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OCR01786 - F-Zero "Eat Your Own Dust"


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So I decided the best way to review a song is to listen to it while writing the review. How obviously simple! :tomatoface:

I love the introduction. It's very deep and compelling, and then shifts cleanly into some powerful snare and bass. The humming sound is my best friend, as it always guarantees a shift in the music afterwards. I love how the bass and snare drown out slowly and leave the piano to stick its own. I kind of want to hear the piano a little louder, but perhaps it would be off sync with the volume of the rest of the track if it was. The ups and downs of the track are well done, and whether the track is in a high or in a low doesn't change its overall power.

A couple complaints. I believe the mix sounds a little bit repetitive as the main beat of the song loops through about a good...70% or so of it. It does shift from a hardcore feel to a techno feel about half way through, and the volume and intesity constatly change, but the overall beat was still the same and still a little bit repetitive. I guess what I'm asking for is a little bit more originality with the beat. Stick that remix in a blender and see what you can make!

But understandably, since this track is by a newcomer, I shant expect top of the chart compositions. This is definitely a good start to an infinite amount of potential for the future. And so, I pat Rozovian on the back and say, "Make more you son of a gun!"

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good sounds - overall a very enjoyable mix

the constant drum loop works - but i would def work on changing it up more in future mixes and having more dramatic transitions

the melodic and harmonic content is your forte and i really enjoy your added touches and instruments you choose (they're very expressive and for lack of better words engaging and beautiful) - but the drums and energy are what you really need to focus on - and feel free to push the extremities of the dynamics more

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Love the bassline throughout. It really drives the mix, no pun intended :P

Good choice of synths, everything meshes well. Would have liked more done with the drums, they are the weakest part of the mix. Agree with Dshu, more eggshaker!

Key change also works surprisingly well, even if it is sudden. Nice work, and welcome aboard.

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Great song, I'm loving the feel of this one. Very crisp, very clean. At first I thought the bass come off as a little strong but it works out. I think it gets busy and empty at just the right points, and its a very unique take. They key change was a great idea. I'd happily have this on in the background. Also I love the eggshaker, and the effects on it make it awesome, reminds me a little of this awesome song I heard ages ago called Bad Behaviour. Don't think anyone would've heard of it...anyway compositionally sometimes it feels like the instruments should do a little more in areas, but where it counts there's enough support to make the leads enjoyable.

I never review, what am I doing lol.

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Alrighty, I'll do something productive for once and start reviewing stuff. I felt the remix was slighty repetitive...nah, that's not the right word, just didn't go as far as it could've I think is a better phrase. Nevertheless, it's an awesome song to listen to. Had a nice bassline to it and a catchy, upbeat tune to follow. Good stuff.

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Congratulations, Rozovian.

Red Canyon, eh? Been waiting for one. I'm hugely bothered by how the melody doesn't really play as in the original, but the mix as a whole sounds really good and the semi-distorted bassline is really nice, as are the quirky leads. They sometimes play notes that don't really fit, but oh well. The drums were a little dull, unfortunately, but hey, this is what I get for not posting in the wip thread for it (though I don't think ever I saw one...)

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Well, I had to quickly peruse my F-Zero rip (yeah, I keep stuff like that around for situations like this, been... quite a while since I've played that game) to make sure I could fully appreciate how this relates to and is different from the original, and I have to say, this is rockin'! It doesn't let up, keeps that "racing" feel, and yet varies itself enough to not get boring, or overwhelming, loved the way it just sort of quietly faded away without getting "slower" if that makes any sense.

More than anything I have to say that it just feels like karma coming around that Rozovian finally has a mix of his own posted, considering all the great advice he dispenses on the WiP forums seemingly daily. It wasn't until recently that I realized Roz didn't actually have any mixes posted on the site yet, but I knew it was only a matter of time, congratulations man!

Next up, Chill Penguin!

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Congrats on your first posted mix, dude! :-)

As someone who tends to be a fan of mixes with great bottom ends ( >_> ), this really appeals to me. The bass sound is great, and though the sound isn't completely balanced, it's styled in such a way to really appeal. The solos were funky, with some good rhythms, and the transitions were pretty well handled. Beats were a bit vanilla, but there was enough going on otherwise to keep the mix interesting. Pretty groove heavy, but it's textured enough to keep moving forward.

Overall? Excellent bass, creative synth leads, and gated synth? I'm a fan. :-D

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Congrats. Probably no one more deserving to get something on the site because of all the help you consistently give on the WIP boards. I always feel bad that I can't do more of that but I just don't know enough yet.

Anyway, slick track you got here. A constant catchy groove and beat throughout. Maybe some more varition on the beat would've been nice but the genre doesn't really warrant it I guess.

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I'm going through my second listen through of this mix, and I must say, it's pretty good.

I like the tremolo effects, and some of the fades in here are kick-ass…

…I would've liked a bridge or maybe something akin to a break…

the key change is nice and subtle, unlike a few other songs I know of where the key change is often abrupt and jarring…

…overall, this is good mix.

I may have never liked F-Zero all that much, but this making me wanna grab a copy for emulation gaming.

It's too bad that my MP3 player is nearly filled to bursting with other OCR songs, or I would add this to the 204 mixes I have on it already.

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This was pretty good - it really had a catchy rythym, and I especially liked the rush of high-pitched strings or whatever it was. I wish its pacing was a little bit faster or that the song's near-end climax was a little more sweeping, but on the whole, it was a pretty good song.

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Nice remix!

I like how you worked the intro section I think everything fits together quite nicely. The strong beat helps keep the piece moving. Additionally, I like how you switch up the medley enough that it doesn't get stale as can be the tendency considering the source material of most of these songs :).

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