The Derrit Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Go play MMX now. show me a way to it and i'm there Quote
Dj Mokram Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I did use the game-genie to beat that horrible Simpson game on the NES. And the action-replay actually allowed me to be able to play Lufia Fortress of Doom on the snes. But I couldn't even save, so I had to play it non-stop all day long... I'll never forget that. I didn't finished FFVIII the first time either. I hated the fact that after spending countless hours leveling up characters, you just ended up unequipped and powerless in the castle. But I did finish FFVII... in japanese. More recently, I remember helping a friend get started at Biohazard 4... I ended up being the human walkthrough. To the point where he couldn't open the next door without asking for my advice beforehand. Quote
Scufo Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I played pretty much all the way through FFVI, but stopped right before the Very Definitely Final Dungeon. I beat Earthbound on my second attempt. It couldn't quite hold my interest on the first try. I never finished Mother 3 though. Something about emulators, I donno. Never played a Mega Man game! Although I am proud to say I have never hucked a controller across the room in rage. EDIT: Also, I was careless enough to lose my Mario Paint mouse. That game was MAGICAL. Quote
Gollgagh Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I didn't finish FFVIII the first time either. I hated the fact that after spending countless hours leveling up characters, you just ended up unequipped and powerless in the castle. It's all in how you level your GFs and also making sure that your magick stock is filled to the brim. Quote
Dj Mokram Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 It's all in how you level your GFs and also making sure that your magick stock is filled to the brim. Exactly. But I didn't get that first time. When I replayed it I made camp in the 2 Islands (Closest To Heaven and Hell) and I leveled up like crazy. I spend some time getting good cards on triple triad, and flip them for Holy War & such. Crushed Omega Weapons & Ultmecia/Griever without effort. Wasn't fun, but finally I got to see the ending. Quote
The Pezman Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 My name is The Pezman, and I've been gaming on steroids for the past six years. I mean, in this world I need every edge I can get. And I can quit whenever I want. I just have to blast through the tourney next week... and then the one in May... then July... THEN I'll stop. Quote
The Author Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I. Thou shalt not cheat. Emulator savestates, cheat codes and the konami codes, the 3 cardinal sins of cheating. I've been guilty. II. Thou shalt not use player's guides or walkthroughs except as a last resort. I tend to use them sparingly, however in an obscure game or a game that I want to destroy, I go for it. III. Thou shalt not disrespect the system of another while secretly desiring it. SEGA SUCKS (but I did like sonic...) IV. Thou shalt not play for someone who is taking a bathroom break. Not guilty V. Thou shalt not steal lives or items in a two-player game. Half the fun of the game. VI. Thou shalt finish each game that thee starteth. Hmmm I have about 3 or 4 exceptions to that, otherwise I do finish my games. VII. Thou shalt not fling thy controller across the room, no matter how frustratingly difficult thy game might be. Never gonna happen, I rarely lose my patience, even when playing Kaizo Mario. VIII. Thou shalt watch quietly as others attempt the most simple and mundane levels, battles, or puzzles and not shout out the obvious method of completing them. Fuck that, they need me, just hand me the controller, it's kinda obvious but I can't explain it. Quote
Skummel Maske Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Well, I've never finished FFIV myself. It was a great game and all, but I got stuck in what I suppose was the final dungeon, where Omega Weapon was. I couldn't beat him, and I couldn't find any other way to proceed. Now I've lost the savefile. Contrary to earlier posters, I really enjoyed FFVIII and have played through it twice. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Never beaten Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for the gameboy without using the weird map glitch where if done right, would get you past over certain areas. Quote
Shadow Wolf Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Oh, I hate Earthbound. Never could hold my attention. I also had to have my hand held through StarCraft, although I always attempted a levell at least twice before skimming the walkthrough. Quote
Native Jovian Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I. Thou shalt not cheat. I generally use cheats for lulz value rather than actually to beat a game. For example: I used to have most of the push-button codes for GTAII and Vice City memorized. Fill up weapons and health/armor, turn on flying cars, spawn a tank, and go to town... but never during an actual mission! I don't even own any cheating devices other than the Game Genie way back for the original NES. The only big exception was FFX. Holy crap I hated the sphere grid. There was no real way to judge the relative level of your characters -- it was hard to know who needed to be switched into battle in order to level them up. So I didn't bother. My party was Auron, Lulu, and Yuna (providing melee, black magic, and white magic respectively) for essentially the entire game. So when I got tossed into one section near the end of the game where you had to use Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku (because it was underwater)... I got destroyed. Pretty much every random battle was equivalent to a boss fight, but I couldn't use white