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No one told us beforehand UnMod was going to be deleted fyi.

That too. As I mentioned back in the long "What happened to UnMod?" thread, no warning before the deletion came across as disrespectful to some. Not getting a chance to save the threads of interest didn't sit well with others either. These things, on top of the retro bans that were going on, just set some people off.

Is this condoning what was done in Gen Dis? No. I'm simply explaining some of the whys and hows of what happened.

I'm simply explaining some of the whys and hows of what happened.

This reminds me of Ron Paul taking the heat during the Republican debates for calling 'bullshit' on "They hate us for our freedom" and other republican sayings. Who knew that 'childish trash' (to borrow from mephisto) would act like enraged childish trash when their playground was destroyed, instead of fading quietly into the night. Surprise!

If i were a moderator, I'm sure I would have felt the same way. But UnMod's deletion was like the 9/11 of OCR.

A bunch of terrorists crash fuel-loaded airplanes into two skyscrapers in New York City, killing thousands of innocent people is congruous to an administrator removing a sub-forum where people post hate-filled invective about his staff from his website's message board?

Aside from the fact that I don't really agree with invoking 9/11 when talking about deleting a sub-forum, the situations don't really parallel each other, unless you're just talking about the resulting outrage.

In any case, we made no secret that UnMod was going to be deleted. We'd been talking about it for months, and people knew. They just didn't think we were serious.

That said, it was still a surprise when it actually was deleted.

In absolutely all fairness and seriousness, how was this not expected?

Fallout was expected. After all, we'd been dealing with an inordinate amount of nonsense for nearly a year. We knew people would be angry and complain vehemently, but I personally was honestly surprised with how vicious and depraved some of the stuff that was posted got. There was absolutely no justification and no excuse for some of the things said.

In the end though, it was just a bad decision to delete Unmod while most of the site staff was attending Magfest, because we didn't have "all hands on deck" to deal with the inevitable backlash. I was one of the main proponents for the deletion of Unmod, and I argued heavily that the forum should actually be deleted completely and replaced with a new one rather than just renaming it, but deleting it without preparation (i.e. the way it actually went down) was not the way I'd have done it.


There was no warning. No "Hey guys we're going to be deleting UnMod in a few hours/days/weeks: save whatever crap you want because it won't be here anymore after then"; just *poof* gone. There was talk of a new sub-forum, but outright deletion of UnMod up until the point it actually happened was just speculation. Had a warning been issued, the backlash might have still happened, but it most likely wouldn't have been nearly as bad, and would've been more containable.

As much as you may not have liked it, proph, there was a community built in UnMod (as this thread proves). It was the equivalent of bulldozing over one's home with little warning, and rightfully, many were very angry about the sudden loss of their home and everything in it.

Fallout was expected. After all, we'd been dealing with an inordinate amount of nonsense for nearly a year. We knew people would be angry and complain vehemently, but I personally was honestly surprised with how vicious and depraved some of the stuff that was posted got. There was absolutely no justification and no excuse for some of the things said.

In the end though, it was just a bad decision to delete Unmod while most of the site staff was attending Magfest, because we didn't have "all hands on deck" to deal with the inevitable backlash. I was one of the main proponents for the deletion of Unmod, and I argued heavily that the forum should actually be deleted completely and replaced with a new one rather than just renaming it, but deleting it without preparation (i.e. the way it actually went down) was not the way I'd have done it.

I'm actually glad you agree with the fact that Unmod was taken down distastefully and we're in full agreement here. That being said, there should be no quarrel with you! I don't really want to beat a dead horse because I honestly don't care about it anymore.

I think what we really want is an apology from Dave for ruining our lives tbh. /s

There was no warning. No "Hey guys we're going to be deleting UnMod in a few hours/days/weeks: save whatever crap you want because it won't be here anymore after then"; just *poof* gone. There was talk of a new sub-forum, but outright deletion of UnMod up until the point it actually happened was just speculation. Had a warning been issued, the backlash might have still happened, but it most likely wouldn't have been nearly as bad, and would've been more containable.

As much as you may not have liked it, proph, there was a community built in UnMod (as this thread proves). It was the equivalent of bulldozing over one's home with little warning, and rightfully, many were very angry about the sudden loss of their home and everything in it.

uh, there was a stickied and closed thread in unmod for months saying to back up whatever you wanted because they were planning on deleting it.

uh, there was a stickied and closed thread in unmod for months saying to back up whatever you wanted because they were planning on deleting it.

Are you serious?


Because I don't see any Sticky here about this subject.

Plus DJP already said he apologized for not warning anyone here, so I am pretty sure there was never a Sticky as you say.


The only "save stuff you want" warning thread I remember, was back when a forum purge was coming (I think it was the first purge). It's a fuzzy memory, and I may be thinking of a non-admin/mod made thread that just warned people about an upcoming purge. Either way, I don't recall ever seeing a thread in UnMod or Gen Dis talking about how UnMod was going to be deleted.

I know posters were joking about the forum being deleted (I remember someone joking about it just before it actually happened, and that poster saying he honestly wasn't privy to some insider info afterward), and I know mods talked about the forum being turned into a moderated forum. But I have no memories of an admin/mod-made thread in any forum saying "UnMod's going to be deleted. Save your shit."

DS- It's been a good while since it all happened, but it's nice to hear that someone who works for the site felt the same way myself and others did about how things were handled back then.

The only "save stuff you want" warning thread I remember, was back when a forum purge was coming (I think it was the first purge). It's a fuzzy memory, and I may be thinking of a non-admin/mod made thread that just warned people about an upcoming purge.

I remember that, too.

I remember someone joking about it just before it actually happened, and that poster saying he honestly wasn't privy to some insider info afterward

King Matt I. IIRC.


hey global. good to see you too. and those communists at photobucket can kiss my ass. they deleted my whole account because of one picture that had an anime girl in a transparent bikini. never mind that they have never done ANYTHING to my other bucket that i used to post furry porn here from. ITS STILL THERE.


I miss how no matter what time of day it was, I could usually find a new post in at least one of the threads I read every hour or half-hour. Someone was always posting something at any given time. Quality not factored...

It's made me impatient with other forums, though, where I'm annoyed if there's no new posts for a day.

I miss how no matter what time of day it was, I could usually find a new post in at least one of the threads I read every hour or half-hour. Someone was always posting something at any given time. Quality not factored...

It's made me impatient with other forums, though, where I'm annoyed if there's no new posts for a day.

Yeah, unmod was awesome just because of this. If it was a slow day at work, you could always count on unmod being the perfect timewaster. People posted at the speed of light there. Quantity over quality of course, but damn it was fun.

I just want to post here and say thanks for posting this; I haven't seen it in ages.

and thank you to the people that posted Red_D's Halloween sig

and the UnMod South Park wallpapers

okay bye!

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