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  1. The Complete all in one mix of my Destruction Derby Remix Project. Something that has been in the back of my head for a very long time, I thought it was time to get it out of my system. My tribute/remixed version of the entire Destruction Derby soundtrack for the PlayStation, originally produced by Elliot Sumner and Tim Swan back in 1995. I've tried to keep the feel of the original early 90s rave style intact while also bringing it into the present day. Furthermore, I really enjoyed making this project, and I hope you like what I've put together. For great nostalgia! Let's go back to Christmas 1995! (Or whenever you bought this game) Game Developed by Reflections Interactive and released by Psygnosis in 1995 on PlayStation, Saturn and MS-DOS Original Music Composed by Tim Swan & Elliott Sumner / Remixed, Rearranged and additional production by Xendraven
  2. I have found a few midi files inside the folder of my copy of Dark Seed II and I decided to do a cover of a few songs. For this project I have used factory plugins on LMMS combined with Mega Drive and Super Nintendo soundfonts. While the soundfounts were used to give a creep vibe to the instruments, the factory plugins (with lots of post-processing) create the atmospheric, menacing soundscape on the background. My musical inspirations at the time were Lustmørd, the early works of Human League (Reproduction and Travelogue), Tangerine Dream and Akira Yamaoka's work on the first Silent Hill game. Have a nice day! Dark Seed II (1995) soundtrack originally composed by Mark Morgan. Artwork by H.R. Giger. Arranged by me.
  3. Hi everyone, First-timer here, I wanted to share this with you a long ago, now is the time.. This soundtrack/project is very special and dear to my heart about a game that I love so much: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure ~Arranged Soundtrack~ Now remember, this game has no official Soundtrack, and that includes all versions (PC, SCD, SNES, GEN, JAG, etc...), my favorite is the SNES, followed closely by the Sega CD which is slightly a remix/high quality take on it It's not a Soundtrack that everyone remembers, for sure, it's not up there with the greatest or the most iconic OSTs, but, for some reason, I love it so much, that I was looking for the official release for years in vain, so I took upon myself, as a composer and a gamer, to create a real Soundtrack for the game, with modern instruments, longer arrangements, combining 2 versions, so basically Remixes! This playlist here contains the Super Mega Mix tracks that are a modern combination of the SNES versions with many elements from the amazing Sega CD/PC version, they are long on purpose I also did a "Making Of" documenting my story with the game and the creation of this Arranged Soundtrack, and a you can also find the SNES versions (shorter tracks based solely on the SNES soundtrack) all in my Youtube channel if you like Truly an underrated game and an underrated soundtrack for sure, that needs more love ! Thanks;
  4. If so, I think I'd need @Sam Dillard's permission to do so --- and you could help me to convince him by leaving your upvote in the comments. The more, the better! I'd really be hyped if people in this community had an interest in a successor to Metroid: Organ Transplants and to let me build this 1h45m monster! IMHO, Sam's work is just BREATHTAKINGLY PHENOMENAL. However, sometimes you can add even more cherries on top of the sundae... ^^ Let's make this the world's most buttered and sugared icecream milkshake candybar piece of soundtrack awesomeness on this planet! EDIT I'm talking about his most recent album, Metroid Cinematica Recharged, which was released just a few days ago on July 1st 2020. Watch his release trailer here:
  5. Hey, Finally, the time has come. My new album Afterlife is released. This time it's more in the direction of the soundtrack mixed with psychedelic cinematic chillout/downbeat. Enjoy. Full Album Stream Bandcamp: https://mellowsonic.bandcamp.com/album/afterlife Spotify:
  6. I've discovered this bg music in a Mario Flash bootleg game (called Super Mario Remix 3) and I really liked it. Probably is a remix of a bg music and I'd like to know the origin of it. I don't think it was made by the creator of that game, because flash bootleg games used to take songs or remixes from other sites. I know that this page is special for remixes and I've discovered great remixes in this page (for example I've discovered a remix of SMW Castle Theme that was used in another mario bootleg game called New Super Mario Forever 2012). If you could tell me where it comes from. I'd very grateful. Thanks for your attention.