magic because Yuna wasn't around, and I didn't have enough healing items to keep it up. I was completely stuck; I couldn't have gone on without either a) restarting the game and making sure my watery-people were leveled high enough, or cheating. I borrowed someone's cheatery-device (I can't even remember what kind it was...) and gave myself infinite spheres and sphere levels long enough to boost my people into not-complete-suckitude and finished out the game. VI. Thou shalt finish each game that thee starteth. Oh man. I'm terrible at this. For a few games, like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI, I've gotten the the final boss/dungeon but then got steamrolled (because I'm usually chronically underleveled in RPGs) and didn't have the patience to grind up to the point where I could beat the game. For a handful more, like Fire Emblem, I've gotten a significant portion through the game but got distracted/frustrated/whatever and stopped playing for some reason or other. Then there's some, like Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Pokemon Sapphire, or Dead Rising, where I played for a little bit at the very beginning but never really got into it and just stopped playing. I've got a bunch of games I haven't beaten... Quote
relyanCe Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I used to be very patient with games back when I didn't actually pay for them with my own earned cash. Nowadays, if I get a game that sucks hard ones that cost me a decent amount of money (and uses a controller), the controller will fly across the room at least once in a fit of frustration. Handhelds get amnesty for being such troopers. I'm a terrible horrible no-good person =/ Quote
Thalzon Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I often turned to a guide to beat Hotel Dusk. I'm just no good at these adventurin' games, especially when they distract you early on with like 4 separate plots (how am I supposed to think to put chalk in the pen's engraving?!). Also, after losing to and pissing off several people in the hotel and thus getting game overs, I went through the guide to pick the "right" answers so that I could avoid game overs and end up repeating a section of the story all over again. Quote
SpanishFly Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Yeah, I'd heard Hotel Dusk is kind of like that. Though, I'm guilty of hoarding spheres from that one early fight in FFX where you can just sit there for hours and get 99 without problem. But if it's any redemption, I stopped before 30, lol. Quote
Rexy Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 As much as I love being a gamer, I just HAVE to join in on this one. * I've never used cheat codes since the days of the Genesis, and never used an Action replay or similar device. But I DID abuse save states when I discovered emulation, but since my skills grew I used them a lot less. The last time I had to rely on them, shockingly enough, was trying to beat Pluto in the PS1 version of Tales of Phantasia. * Disrespect of another system happened a lot back in the day too, or at least before I even had a Wii. Being a Sega/Sony kid, I wanted nothing to do with Nintendo and had completely no understanding on why Mario was so popular, therefore bashing it like there's no tomorrow. Though, I secretly hoped for an N64 just so I can play Banjo-Kazooie... >.> * Typically, I DO finish what I begin, but there are TWO replays of Kingdom Hearts 1 that I completely gave up on in favor of other endeavours. Both instances were indeed at Hollow Bastion. * I had to watch one of my cousins play through the last boss on Tomb Raider Legend and figure out everything, though my inner-thoughts regarding what should be done came more naturally. And when she DID find out what to do, she got bored when she was half-done. Buh? And that's about it Quote
Sag Ee Mana Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I am Sag Ee Mana and... I liked to cheat with the ACTION REPLAY when it was possible to search ourselves for the codes... It was on the SNES and a little on the PS. Ex : Playing Super Probotector (Contra) in the hardest mode with a friend and both being immortal was really fun. The Konami code was like a drug for me, so when Parodius came, I was trying to find the good "new" one : mirror method, or L/R instead of left/right, and I found it mwa ha ha ha I am evil !!! When I got a PC, the "save slate" for MAME and SNES emulation was the moment for me to finish all of these game I found too hard. I'm thinking about arcade game where we can put an extra coin during a boss fight in order to get it lose more life until we can kill him and see the credits. Otherwise, about things done without cheating, there are also the Playstation FF games... I've never beaten the 4th disc of FF8, never finished FF10, and you know what ? I've never finished myself FF7, even if I know 90% of the game, because it was a good friend of mine who played it and not me ^^''. But now, since 1 week, every evening, I'm playing it on my psp (yeah I converted the psx game) so one day I'll be able to say that I've beaten myself the game <3 Quote
Devyn Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 I still haven't beaten Blaster Master. I died at the last boss two years ago, and the game hasn't worked since (it seriously stopped working ); However, we will be fighting again one day. I have beaten Street Fighter 2010, Karnov and Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2! But alas, it's not enough. I will get my revenge! Quote
Lemonectric Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 I read a complete walkthrough before playing Ocarina of Time for the first time. >.< And Kirby's Adventure is the only NES game I've ever beaten (excluding remakes). Quote
