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1. Dragon Warrior IV

2. Lufia II

3. Earthbound

4. Final Fantasy IV

5. Brandish


I also want games like Xardion, Mario Kart, SMRPG, Yoshi's Island, Kirby Super Star, Soul Blazer... SOM... etc. etc. etc.... All the good rpgs they don't friggin have.


1. Chrono Trigger

2. Super Mario RPG

3. Super Smash Bros. (N64)

4. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

5. Kirby's Dreamland 3

I realize a couple of these are already listed for future release but they AREN'T RELEASED YET! I would for sure buy each of these on the release day.


1)Earthbound/Mother 2

2)Earthbound Zero/Mother

3)Kirby Super Star

4)Tetris Attack/Panel De Pon

5)Rocket Knight Adventures/Sparkster

This was tough for me. I also want Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger and many many many others. I'm suprised that there is not more Sparkster love.


In no particular order, and I'll be damned if I try to rank these against one another...

King of the Monsters - NeoGeo (needs more VC love in general)

Earthbound - SNES

Earthbound Zero - NES (the translated cart exists dammit)

Fire Emblem 3 - SNES

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - NES

But really, there's alot of great stuff being put forward in this thread. Any of it being released in the near future will make me happy.


Super Smash Bros 64 with online!!!

But seriously, I can't even think of any =O Explains why I only have about 3 virtual console games...

Any that I really want are probably already available. I've already got the Zelda collection and Megaman collection for Gamecube... plus a PC game I've barely started, and two gamecube games that I've yet to touch... and Brawl. Is it wrong to be completely satisfied with my current collection of games? Ah well, if they publish the results, I can use the top ones as a "must have" list.

It's good to have a functioning SNES and N64 :)!!


I seriously doubt they'll add online play to older games. This is Nintendo, remember? I don't think the Wii has the infrastructure to support it either, compared to the 360 or even the PS3.

I think they said the same of RPGs too, for some reason or the other.

If it's at all possible, I wish they had Shining Force 1-3. Basically nobody seems to remember that series, not even Sega.


Methinks they should make use of the virtual console to bring out some new games :)

It'd be more expensive than ports of old games to be sure, but I'd like to see them give it a shot. Or at least port some more recent games (e.g. GBA).

If it's at all possible, I wish they had Shining Force 1-3. Basically nobody seems to remember that series, not even Sega.

You'd think after the terrible sales of the PS2 games they'd take a hint and realize that people just want a good ol' strategy RPG. Maybe they just got too cocky after the GBA games did well.

Rondo. of. fucking. Blood.

Seriously, pretty much the only Castlevania game i've never played.

If by Rondo of Blood you mean Dracula XX(which was released on the SNES), then sure why not.

Rondo of Blood was never released on a Nintendo system, and it's on the PSP right now anyway.

If by Rondo of Blood you mean Dracula XX(which was released on the SNES), then sure why not.

Rondo of Blood was never released on a Nintendo system, and it's on the PSP right now anyway.

I'm pretty sure he mean the PC-Engine game. Castlevania: Dracula X, despite what so many claim, is not Akumajō Dracula X Chi no Rondo. The two games share a nearly identical soundtrack, and the whole "rescue girls to the change the ending" deal as well. However, the stages, bosses and such are all completely different. Basically, they built a new game, then took parts of Rondo to finish it... or, they were making Rondo, said "fuck it", and scrapped a lot of it for new stuff.

If it's at all possible, I wish they had Shining Force 1-3. Basically nobody seems to remember that series, not even Sega.

They have the orignal Shining Force on the VC. The question is if they where to bring two and three over that is.

Personally, I wish they would branch out some more, and put old Gameboy/Color and later on down the road, maybe some Advanced titles. I doubt the Advanced ones, but still old school GB/GBC would be nice.

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