  7. This is a playthrough video of the first single of VMK's debut album "Platinum Wings." A passion project inspired by popular shoot 'em up video games of the 1990's such as "Thunder Force," "Touhou," and "Raiden." Follow us on Facebook for weekly updates or subscribe to our YouTube channel if you don't want to miss our future videos
  8. Hey everyone! I'm happy to share that as of today, my name is officially attached as "composer," not "remixer," to a 100% original game soundtrack. It's an indie game, but still, I had a blast stepping into RPG mode and crafting the various map themes, battle music, castle, shop, and church tunes... lots of good stuff. I'd like to invite you to give it a listen, and let me know what you think! (Also check out the game, it's out on Steam and actually pretty challenging.) https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/mazequest-2-original-soundtrack For your listening pleasure, the album also includes several bonus tracks that didn't actually make it to the game, and, a whole bunch of chiptune concept pieces. I'm not a keyboard player, so drafting in 8-bit seemed like a time-friendly way to present thematic ideas without getting hung up on samples and such. Have fun comparing the chiptunes to the final orchestrated pieces; some are very close, and some changed a bit during the orchestration. Enjoy!
  9. I finished my new original song "Virtual Quest 1". It's kind of futuristic theme, composed with video games, movies and animations in mind. This is my first release where I use synth and orchestral elements together. Here is the song: How did you feel about this song? I'm very interested to hear your thoughts about where you would hear this kind of music.
  10. Hi there, I postet this piece almost exactly five years ago in a very early version (it was actually more of a MIDI mockup) and now in the last few weeks I've been working on it again very intensively. The whole thing was recorded with new and – hopefully – more realistic orchestral samples and re-arranged here and there. I would be happy to get some feedback, especially on the mix or the sound in general and what could be improved. Synthetically realizing an entire orchestra on a PC is really a science in itself (at least for me) and I must honestly admit that it took me at least two to three times as long for recording and mixing in the sequencer that for the actual composition in the notation program. On youtube with excerpts from both score and sequencer Thanks for your feedback Dustin
  11. Let me know what you think about piece for orchestra I made.
  12. Looking back on some of the games I used to play and their soundtracks, there is one game that stands out as being different. I am referring to Ikaruga, which I think was a Dreamcast original later ported to GameCube. It was a vertical scrolling shooter with some simple mechanics but high difficulty level. It only has a handful of stages, maybe 5. The difficulty and shortness of the game and the (negative) memories I have of my life situation around the time when I played it make it rank not so high on my favorite or nostalgia list. Nevertheless, the soundtrack has a few memorable tunes in it. Rather than looping, most if not all of the tracks are as long as it takes to get to the boss of each stage. The boss theme is a variation of the stage theme. Different parts of the track go well with the specific part in the stage that the player is, providing tension and release at the right moment. Like I said, there is something different about the music, but I'm not quite sure what it is. Some of the instruments used make me cringe, but I don't think that's it. I suspect it has to do with time signatures and not easily identifiable rhythms. I would like to invite you to do some analysis with me on one or two of these tracks and see if we can figure out if anything special is going on in terms of composition and music theory and all that. I am interested in doing a remix / sound update on these, but right now it is hard to find an anchor point by which to start analyzing and breaking it down. The percussion in particular throws me off. Maybe we can start with the first track: The opening is a little cringe-worthy in my opinion, but the transition is pretty cool and I like the melody. Here is a breakdown in terms of sections: 00:00 - 00:22 - Intro and transition 00:23 - 00:54 - Section A 00:54 - 01:07 - Section B 01:07 - 01:19 - Section C (or is this still part of B?) 01:19 - 01:43 - Section A or variation thereof 01:43 - 02:09 - Outro (end of stage before boss) What can you say about the time signature? Does it change throughout? What rhythm(s) can we establish (what beats are emphasized?) I suspect the BPM is actually relatively low, but it feels fast because of 16th notes.
