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Remember a few months back when I posted that video on games and storytelling? Well, I found an opportunity to make a "sequel" of sorts. This time, the topic is video games and sex.

This is a short video presentation I just finished for my Media Theory class. I'm not presenting it until tomorrow, but I'm more interested in you guys' feedback anyway. I doubt more than a handful of people in the class care about this at all anyway. As before, I loosely emulated Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation review style to keep it from getting dull.

Thanks to CarboHydroM and djpretzel for unknowingly providing intro and outro music.



Proud to have my mix involved in this; well put-together. I was honestly thinking of comebacks or ways to disagree or point out something you missed or oversimplified the whole time I was watching, but every time I thought I had something... you covered it. So, seriously, :nicework:


Very well made presentation again. I loved the first one because it talked about something in video games that I care a lot about. This one was just as good, and gave some things to think about even though sex and games aren't really a big deal for me.

I did want to say one thing though, in that I, personally, can't think of a movie that was particularly enhanced by the sensual (and/or sexual) content to the point that the movie wouldn't have been the same without it. Perhaps that's because I've seen a lot of films and my brain's not seizing on one. Still, it just seemed a little over generalized to state that everyone knows such a film. That's just me though.

I'd give it an A.


This is exceedingly impressive. I kept feeling an urge to fast-forward, but then everytime that urge came up, the topic at hand, the direction it was going, or the video itself prevented me. SO! Well done. Start shipping it to news agencies.

(not that they'd give a shit)

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