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  1. I've known of OC Remix for years from GDQ, but for some reason never actually came to the website. But I'm here now! I've made several of these orchestral covers over the years as I learn more about orchestral composing/mixing, and wanted to share some here. Hope you enjoy:)
  2. Not really meant to be a full song, just sharing for fun. Feedback welcome though, as I don't have any practice with hip hop yet.
  3. Howdy everyone. My most recent submission was rejected, and I would like to ask for help! I am reworking some of the remix's composition, especially the beginning. I've posted both the submitted version of the remix [Reshiram/Zekrom] and my current WIP [Minccino] below. My biggest hurdle in re-submission is this: the judges' most prominent critique of this remix is the mixing, which to be frank is something of which I understand very, very little. I've tried to learn what I can over the years, but I always get lost in a soup of foreign terminology and differences in audio which I have trouble quantifying or sometimes find indistinguishable. So... I would love to find someone who could shape this up for me. (My DAW is FL Studio 20.) Otherwise, I would appreciate feedback in the most layman terms you can possibly give. link to the Judges Decision thread Here's the original version I submitted (and which was rejected): Here's my current WIP version:
  4. Hello everyone! Just sharing my latest remix Let me know what you think!
  5. Hey everyone! this is my rendition of the Opening Selection from Pokemon DPP. I hope you guys enjoy it
  6. I originally created a shorter version (about a minute long) of this piece for the purposes of a Twitter meme, but I liked the end result so much that I reworked it into a full composition. My goal can best be summed up as "what if Nightwish made Pokémon music?" I haven't made a submission in over a year, but I think this piece may be solid enough to present to the judges. Song Title: "Like No One Ever Was" (Trainer Battle Theme Remix) Originally Composed By: Junichi Masuda Arranged and Performed By: The Native Dialect BPM: 171 Style: Symphonic Metal Hardware: iMac, Ibanez Talmon Software: GarageBand, Audacity "Like No One Ever Was" Source
  7. Hey everyone, I'm excited to share my new orchestral pokemon cover with you. I originally wanted it to capture the winter-feel of the Sinnoh region. Let me know what you think. I'm especially thankful for thoughts on the mixing.
  8. A little something I did recently, please enjoy! Feel free to provide feedback.
  9. It's like a weird Looney Tunes fusion...
  10. Yo, check this out: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q-uTroA69zAma3ERpEFG4BF9WyIaydi1/view?usp=sharing So, I tried to make something with synths and piano. Feedback is appreciated!
  11. Hey guys, it's been a minute since I did posted anything to the board. Working on this track and want to get feedback/ideas/critiques on the arrangement. This song is my current canvas for practicing some music theory stuff, but my ear isn't the best catching when harmonies and chords are 'off'. This is half the track so far; and the last 10 seconds of the song is just placeholder vomit to close what I have off. Appreciate it everyone!
  12. Hello Everyone ! "The Great Video Game Orchestra" is an album of remaster music of my favorite video games. I have been working on it for about a year. I hope you like it ! https://remygouxproduction.bandcamp.com/album/the-great-video-game-orchestra-vol-1
  13. Hello, after posting my first remix here not long ago I tried to use your feedback and made a second one. I kept this in a more classical style. What do you think? Sources from the Game: - Prof Oaks Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GmF3musMLU - Prof Oaks Lab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC3wvIyCOKY&t=14s
  14. Link (can be streamed or downloaded) For those not aware, Sinjoh Ruins itself is already a medley of several tracks from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum for the DS. Both Sinjoh Ruins and its main source, Mt. Coronet, are unusually quick and complicated for Pokemon area music (only really rivaled by some of the important battle themes, i.e. Giratina's), while this remix looks to expand on segments that don't get as much presence as they could have (the second half of Mt. Coronet, Giratina's theme, etc.) and also adds in some new stuff (Arceus, Distortion World). There's also the Pokéathlon Finals theme in there as a liquid DnB-esque segment to pick up the pace and conversely provide some levity before the bombastic stuff at the end. Source tracks: Platinum Battle! Giratina Distortion World Mt. Coronet Spear Pillar HeartGold & SoulSilver: Arceus Pokéathlon Finals Sinjoh Ruins
  15. Hey, I'm currently working on a new mix and would like your feedback on what I have so far. My Remix: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1P0uffVk8ynQ1Yk58Sb2BIgIDu2I17FHD Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5CnV7mnhbs Thanks for listening