glasfen Posted March 21, 2009 Author Posted March 21, 2009 Goldeneye was great, because you could throw a bunch of remote mines around them and kill them as soon as they got back and unpaused That's just cruel... and awesomely hilarious. Oh, and hard as it is to believe, I just can not find Super Metroid that good, really, liked Castlevania Circle of the Moon or Aria of Sorrow better. But yeah...I haven't beaten Super Mario Bros 1-3. Really, only one of those platformer Mario games I've beaten is Super Mario World. Sad, I know. The only Metroids I could get into were Fusion and Prime I, though I beat Super Metroid, just to finish it. I cannot beat Castlevania (Simon Belmont, you weakling!). At least you picked a good Mario platformer to beat! When I was younger I sold my NES at a yardsale for $10. I had a lightzapper, powerpad, and a pile of games (Super Mario Bros. 3 and Monster Party!!). When I got home I realized what I had done, and I was horrified. Augh! Not Monster Party! That has one of my favorite quotes of all time: "Sorry, I'm dead." I hate to admit it, but we sold Ducktales, Blades of Steel, and Bubble Bobble. EDIT: Also, I was careless enough to lose my Mario Paint mouse. That game was MAGICAL. I am sad that you can't play Gnat Attack. My name is The Pezman, and I've been gaming on steroids for the past six years. I mean, in this world I need every edge I can get. And I can quit whenever I want. I just have to blast through the tourney next week... and then the one in May... then July... THEN I'll stop. Let me know if it helps you beat Bayou Billy. Or even Robocop, Kid Icarus, and The Last Ninja. I can't get anywhere in those... Oh man. I'm terrible at this. For a few games, like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI, I've gotten the the final boss/dungeon but then got steamrolled I think it's a fear of this which kepts me from beating FFVII, Earthbound, and Dragon Quest Swords. * Disrespect of another system happened a lot back in the day too, or at least before I even had a Wii. Being a Sega/Sony kid, I wanted nothing to do with Nintendo I used to hate the Sega commercials which contrasted the number of titles for Nintendo and Sega. "But all those games stink!" I used to shout. I still haven't beaten Blaster Master. That game is ridiculous. I get so lost and then get destroyed by the swamp boss. Here are a few more of mine: I liked FFVIII (which I beat) better than FFVII I gave up on Metroid Prime III (deleted my file, even) when I found out that there was a "protect the people" section of the game. What's the point of that? I'm the hero! Everybody else get out of my way! Stupid Galactic Marines... And my brothers and I used to wait 'til our mom was out of the room and put Mario or Link (both N64) in a near-death situation which would require expert reflexes to avoid. We were mean like that. Quote
The Coop Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 - I used a Game Genie to beat Road Rash after being stuck on the final three races for over a decade. - I've never played a Zelda game, a "Brawl" game, and just one Final Fantasy game (though I don't feel shameful about that really). - When I was younger, I actually called the 900 hints number in the Landstalker manual so I could find those fucking black ice spike boots (which were in a near-black pit... fuckers). Quote
JCvgluvr Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 -I've used an Action Replay on the gamecube plenty of times, but I'm having a hard time recalling if I used it mainly for harmless fun or to beat a game. Honestly, I probably did use it to beat a game. -I played The World Ends With You twice, then promptly sold it. I'm not a big RPG gamer anyway, so when I saw typical Japanese angst, stupid clothes, and bad J-Pop, I was outta there! I really have no clue why it wins game awards. Also, I didn't finish Kid Icarus and Blaster Master. -I've never played a single Final Fantasy, and probably never will. -I used a guide to beat Wind Waker the first time. It's probably okay, in hindsight. After all, those triforce pieces were ridiculous! -I tend to bash the PS3 and its lack of games, yet I wouldn't object to receiving one as a gift. Quote
SpanishFly Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 I must admit, my opinion on TWEWY is well, quite different from yours. When I first picked it up and played it, the whole way it was put together just felt like such a breath of fresh air. I got it in....I think August, and it's still the game that's predominantly in my DS (as opposed to CT DS, Mario Kart DS, or New Super Mario Bros for example). And as odd as it may be to say, some of the music's actually pretty catchy, I think. Quote
Gollgagh Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 I must admit, my opinion on TWEWY is well, quite different from yours. When I first picked it up and played it, the whole way it was put together just felt like such a breath of fresh air. I got it in....I think August, and it's still the game that's predominantly in my DS (as opposed to CT DS, Mario Kart DS, or New Super Mario Bros for example). And as odd as it may be to say, some of the music's actually pretty catchy, I think. need some more candycane Quote
Weirdboyscott Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 I never played any FF game. Who cares? I know I don't! Same here, well... I did play Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, but that was it. Quote
Geeky Stoner Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 never played on the nes really it was a little bit before my time. i played it a couple times in passing but Ive never really sat down and played some old nes classics.(cept for maybe a few rehashs on gbc gba) also never beat DK 64. and never played final fantasy(the only turned based rpg i ever liked was super mario rpg which i never found the casino or beat in either) Quote
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