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A mostly amazing tune. I am a great fan of the classic yet simple zelda melody and the heineken-sounds really work wonders with that! I did not like the the music between 1:20 and 2:00 and after 3:00 tho, it didn't feel like it belonged there, but the aaaah does more then make up for that! :)


This is really great man! It's easy to do something for the sake of novelty, but you really went the extra mile and turned what could've been really cheesy into what was actually a very successful piece of music! I'm curious--in the middle section, how did you do the pitch bends? Did you record a bend, or did you do that in midi?

Very cool stuff, can't wait to hear more :)


Wow, at first I was worried that this was gonna be really gimmicky but I stand corrected. This is actually one of the better Zelda remixes out there! Excellent job, oh so very creative.


Nice to see something so unique and different. Very awesome mix and very innovative... And it's a GREAT REMIX TOO! You'd think something like this would come across as gimmicky, but musically it stands on it's own as something very well put together and arranged. Plus I felt I HAD to come check out the song after seeing Oji and DJP tweet about it, then get an email from OCR and then get an email from Facebook saying I got a message from OCR about it on there. I'm still not signing up for Digg though.

But wait...didn't somebody already do a remix with an alcoholic beverage? Something about a Drugstore selling Sparks? :D


I remember this from DoD, it was really amazing.

I'm happy to see it here; the only thing I don't like of this remix is the title :P 'Legend of Heineken' would sounded better, maybe...

Great work.


hahaha, I used this same gimmick back in 2003, only I used a Kiwi Strawberry Snapple bottle.

So while I can't pretend to be impressed by the idea I can appreciate the execution; what I did was mere pissing about by comparison. A for effort, you can almost take this remix seriously.

hahaha, I used this same gimmick back in 2003, only I used a Kiwi Strawberry Snapple bottle.

So while I can't pretend to be impressed by the idea I can appreciate the execution; what I did was mere pissing about by comparison. A for effort, you can almost take this remix seriously.

Haha, I mentioned that you were the first to do this years ago on Twitter. Regardless though, this is a very good remix. Great to see Mattias back in action.


Man, I've been looking for good music like this for quite a while. Seriously, after hearing the original "Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough" from Michael Jackson and hearing the edited, I decided that it was time to use instruments and resort to sequencers to do only what nature can't.

Soundfont those things, man. That's so cool. Really, that's what I call music.


Hi folks,

I'm so glad to learn that you appreciate the remix.

I really put some hours into that production and had alot of fun creating it.

Since you all liked this one so much, I'm eager to do another remix with the same kind of "sounds". Do you have any suggestions on a theme I should remix with the same kind of setup?

Everything was recorded playing live on my masterkeyboard. Yes, the percussive pattern was copied and pasted on a few places and some filter-fades were of course recorded afterwards.

But the leads and solos were all done in one-shot (well I think I played it about 3-4 times before hitting rec over that part), so the bends were all recorded live. In fact that's the way I work for most of the time.

I don't like fiddling with solos and leads after they have been recorded.

It's better for the confidence to actually be able to play them live...haha.

I might release the patches in the future... =)

Well gotta go, talk soon again!

Don't forget to check my blogg for more weird projects at http://tiredtree.se/blogg


/Mattias Holmgren

Morningdew Media


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