Dan dan kokoro hikareteku. I'd like to stop by and share this for you hope you guys like it. All feedback is welcome! Thanks JK
  9. Good morning all, I present to you on the link below my youtube channel which includes musical arrangements for wind orchestra. I hope I haven't put this topic in the wrong place. Good listening to all. I would suggest my remixes directly on the site as soon as possible. Thank you https://www.youtube.com/user/thetigerblack/videos
  10. Let me know what you think about piece for orchestra I made.
  11. Hey folks, here's a big ol' piece of music that took far too long to do. I learned a fair bit on how to approach composing/mixing big orchestral pieces like this, especially when there are synths/guitars layered in on top, though I imagine there's plenty to be improved. Let me know what you think, cheers! Chrono Trigger Orchestral Remix - World Revolution / Final Battle / Main Theme
  12. Greetings, This is my interpretation of Trisection, one of the battle themes from Final Fantasy Tactics. Still obviously in the orchestral genre, but playing around with some different instrumentation, movement, reharmonization and the like. Also testing out an “adventure” template. My version: Original: Thank you for listening!
  13. Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra fall concert, "New Perspectives," is slated for Sunday, Nov. 18 from 4-6 p.m. at the Montgomery College Cultural Arts Center in Silver Spring, Md. The 100-member orchestra and choir will perform brand new arrangements and, for the first time ever, an original composition inspired by the music from "Dwarf Fortress." Tickets are $10 online. Details: wmgso.org/events. Hope to see you there!
  14. Hi everyone ! I am currently redoing the soundtrack of the famous game "Mario & Luigi Partners In Time". I hope you will like the end result !!
  15. So here is my first Remix, but I think ist not so bad Do you like it? How is the Instrumentation and mixing? Any Feedback is appreciated. Thanks and I hope you enjoy! The Original: https://youtu.be/VEIWhy-urqM
  16. This blew my mind, I thought I'd share. The sound quality is excellent too. Can anyone name the tracks in the Final Fantasy video? I'm not too familiar with the soundtrack of the franchise (except FF10) Final Fantasy - Donkey Kong Country 2 -
  17. Not sure if anyone here remembers me, but years ago I wrote a Ducktales remix with Doc Nano that made it onto the site (still one of my proudest achievements). Since then I've gotten busy with college and stuff, but I recently joined the Columbia Pops Orchestra, and my first order of business was to write a medley of themes from one of my favorite games of all time: Undertale. Definitely more of a medley than a remix, but look out for the motif from Memory popping up throughout. Other pieces include Megalovania, Spider Dance, Bonetrousle, Death by Glamor, Fallen Down, It's Showtime, and Oh! One True Love. I hope this fills you with determination.
  18. Hi there, first post on the forums, but I was hoping on getting some feedback on this song I made a while back. Unfortunately,I got a little too giddy, and released it without really checking it over a whole bunch. First thing, I can't easily put out new version of the song to listen to because FL Studios does not like rendering out the song without some glitchiness/weird stuff happening to it. I'll have to fix that eventually ): but for now I can only post videos. A few things I know I'll fix is the panning and volume of certain instruments. I was working on speakers because I didn't have headphones at that time, but since then bought a nice pair and was hoping to fix that up. The other thing is the equalization! I really can't get the intruments to sound well/dont know how to EQ them properly, specifically the xylophones/flute. I'm using the EWQL Gold library and FL studios if that helps anyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w7PUkkS2yI
  19. Even though I love the decision to have no ambient, non-diagetic, music during the areas of the souls games, I felt compelled to create a fan soundtrack for them. In any case, I hope some people will enjoy it - the whole thing is up on youtube and there is also a bandcamp album I put together for it, linked down below. The tracks cover the areas of the base game, and the DLC will have their own releases with the painted world as a solo piano soundtrack and probably limited to strings for the Ringed City judging on how it feels from the previews. https://youtu.be/AaAboDTfcuw https://soundphenomenon.bandcamp.com/album/ashen Anyone want to help me make a mod of this??? I've finished up the music for Ashes of Ariandel, and this should be up in short order.
  20. Hello All, You will find below all the tracks of my album, which was released on November 18th. I know I still have a lot to learn and if I could have a feedback from some professionals it would be great. The album contains 16 tracks and a bonus track. Its structure is Intro - 2 tracks - Interlude - 2 tracks - Interlude ... - 2 tracks - Outro - Bonus. I hope you like it and don't hesitate if you have any comments Best, Leonis C.
  21. Hello all! The Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra's fall concert season is coming up in just two weeks! We're doing something a little different this time, and hosting two concerts devoted solely to small ensemble performances. Saturday, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. at Living Faith Lutheran Church, Rockville, MD (Details Here) Saturday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. at BlackRock Center for the Arts, Germantown, MD (Details Here) Hope to see you there!
  22. Did it in around 2-3 hours a few days ago, pretty happy with the result!
  23. A couple of songs in progress... first is a pirateish orchestral tension with some guitar thingy: secondly a journey to space or similiar kind and then a 'sad' piano song
  24. Hi. I'm a self-taught guitar player who just decided to have fun with Tuxguitar. I made this piece for an FFT-inspired tactical RPG that's been in my mind. This is the main boss track and there are a few variations of the track with different instruments depending on the specific boss. I was kinda worried this was too short, but then I checked the Undertale OST and realized maybe it's long. Sorry for the shitty quality. When I converted the file from MIDI to MP3, it got a little different. That being said, is the composition good? Would you play the game based on the soundtrack alone? Composing this was fun and inspiring. I want to go deeper in a sense of creating a better track. Where do I go from here? Which software(s) should I use? TL;DR: Rate the song and give advice on how to remix. TIA
  25. A buddy of mine told me to post my FNaF World mix on this site, and after doing some research on here, I think I'm doing this right. So, this is an orchestrated "remix" of the Fazbear Hills theme from FNaF World. I guess I have to come up with some kind of original name for it, so I'm calling it "Over the Fazbear Hills". The source is here: Remix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7bFwjVuoLa7bnV3dlo5UXNfMms/view?usp=sharing Even though it follows the original a bit, I believe it might still fall under the submission terms. Please, tell me what you think.
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