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I know we had a similar thread like this a while back.

I miss it.

Just post what games you are currently playing and some general thoughts about them.


Currently playing:

Phoenix Wright 3: Trails and Tribulations - Good, but not as exciting as the first one IMO. <3 Godot.

Grand Theft Auto 4 - Pretty, fun, long, and funny. Don't waste time on TV or Internet. Just do what GTA does best and you'll love this game.

Chrono Trigger - Never beat it as a kid, so I'm playing through it now. I can see why everyone raves about it. It is STILL a good RPG.

Dead Rising - Zombies.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Not as good as the gameboy games =(

I'm a busy boy! With all these games, it's a small miracle that I have time to study for finals.

...Oh, wait.

DJ Metal


The World Ends With You. Really great battle system, I'm really lovin' it.

Jeanne d'Arc. It's a pretty fun Turn-based strategy game, almost done with it I think though.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max. REALLY well-done port for the PSP. Glad I was able to find it.


Smash Brothers Brawl - getting ready to start playing in tournaments again

Dr. Mario Online Rx - It's standard Dr. Mario fun.

Prince of Persia (SNES) - it's a really fun game but I really want to play the Live Arcade version. Too bad I don't own a 360. Anyone have any comments on it?


Rogue Galaxy and Final Fantasy VIII.

Rogue Galaxy was pretty fun for a little while, and I loved the graphics. However, the major selling point for this game is apparently the insane amount of different weapons, and weapon synthesis (with the added bonus of neverending grinding to even be able to fuse the weapons) was more like a chore. Combine this with the fact that I apparently just got one of the strongest weapons in the game (checking lists online shows that you can't even get close to it through regular weapon synthesis) before I'm even halfway through the game, and you've got a heavy loss of interest.


Final Fantasy 12 - I can beat it whenever I want but I still have all the tough guys in the game left.

Final Fantasy 1 - Sitting in my computer, waiting, waiting patiently. I've got to the Mirage Tower, and I will not admit defeat there.

Pokemon Diamond - Still haven't caught them all.


Okami (Wii) - Pretty fun. I'd rather play a Zelda game than this rip-off any day. The Glaive is too hard to use!

Grand Theft Auto 4 - Really good. This is the first GTA I've actually had in my possession. Niko rocks as a main character.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Not really playing this now except with friends every other week. I'm not really interested in all the trophies and stickers, so I'll get around to unlocking them all eventually.

Mario Kart Wii - Already got every character, so I'll probably cut down on this. Maybe online will keep me playing this. If not, this'll just be another friends-only game.

I don't know what to think about The World Ends With You. I've heard great things about it, but 2 things are stopping me from getting too interested. 1) It doesn't have Mario in it. 2) It isn't made by Bioware. I hate every other kind of RPG. Is this game gonna change my mind?


The only game that I'm seriously playing right now is Phoenix Wright, the entire series. I am at Trials and Tribulations right now. It's been months since I had to play a game. Even after beating Justice for all, I was kind of gamed out for a little while and didn't have too much time to play anyway. It just worked out like that. Though after getting back in, I went straight to another PW game! I should really finish up FFV and Pokemon Diamond but my characters/pokemon are too low leveled. I tend to rush through RPGs and have low level games in general, but the odds are really stacked against me this time.

After Trials and Tribulations, then FFV. Then I don't know what game I should finish play or start. Starting new games is always fun! But sometimes I get stuck and I'm too stubborn to do gamefaqs. It's just not the true gamer way.

I also have Warcraft 3 and Half Life 2 still on tap. I guess I could play them, but I already played through War3 once before but that was just an unofficial version. That particular one came out with these figures and had two of the campaigns switched.


Animal Crossing: I don't know why I just randomly started playing it again, saddly I have learned that there is a limit to the number of active gyroids in a room, there goes that fun idea of an army of gyroids.

Mario Kart Wii: Online play is pretty fun although it is a little harrowing at times how easy it is to go from near the front to dead last all because of one or two item hits.

Smash Bros Brawl: Would be more fun if I could find people to play with, but I will probably eventually finish all the challenges at least.

Soon to be playing in the next two weeks: Okami PS2, LoZ:TP (gamecube), We Love Katamari, various other PS2 games my boyfriend may happen to own while I'm visiting him.


Prince of Persia (SNES) - it's a really fun game but I really want to play the Live Arcade version. Too bad I don't own a 360. Anyone have any comments on it?

I've got it, and it does a very good job of bringing back the nostalgia. A few moves (especially the backflip) make some puzzles easier now because you can jump a space further from a standing position than you were able to in the original.

If only they'd release PoP 2 like this....it'd be amazing.


1)The World Ends With You- I can't say enough good things about this game.

2)Super Mario Bros. 3- My wife and I are playing. Shamefully, I must admit neither of us have beaten it.

3)Starfox 64- Trying to get all the medals.

4)Super Smash Bros. Brawl-Gotta stay sharp.

Once I finish TWEWY, I'm going to finish Skies of Arcadia.


1. LoZ:TP - I got really far in the second-to-last dungeon but then I completely forgot to do something really far into it, so now I have to go all the way back :/

2. Rock Band - Because I can't play real guitar and I can imagine I'm way better on drums than I really am.

3. Dark Cloud 2 - Once I get that disc resurfaced, at least.

4. Ikaruga - because I'm 1337


Chrono Trigger - Great RPG, love the story

Earthbound - This game is like an acid trip

Age of Empires 3 - Watching the cannons blow up buildings never gets old

Oblivion -With 53 random Oblivion gates, I have my hands full

Team Fortress 2 - Getting better with the soldier

Pokemon Diamond - Still haven't caught them all.

Ha.. I don't think I ever will. I went crazy with the game last year, picked up a few more a couple weeks ago, but I'm at 457 currently. I mostly need the old legendaries, specifically the G/S/C legendaries.

As for other games..

I recently started going back to replay old games I never finished. This past weekend I finally finished Twilight Princess. Right now I'm working on Metroid Prime 2, and following that I'll start playing MP3.

I downloaded FF7-9 a few months ago, played 7 for a few hours, but I'm gonna go through those and beat them all. At one point I'll also pick up a PS2 and FF12 and play that.

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