  13. I'm new at this, if this is a success, i will continue it. I would love for someone to tell me how i can add this to ThaSauce! So i can have flexibility in 2 platforms! Spin The Wheel - A great way to flex out your remix skills and showcase your love and appreciation for Video Game Soundtracks! What is Spin The Wheel? Spin The Wheel is hosted every 3 weeks and consists of selecting VGM music to remix! The way it works is really simple. We have a choice of 6 consoles. NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1, Arcade and PC. All these games are put into a tombola, and then a console is selected a random, by the process of spinning the wheel. I utilise an appropriate system, that works, so don't think I am deliberately selecting a game. Once a game system is selected, we then approach Ten Games of that system, which are then also put into the tombola and chosen at random. In the end we will have a working game from a working console. Once that is done, you pick a track from the game, and get remixing! This process takes up to 2 weeks, the time spent working on your mix. After the 2 weeks are up, we then use all the entries we have, and begin voting. Voting takes a week, and works in the format of First, Second and Third. Once you have voted, you cannot vote again. The winner with the most votes, wins the competition and can select 6 games, one for each console. 6 games already in the tombola, will be replaced with the chosen games. For a full extensive manual to how this is run, look below! The first official game will be display here! The rules are at the bottom. Current games in the wheel are in this document. It will change as we progress in each competition: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xxoGX4bS2_q_URpN35K8b9oGn1zogHiRxLarik38IZU/edit?usp=sharing Lets SPIN THE WHEEL! It landed on SEGA GENESIS! The random game that was chosen is....... X-Men 2! Information about the Game and Soundtrack: X-Men 2 was a game developed by Headgames Inc and at the time was fairly successful. It involves the X-Men trying to stop a virus out-break. The game was met with somewhat decent reviews, but wasn't considered a fantastic game. The music was scored by Kurt Harland who was an active member and founder of the electro band, Information Society. The music follows in the vain of Electro, with some techno elements, ambient influences and industrial textures. Some contributions from Mark Miller, (The infamous GEMS creator) are also present in the score, who also helped convert the music to the system. What's interesting to note is how it used a mailbox system. You essentially had a different character, and for each character a different melody would play, but of course still keeping the harmony. So it was different music, almost everytime. Compo starts Today at 8th December 2018! and finishes at 22nd December 2018! Voting begins on the 22nd December 2018 and finishes on the 29th December 2018. I will inform you who has won on the thread! Please submit a valid mp3 file, in decent quality that is less than 20mb. It must be easy to access and download. I recommend using SoundCloud as a choice of service! Add a link here on this thread, if you can. You have 2 weeks to mix! Let's see what you have come up with! Selecting the Source The 6 video game systems are as follows: NES SNES Sega Genesis PS1 Arcade PC I can only use these 6 video systems, otherwise the process becomes complicated. It's much easier dealing with 6 consoles, than 10 or 20. All you need to do, is to sit back and relax while the tombola selects the system and the game. This process is completely random, even I don't know what it will pick. Don't judge the system, I worked hard to make sure it's fair. Each system I've picked combines popular systems from the 80's, 90's. and 2000's onwards. I didn't focus much on the modern systems because the classic systems deserve the love, often going ignored in some areas. Picking the Game When we begin with the first round, there is already 10 games in each console. After a person has won, they can replace 1 game from each console with their own, (6 in total). This allows for completely new games, that could either be classics, or more obscure ones. I do recommend you go for the more obscure ones, I don't want a ton of say...Final Fantasy or Mario taking up most of the system, they already have a huge quantity or remixes. The game will also be picked at random, and could be anything, get your hopes up, it might even be one you like. Selecting the Track When the game is picked (One out of Ten in total) you then must select a track from the game. This track must be longer than 30 seconds (At least), and must not be any form of Jingle, or short theme. I recommend selecting the stage themes and the boss themes, as they tend to go for longer than 1 minute. Once the track has been selected, you may begin remixing. When submitting state which track you have picked clearly. If it's Sonic for example. Put it as Green Hill Zone, or in the case of Sonic 3, put it as Marble Garden Act 1 or Act 2, depending on your choice. Anything additional you want to add, just type below. Make sure the track you select is different than the other entries. It's not that you can't remix it, it's just I don't want 10 entries of the same source, because then it might as well be a PRC competition. However though, if there are only 8 tracks in the soundtrack of the video game, but 10 of you, then I can make an exception to have multiple choices, yet again, that doesn't mean I should expect 10 of the same source. I'm ok with 2 people doing Green Hill, 2 people doing Scrap Brain and the rest is various, I’m not that strict, but like I said I don't want 10 people doing Green Hill and the rest of the soundtrack to be ignored. Use this to try remixing sources that often don't get