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What I love most about this piece is its ability to capture that exact same distant, creepy, dispondent feel of the original while presenting it in a whole new manner.

I love the guitar riffs, and the whispering, humming voices that at times said nothing, but were used as music itself.

At points this piece sounded very Diablo-esque during parts were it was almost all guitar. Which shouldn't be too surprising, as Diablo (especially the first) always tried to give that creepy feel. But of course, this piece itself has a bit of Diablo-like moods in it.

I'd say my only dislike with the piece is the ending. THe heartbeat is great, it's not the sound, but the fact it seems to cut off too soon. It get's loud, fades down, and then just stops. I might have done a slower paced heartbeat, gradually becoming slower until it stops.

And then sometimes the whispers seemed to not be completely in line with the rest of the music, but as I've only listened to this once, I'm sure it'll become more clear to me with a few more listenings.

Overall, a great piece. It's not really a song in the sense of what's usually put out there, because this piece has a more artistic feel, and it's been awhile since I've listened to a good piece of art.

On that note, this piece kicks ass, Van Gogh style!


He's different! Let's get him! *leads angry mob carrying torches and pitchforks*

Zyko had some unique and enjoyable stuff on VGmix, including "Woods of the Invertrix" and "Of Darkness and Legend"-- this is up there with the best. Sometimes I get the impression that he doesn't actually put much time or effort into his mixes, and sometimes that's good and sometimes that's bad, but this one seems a little more well thought than some of his others and is definately interesting.

Zyk I think you should do a little cleaning up to "Of Darkness and Legend" and submit it here :)


Once in awhile, a remix comes along, that captures the true essence of the original, and take it to a whole new level feeling and atmosphere, that you can really just say "Man...this should be what the in-game song was."

If I'm correct, and I'm pretty sure I am, this is the music that plays in the old cruddy run-down ShinRa Mansion in Nibelhiem. With this song you can actually visualize what it may have been like walkin' through the mansion. With the creeking floor boards, and whispery winds and what not. Most specifically, it adds a spooky, ambient sort of feel that seems like something right out of Diablo II.

This song gets....


5 twisted smileys and a Nice Work Guy for good measure!


*thumbs up*

Me = outty


Yeah, it's Vincent's theme...By the way, am I the only one that thought the ending was appropriate? I kinda like the jarring effect; it's almost as if the heart just..stopped... :twisted:

I have to commend Zyko on being the first (if not the first, the first in a long time) to make a musical piece that actually made me think about it afterwards...almost as if I'd just listened to a story. I guess that is why I liked the ending; it didn't need to fade out, it needed an ending...and a creepy one. :wink:

Overall, this is amazing; especially on a technical aspect. Not sure if I'd listen to it repeatedly, but I definitely think this is an achievement.


It's totally different from anything i heard before from here, and i liked it lots. The low sounds did sound like whales except there were no high pitched screeches like whales do. But it's brilliant. I really dig experimental/alternative music that defies the definition of music.


Yay Vincents theme!

Im not too keen on the intro, but when the acoustic guitar gets in, THATS when it gets good.

The humming is great and really captures the ambient feel of the piece.

Im not a huge fan of when the guitar gets filtered and distorted...but thats not there much so thats okay.

Im not too keen on the crunching either...not entirley sure what its supposed to be, but it doesnt really do anything for me...nor does the low groaning/rumbling.

In fact now as I listen through again the whole of the overlayed SFX dont do anything for me.

And the heartbeat fadeout is kinda weird too.

Im not entirley sure what to make of it...its not something I could sit down and listen to but it would most certainly be good for a horror game soundtrack or something.

Silent hill-ish comes to mind...so if youre into that kinda dark ambient stuff then go for this one, but I can see it being one of those tracks where you either love it or hate it.


Ever heard Joe Satriani's "Midnight?"

Listen to that. Then listen to this. Or maybe listen to them in the opposite order. Actually there's more form to "Midnight" but some of the arpeggiated chords are done in a similar fashion.

Anyway, this is a really nice piece of work. Really ambient, but not synthetic ambient, which is what I personally am used to when it comes to ambient music. Sweeping synth pads that dominate, and nothing very natural sounding. All of this is very different from the norm and it definitely conveys a mood. I've never actually played this game, but this particular piece is nice without the in-game nostalgia. Very cool stuff.



Very cool.... the whispered voices really added a lot to this. Very creepy. And this peice contains what a lot of ambient peices lack... coherance, where every peice contributes to a larger whole in a very effective manner.

I haven't played all the way though FF7 yet, and it's been a few years since I've even touched it, so I can't remember exactly when this plays in the game, yet I still remember this theme. Was it played in a town or something? It sounds like an empty, lonely village kind of theme...

I like this a lot.


You know what...I can't really decide whether I like this or not!

It's totally unique, and the experience is unmatched by anything I've ever listened to ever, but the song isn't really that catchy. It's not something I'm gonna be like "Damn, I HAVE to listen to that song when I get home", but at the same time, it's gonna linger on my mind because I won't be able to hum any specific melody or remember any certain part of the song.

So what can I say? Nice work I guess! You've done something I haven't seen in any music for the longest time, and that deserves a congratulations.


Avant garde is right. This falls somewhere between Steve Vai and Luciano Berio, experimentally speaking. If you dig those two (and need an FF7 fix), get this. NOW. If not, give it a try. You'll never know what you're missing in the wide world of noise, if you don't try new things.

I give it a big, enthusiastic thumbs up.

very very very very very coool, and add a few more 'verys' for originality.

I think this is great stuff. Cheerz to Zyko for pushing the envelope- and doing it rather well.

for every person that dosen't like it because its 'different', you'll have others like me liking it that much MORE because its different.

very true. love it. i'd like to see more originality like this around here.

and i'd love to hear more from zyko.


I approve greatly.

I've liked what I've heard of Zyko's stuff before, so I knew somethin like this would be very different and very cool.

I think this really captures Vincent in a way. That sad feeling, da kind of distance...it's so empty and yet ya hafta look really hard ta see everything...

I mean, just da lines "Save me" "I don't want to be saved I want to be sacrificed" is meaningful enough as it is. I can imagine Vincent walking, wandering da mansion, eventually getting shot and captured and altered by Hojo...

I mean, it really captures Vincent's story in a song, I think. I really like it. It's so eerie and sad at da same time...gives me goosebumps.


well other than having to turn it way up to hear, it was pretty good, almost sounds like you recorded this and left pink floyd on in the background around the beginning of the mix. i liked it but its real hard to pick the melody out right away. but i gotta say the guitar sounded cool, great job


This remix is quite different. That is a good thing.

It is no easy feat to make an ambient remix, much less an awesome ambient remix.

As djpretzel said on the remix's page, it is very envocative of Pink Floyd. However, up until the 3:00 mark or so, I was also reminded of the also ambient (and quite cool) song from Cowboy Bebop, "Channel 23". I doubt many would agree with me on this point, but the guitar parts seem similar to me.

The ending, however, is just weird. The heartbeat is cool and all, but I would have preferred something to allow for a good looping of the song.

Still, all in all, pretty damn good.

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