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ASK A JUDGE: While we're busy NOT voting - your questions, we want 'em

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Posted (edited)

Just in case.

I have a question - will the tbj queue ever be empty again? There's like a hundred in there right now. Not that it helps anything when the tbp queue is another 27, but you'd at least keep fewer rejectos awaiting your verdict. I mean, yeah, you all have lives and stuff, but damn, you guys are BUSY, by the looks of that thing. Looks like djp posts new mixes more often than some of you vote on submissions.

Edited by Dafydd
  • 2 weeks later...

I had to ask... There's this song from Yoshi's Story I want to orchestrate -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pSSwzdYGSI Kazumi Totaka

Emu and I were talking and this song is definitely inspired by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7-HisQ6tqU Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies, but it is clearly different with a unique melody and progression... There's some notes that make the homage obvious but for the most part it's pretty different

So would this be fair game to remix or would it be "too close"?

P.S. sorry bout double post

  • 2 weeks later...

Question, guys. . .

I submitted a track named "Temporal Despair" a while back (it was a resub, but this is irrelevant). Expecting it to be rejected, I made a new, highly improved version and resubmitted that before the original "Temporal Despair" resub had made it to the judges panel. Turns out, that first version of the song ended up being accepted in the panel.

So upon reaching the judges panel, will the newly submitted song (under the same name) just be immediately rejected?

Or can I request that the posting of the track be withheld until the newer one reaches the judges panel?

If this isn't possible then don't worry about it though.



Let's say I'm remixing something from 2 games, and one's the sequel to another (ex: Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, DKC1 and DKC2, etc).

How would you judge it? Do you take the balance between sources as something very important? How much is it okay to do these kinds of mixes?

Let's say I'm remixing something from 2 games, and one's the sequel to another (ex: Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, DKC1 and DKC2, etc).

How would you judge it? Do you take the balance between sources as something very important? How much is it okay to do these kinds of mixes?

Any mix using material from two or more games can only be assigned to one game in our database, usually the source tune that is used the most. If the arrangement uses a ton of tracks from different games in a franchise, we may use the first game in the franchise just to simplify things. We don't care about the balance between sources. The medley just has to be cohesively structured and well-developed.

e.g. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01515/, http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01108/

Let's say I'm remixing something from 2 games, and one's the sequel to another (ex: Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, DKC1 and DKC2, etc).

How would you judge it? Do you take the balance between sources as something very important? How much is it okay to do these kinds of mixes?

sure. you can mix and match different sources even if they're not from the same game or franchise, as long as the sources are well-arranged and blended. this mix is a good example: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02069/

larry ninja'd

Shouldn't Kirby Super Star 'Ska Buffet (All You Can Eat, Clean Version)' be under the project song section? I'm pretty sure it's for the Milkyway Wishes project...

No, OA has it right. It was completed first, and then halc asked for it to be on MWW. I agreed with the contingent that it not be prevented from being posted before the project comes out, since we originally intended it to be a non-project mix.

We really just wanted the track to be posted soon, and not have to potentially wait for MWW's release, or even longer if it isn't part of the mixflood. I mean, look how long it has been for the straggling tracks from FF5 V1 to be posted: avaris and my's collab was sub'd 10/19/2009, Nutritious's track was sub'd 10/29/2009. Both are still TBP because project tracks that aren't part of mixflood seem to end up spread out in posting to prevent too much from one game/project/artist being posted in a small window of time. You can see why, after 9 months of working on Ska Buffet, we didn't feel like signing up to likely wait any longer than necessary.

MWW's project staff was cool with that, so there's your explanation. The "dirty" version (with curse words) is the one that will be on the project, the "clean" version is the one that's going to be a posted mix.

Posted (edited)
Wat why is the clean one going straight to site and the dirty one going on the album? that seems backwards

That was my choice. Reason: I felt like it.

Edit: but yeah, the reason is mostly personal. In development, some of the folks in the WIP forums wanted both clean and dirty versions. I figure the clean one reaches more ears so that would do better being clean, and the dirty one gives MWW a bit of spice.

Edited by Level 99
Question: How long will you keep a track on the YES (Conditional) list before removing it, or will you keep it there until the mixer finally reappears and fixes the problems?

probably until the mixer fixes the problems. :-)

looks like we have some old ones in limbo :-)

Maybe if it reaches the 5 year mark, we'll take it down. :D

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