remixed! Uploading your Track The track you submit must come from a reliable source, easy to access and less than 20mb, in a MP3 format. Make sure it's in good quality, so the judging process is easier. If you are having problems submitting, then message me the file. An easy streaming service, like SoundCloud is ideal. Once you have submitted, message me with the link to access it. Only one submission per person please, give everyone a chance. Once submitted you simply wait until the remixing stage is over. Voting When the uploading stage is done, we move onto voting. The voting is a simple process, just simply decide who should win, who should get 2nd place and who should get 3rd. When writing down your votes, be sure to organise it by name. It doesn't matter how you vote, but do give a clear indication to who wins, and who is runner up etc. We want it to be clearly identified. Be sure to be honest with your votes, don't think that they will turn on you for your honest opinion, but saying that, do try and not be a d**k. This is a competition, so we aren't trying to produce something from a high-end studio. Just picking tracks we think are the best. When Voting Follow These Guidelines: Make sure you vote for the person you think is the best. Do not vote for your friends, because they are your friends. Please be fair with your choosing. Be nice. Actually give legit reasons to why they should win, and definitely watch your language. This isn't the kind of place for bullying or swearing. Do not vote for yourself. It's not fair for you to forge the results so you can always gain a win. How sad would that be huh? Make sure you pick a first, second place and a third-place winner, having it in the order of the winner then the rest. You can comment on all tracks, of course. If there is a tie for the winner, then you will both submit 6 games from each system, making sure it's all different games that aren't already in the system, we haven't used before, and don't conflict with any other choices a person will probably have. Try and have fun. Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you should be upset. Remember it's just a fun way to showcase your music. The Winner! Winners are determined by the most number of votes. If there is a tie see Bullet Point Number 5 in the above title. Once a winner has been announced, they then must decide 6 games from the list of systems above. It must be 1 game for each system, not 6 games for one system. Each game must contain a minimum of 5+ tracks, excluding very short themes. Majority of the tracks must be over 30 seconds long, so they can be remixed easily. The list of video game consoles is above. When you have decided on 6 games for each system, we will replace a current game on the list with yours. It's ideal you go for games that don't have a lot of remixes. Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger will probably be loaded with mixes, and as such I recommend you go for something with a little less. The choice of game is really up to you, but I will check to see if it's eligible. When I have reviewed your games, and they are accepted I will start the tombola again and pick a game. Now this is randomly generated so the chances are of getting your game won't be high, but it is very likely your game is selected, so don't think there's a problem, because I can assure there shouldn't be one. If there is a problem, drop me a message and I can try to resolve things. After the sources have been selected and the next game is chosen for the round. Simply repeat the process. When you have won the round, and the next round is currently in play, you can only submit a bonus mix. So, you can still remix, but you can't vote for the bonus mix. The winner of whatever round was last on, gets a vote that counts twice in the next round. We aim for this to be a fun a fair way to remix video game music! If there is problem with anything, drop me a message or reply to this thread. To Simplify: 1. We have 6 game systems. NES, SNES Sega Genesis, PS1, Arcade and PC 2. A system is chosen at random through our tombola. The same process is repeated for the games, in the list. There are 10 games, per system. 3. Once the game is selected, choose your track. Must be longer than 30 seconds and must be from the game. Try and be different, don’t go for the same track as everyone else. Nice to have 10 different tracks, than 10, that are all the same. Please state the choice of track in the description when you upload. 4. After you have selected the track, begin remixing. This takes 2 weeks. 5. Once remixing has been done, it’s voting time. Only one vote per person, don’t vote for yourself, and make sure you give honest answers. No voting because he/she is your friend. Label it as first and second and third, but you can comment on all tracks. 6. When voting is over, a winner is announced. Winners get to input 6 games, one for each system into the tombola. 6 games that already exist will be replaced. If there is a tie, both of you will put in 6 games, be sure we haven’t covered these games before, they don’t have as much remixes, and they don’t conflict with and of the other people who have submitted. Also make sure that the games have more than 5 tracks at least over 30 seconds each. 7. When that’s done, the next compo will start! Do Note: This is a 3-week process. 2 weeks to remix, 1 week to vote. I cannot extend deadlines, unless we aren't getting any participants. This is only in the extreme places. I only pick the game, through a random process. Don't think I’m fixing the results. Participate as a fun way to remix. Please don't take this seriously. Try and follow the rules, it will make this so much easier. Be respectful of other people, but that's really a standard. Have fun. It looks daunting, but if you submit the right way, we can get along just fine.
