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Not really remix related, though it may have something to do with Otakon and the anime that is shown on Cartoon Network, but as a writer/animator and producer, I wanted to gather some thoughts about what the remix community thinks about CN's new realtiy tv endeavors.

If you're not a fan of this, please join the CNReal boycott here, ala Facebook:


I hear they are cancelling Chowder and FlapJack as well, but I also wanted to find out some theories as to what the marketing team at CN could have done better. I personally think more video game cartoons should be made which can in turn, bring more remix attention here. Any takers?


I stopped watching that channel because they started showing things besides "cartoons".

It's "Cartoon" Network. All those shows to choose from (GI Joe, Thundercats, Voltron, TMNT, Smurfs, Conan, etc), and they put on crap. No thanks. A wasted channel and a poor vision.

Reminds me of "TechTV was better".


I swear to fucking christ if they cancel chowder and flapjack for this shit, I'll kill someone. That is bullcrap in the highest form, and no one is gonna watch this kiddie ripoff network shows like mini survivor and ghosthunters.


Well it certainly figures. These companies that control the stations have no idea what they should be putting on TV. They work by their stupid ratings system when in reality, if they'd just take a moment to ask the people what they want to see, they might actually put something on that everyone likes. Besides, they don't seem to take into account the people that DVR things. But whatever, you know it's just dumb. Anyway, Edge, don't go off the deep end man, it's just TV.


It's bad enough that Cartoon Network likes to show live-action movies from time to time, but now they're doing live-action shows? Do they not know what "cartoon" means?

They have seven, 24 hour days to fill. We don't need one show being aired seven times a day. It's time to dig into the 80s and 90s, grab some of the cartoons that don't get much airplay anymore, and put them on. Spiral Zone, Thundercats, the orgiinal Transformers show, the original GI Joe show, Teen Titans, MASK, Bravestarr, unedited Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry, Inspector Gadget, The Real Ghostbusters, Freakazoid, Animaniacs, Bionic Six... there's so much out there. And instead of giving them some airtime, we get a few shows being aired a ridiculous number of times a week.

I think it's time for a drastic restructuring of those calling the shots at CN. Something's very wrong over there.


Oh good, it's not just me.

I watched one episode of Brain Rush, and while the concept is okay (easy questions in a stressful environment, in the same vein as Cash Cab), it's just not the right channel and not very original.

I saw a preview for these shows when I went to see "Up," and all four (right?) new shows are just too close in concept with other (better) shows, only with a "starring kids" tacked onto the end.


Geez, sacrificing the Big O, Megas XLR, and Samurai Jack for reality television? On a channel meant for cartoons? Just who is leading this bunch, and how do we evict them?


I remember back when Kids WB did this in the early 2000s (back when it was still kids WB, anyway) - they started introducing more and more awful live-action shows into their lineup. I think all of them died off pretty fast.


I have no problem with someone trying to make money, but I believe that the best way to do so is to emphasize a theme, and to stick with it. Essentially, the idea is to not dilute your audience's interests, because it means that you would receive many small, insignificant slices of interest, as opposed to a central and vigorous interest. Not good for choosing ads, or for creating your lineup. People want to go to "the" history channel, "the" cartoon channel. If someone wanted a slice of everything, they would just channel surf, so what is the point in watering down your content with unrelated material?


Well its's good to hear that you all share this discontent for this grave decision on Cartoon Network's part, but it seems they are firm in this choice. Dont forget to join the Facebook Boycott of Cartoon Network Real (which may turn into a full-fledged boycott of the entire network if things dont change).


"You might have seen the press releases of the new shows coming to Cartoon Network. There's a big shift in what this network will be next year, and we don't know if we'll still be a part of it. There will be new Chowders airing until the end of the year, but right now we're winding down production. People get laid off starting at the end of next week. We could still be picked up, but it would be hard to reassemble the crew in its current form. If this really is the end, then it's been a good run and we've had a lot of fun. I hope you all continue to enjoy the show." - Greenblatt, creator of Chowder.

This quote is a few months old, but as it stands, Greenblatt has already lost some of his prized animators.

Chowder AND FlapJack, both great shows are in "REAL" danger, and though there is a chance they could come back if cancelled (look at Family Guy and Futurama) you would have to show HEAVY support of the show to have it returned. These shows still display that great cartoons can still be made, even if they are expensive.

This could be the start of a new era of cartoons (in my hopes, video game related toons are an untapped field for even more revenue and attention remix-wise) if it's handled correctly. I'd love to see OcRemix get some commercial time. So thanks for all your replies and support! Please, keep your opinions coming, and please be safe about expressing your feelings. Perhaps we can all get together kick a box of puppies that belong to Stuard Snyder, the executive behind this madness.


Reminds me of "TechTV was better".

That's kinda exactly what I was thinking about when I saw the CN Real "commercial" before "Up" started. I mean, what's the need for all these "real" shows when the channel is friggin' called CARTOON Network?

The whole reason I watched that before was because it was nothing but cartoons, and I loved it. Nick and Disney would have their own cartoons, but CN was the only place to find Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Lab, Dragonball Z, etc. I just don't know what's going on in their heads over there >_<.

Don't you mean Cyber Six? If you do, that show was EPIC.

Nope. He has it right with Bionic Six. That's old school Saturday Morning Goodness. But this Cyber Six sounds intriguing. Tell me more...

Nope. He has it right with Bionic Six. That's old school Saturday Morning Goodness. But this Cyber Six sounds intriguing. Tell me more...

It was a show about a bionic women-esqe butt-kicker who posed a male school teacher during the day and pwned an assorted collection of mutant monsters during the night, kinda like batman but weirder. It was weird, but so full of awesome that I didn't sweat the details. Of course, this was something like 7-8 years ago.


Cartoon Network earns an epic facepalm for this kind of bull. Chowder was the last little strand tying me to CN. If that flies the coop, then so will I. CN has really been going downhill for a very, very long time. Remember Tommy and...that other girl that used to host Cartoon Cartoon Fridays? That was the first sign of problems...and it's just gotten worse since. You'd think they'd have learn their lesson with Out of Jimmy's Head...-_-

It's just a sad sight. I used to adore this network...


Don't forget there's also only like 10 episodes, maybe. I think the show only lasted one season, but it's still a neat show. Cyber Six also has her brother as a sidekick. His mind was put into the body of a panther.


no, not really. I personally started boycotting CN when they took toonami off the air. I don't know about you, but I lived for that 2-3 hour block of over the top anime in the afternoon, and when it went poof, I just wasn't intrested in watching CN anymore, mostly because all the shows I found entertaining kept poofing off the air.

Don't forget there's also only like 10 episodes, maybe. I think the show only lasted one season, but it's still a neat show. Cyber Six also has her brother as a sidekick. His mind was put into the body of a panther.

13 episodes (like StarCom).

And they're all on YouTube if you want to watch them, RedTigrr.

Meteo Xavier- I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not boycotting anything. I'm just commenting on the stupidity of what CN is apparently trying to do. For me, it's akin to ESPN showing reruns of Little House on the Prairie. It just doesn't make much sense given what the channel is supposed to be for.

Or if MTV started showing gameshows and reality shows instead of playing mu- ... sic...

13 episodes (like StarCom).

And they're all on YouTube if you want to watch them, RedTigrr.

Or if MTV started showing gameshows and reality shows instead of playing mu- ... sic...

Too late for that one. And thanks Coop.

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