  16. I know people are usually averse to VG covers with vocals, but for this one I parodied a song that's supposed to have lyrics while incorporating a VG track. Do you think it worked out? Originals:
  17. A tango spin on an upbeat, underrated track from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. I never finish ORAS, but I'm sad to learn that the Abandoned Ship was replaced with some decrepit research station. I so loved the romanticism and intrigue of a lost cruise ship. What I love so much about the Abandoned Ship location is that it's not creepy. It's more a monument to travel and the past than a ghost ship. The orchestral theme from the anime plays up the romanticism and feeling of luxury. I adore that theme, and I've listened to it far too many times! And then one day in the shower ("too much water"?) it hit me – this piece works perfectly as a tango, rhythmically and thematically. I got to work, and here is the result. Enjoy! Abandoned Passion by 2R1T Original:
  18. Hello! I finished new cover for Pokemon - Bicycle Theme. I recorded some strings to spice my lead guitar parts, so the whole arrangement would sound much fuller. Feedback is welcome :)! Here is the cover: Here is the original soundtrack:
  19. Hello! I finished my first Pokemon arrangement and wanted to share it with you people here :)! Violet city theme is quite tight track and it's very fun to play with guitar. My arrangement is not very complicated, but i wanted to give this track some of my own rock / metal kinda spin :D. Here is the link to my cover: And here is the original:
  20. This was a song I remixed a while ago, but frankly, it wasn't good by any means. So I'm deciding to "use tackle" on this one again with a little more style. ReMix: Bubbles Shining Over the Sea ReMix Source:
  21. Hey guys! Just looking for some general feedback on this remix. I'm at that point where I'm not too sure what else to be adjusting / paying attention to. I feel like the arrangement / mix are in pretty solid spots, but I usually end up forgetting about / missing something. Always good to have another pair of ears. Of the top of my head, I know I want to go back to a few of the synth parts and make 'em a bit more entertaining to listen to / more dynamic. (Also heads up, I think listening to the stream on box distorts the sound a bit) Thanks in advance for your time. https://app.box.com/s/a2gcbj5uau85sn6mlx0kb5xog16dscm5
  22. I haven't seen a remix of a Gen 5 Pokemon game yet, but I think this would be a great source to start with: Honestly I'd remix it myself, but I'm not nearly skilled enough to do the song justice. What I'd like to hear is kind of a slightly aggressive, grungy interpretation, keeping in line with the slower jazz tone of the original, but adding a kind of rock edge to it. Instrumentation wise, I really like the bass and guitar accompaniment in this song, and I would like a remix to focus on and enhance those parts. You could add saxophone or a lead guitar in some parts. Its really up to the artist's discretion. The source itself is rather short, so whoever wants to take up remixing it can take plenty of creative liberties, though I would like to keep it somewhat conservative with the melody, especially around 0:31. I think this part of the song has a lot of emotional weight, if that makes any sense. I'd really like a remix of Virbank City's theme to evoke an image of what I imagine that place to be like: Envision a dirty port town built up around old, factories and chemical plants. Rain drips lethargically from the soot colored sky, never seeming to stop, just as toxic smog never stops spewing from the factory smokestacks. Rust and graffiti cover nearly every wall in this rundown city, But despite the filthy environment, Virbank city is not without its mysterious urban charm. The people there are genuine and down to earth, from the local punks, to the grizzled factory workers, to the little kids at the city preschool. Life can be a struggle, but each day they get by with the help of their pokemon. Anyway, as long as there's plenty of passion put into the working of this remix, I certainly won't complain, and I sincerely thank anyone who wants to take up this project.
  23. How many Pokemon puns can you fit in a song? I decided to so something fun and make a song of Pokemon puns! A song telling a story and using Pokemon puns throughout the whole song! I’m rapping on the Hoenn Pokemon Wild Battle theme from the anime! Enjoy!
  24. Hello OCR, long time! This time I have a small bass cover for you(with drums too) I wanted to record it myself, but i'm still practicing, so that's a thing for the future. Anyway... Hope you like it. If you have feedback regarding the mix, balance, that would be great. Yes the sound is midi, I know, but only the bass will change. I don't have a drummer or drumset. See ya!
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