  14. Hi there, I spent the last days working on this little tune... https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandID=674265 ...a somewhat rhythmically driven (almost march-like) medieval/fantasy theme soundtrack theme. It's build upon a (hopefully) heroic melody and is intended to accompany the travel montage of a fantasy epic (game/film). If you have some handy tips, especially concerning the mix, please do not hesitate to share your insights. Best regards Dustin
  15. This might be the beginning of my first little own soundtrack I've composed within a few days. Actually this track is based on an exercise I did for myself to imrove in writing notes for chord progressions and where I tried to find out which chords and chord sequences harmonize well with each other. But then I was really in the mood to compose some additional melodies and it resulted in this little soundtrack. And of course I wanted to work with my brand-new great synthesizer collection Titan 2 which I really cherish. It contains over 12500 unique synthesizer presets of famous synthesizers from the 70s, 80s, 90s and the modern digital times. So, you can say I've bought a pretty melodic part of the human history in the form of a large, creative software. Although I haven't had listened to all synthesizer presets in Titan 2 (the package also contains all the synthesizers from Titan 1) I've already used two synthesizers from Titan 1 for this little composition. These are the really atmospheric digital voice pads and the pretty realistic sounding steel drums (was deeply impressed that it almost sounds like the acoustic version of some steel drums - was looking for such kind of stuff for estimated ages). For the voice pads I've also created some volume, panorama and high bandpass filter automations. The Celtic harp you can hear towards the end is a VSTI from my professional DAW software Samplitude Pro X3 Suite in which I have implemented the nice Titan 2 stuff. Hope you like my first try of creating my first very own composition far away from any kind of video game remixes. I guess I'll make a much bigger and longer soundtrack out of this one in the future. Feel free to tell me how you like this one. )) --------------------------------------- Newest version of my track: 1.0 >>> >>> https://clyp.it/pct2dsny
  16. Hi, for a long time I wanted to write something like this: a flamboyant "final fight" track with broad, heroic themes swirling above driving ostinati. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=674265&songID=13676086 Originally this piece belongs to the score I wrote for a student film project realised many many years ago. The music was produced via a MIDI-based digital sequencer and of course orchestral sample libraries. Unfortunately, the London Symphony Orchestra was just too busy at the moment for a recording session. While the last bars in asymmetrical 7/8 meter surely feel a bit overloaded (with syncopated choir fills and such), I am quite happy with the overall arrangement and the final mix. But maybe I am a little bit biased since I listened to it too often and it's just chaos to your ears... If you have some hints on how to improve the mix, sound, orchestration etc. please feel free to let me know. Best regards, Dustin
  17. So here is my first Remix, but I think ist not so bad Do you like it? How is the Instrumentation and mixing? Any Feedback is appreciated. Thanks and I hope you enjoy! The Original: https://youtu.be/VEIWhy-urqM
  18. Hey there. Released 4 of my original tracks from the Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun mod Twisted Insurrection soundtrack, remastered, as an EP under my band name! Includes the Surveyors, an all new track with a Red Alert 1 sort of vibe, which will be included in the next version of the mod! Tracklisting: The Surveyors [4:17] Prodigal Son [4:56] Arming to Win [4:39] Xenophile [5:41] Cover artwork by Dawid Stobik of the Twisted Insurrection team, check out more of his work on Deviant Art! Available on Bandcamp Listen on SoundCloud Like on Facebook Watch on YouTube
  19. Hello everyonei, I made this track as part of a #NowScoreThis contest by Junkie XLhttps://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/775729https://soundcloud.com/pyramid-kid/nowscorethis-machine-mad-max-fury-road-by-pyramid-kidwould love some feedback
  20. Thought I'd put together another original Mega Man song for once in a long time, hope you all like it! Please like, follow and all that fun stuff and I'll love you forever Also you can find my Bandcamp here with more music goodies: https://blaz1222.bandcamp.com/
  21. hi, i want to show something i did a while ago a concept theme album about one of my favorite fighting game : dead or alive so i made some custom theme for some characters from the franchise and i wanna know what you think about the project hope you'll enjoy
  22. Hello, I recently posted on Vimeo my showreel: It summarizes in one minute what I do as a freelance composer for games and audiovisual media What do you think about it?
  23. Hello, Im developing a small board game called CHIBICOM, the theme of it is like XCOM / UFO where soldiers fight against a alien invasion. Its close finished, but I like to have a fitting soundtrack to use in trailers for kickstarter too. Its not a big budget thing, more like my hoby but of cource i will pay for it. So im looking to some music artist love that team and want to work a bit for me and this project. So I hope im right here and looking forward to get any kind of feedback. Best Regards Markus alias Rayjunx
  24. hey there time for present my new album V O I D is forthcoming on my Bandcamp and Cosmicopia, This is a 77-minute album full of SciFI/Cyberpunk-themed sounds from industrial/psy-dnb/psy-breaks, downbeat and ambient you can now pre-order on my Bandcamp full release on July 25, 2017 https://synesthesics.bandcamp.com/album/v-o-i-d check the teaser https://soundcloud.com/synesthesics/void-teaser 1. Arrival 2. Mind Machines 3. Cyclotron 4. Mecha Dreams 5. Artificial Gravity 6. Dreadnought 7. Hybrid Technology 8. Neurotransmitter 9. EMP 10. V O I D 11. Lifesphere 12. Ambient Occlusion
  25. Synth, waterphone and string orchestra. Hope yo like it!
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