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OCR01872 - New Super Mario Bros. "Plumber's Bane: I. Don't Look Back!"


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Absolutely brilliant. The first half wasn't doing much for me, but as soon as the harpsichord got into full swing, I was like "Oh, MUSIC!" It reminded me a lot of Kefka, which got me to thinking about what would happen if Kefka and Bowser met up, teamed up, and staged a mass takeover of both their worlds with Goombas piloting Magitek Armors, and maybe like Mario finds out he's half-Esper...

...And then I realized I have a really, really weird imagination.

But the piece is still awesome.

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You absolutely did justice to the mostly-underused sources used here. The drums are intense and captivating. The whole mix really clicked for me when the Castle theme from NSMB kicked in; that's a source I completely overlooked when playing through the game, but it works great for this genre. At times, the organ/strings can be overpoweringly loud, but that might just be my cheap $20 headphones at work!

I would have liked to hear the synth elements that you briefly introduced towards the beginning of the song employed more, but I could see how that might clash with the overall style you're going for. When you did use them, it sounded pretty neat though!

Great job, though. Part 2 needs to get up on the front page ASAP!

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Oh no way! I remember this from AGES ago in WIP! I loved it then and I love it now. I'm glad to see it finally posted! I think I already pretty well showered this with praise, so instead I'll just say that I love what you've done with some very under-appreciated themes. Congrats!

I think this (both parts together) is one of the best orchestral mixes on the site by far. The transitions between themes are very well-done, and the timpani just rocks.

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This song made my jaw drop. Right around 2:08 made me tremble in fear. It's when I hear songs like this that make me really think about what my surroundings would be like.

Songs don't normally hit me like this. There are a few OC ReMixes that do, though. This one I must say has hit me the hardest in terms of vivid imagery that came along with the song.

That's why I am proposing the following:

I think that the song should play throughout a flash animation (not some crappy amateur animation either) of Mario progressing through a series of dark, gritty areas, finally arriving at the last castle and its conquer. I am not a flash animator, but I am a damn good visualizer, so I can provide a detailed storyboard for the entire track for anyone who is interested in animating it.

No words, no SFX, but an animation that is perfectly choreographed with the beats and tunes of the song.

You guys might remember the I, Mario thing we had a while back on this board. I think this would be a great tribute to it, even though it only got so far. I even have a fanfiction I am writing that is a spinoff of the "I, Mario" idea of a gritty, real-world take on the Mario universe. This idea really intrigues me.

To Random Hero: Let me know if you're interested in allowing this or even if you're willing to help out with this proposal. Anyone else; I'd love to make this a reality, with Random Hero's blessing of course, so let me know if any of you are interested.

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Hi, I'm Brad Harms, a.k.a The Music Guy. To be honest, this mix was the reason I finally got around to joining the OCR forums!

To start, let me just say that this has got to be one of the best OC remixes I've heard in quite a while. It's really quite epic, and I can't wait for the second part!

This is going to sound strange, but I don't think that watching this marvelous "piece" being performed by a live orchestra/choir would do it justice. Not that it wouldn't sound superb--it's just that this particular mix seems to demand, with divine authority, something much more. For example, I would love to see a trailer of a next-gen Luigi's Mansion sequel synchronized to to it. That would probably knock me out cold. ^_^

All in all, grandiose. Very grandiose, indeed. Bravo, Mr. Random Hero! *much applause*

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Hey guys.. Thanx for the comments, glad u like!! First Direct Post BTW!!

I don't know if anyone noticed, but the intro to this song is paying tribute to David Arnold's Independence Day soundtrack; A movie I have seen dozens of times and still love. Actually, I had never seen the movie in theater thou, that is, until last night!!! :) They actually showed it last night and I HAD to go see it!! If u haven't seen it, U SUCK! hahaha JK.


Plumber's Bane Part 2:

Well, I think this part has been put on hold. I did submit it, but there was an issue with the ending. I meant to fix it but never did. SO it will be submitted again soon!

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Wow, those samples sound great! Those strings at 0:48, so deep and sinister! Do I smell the potential for a ReMix of SNES Zelda's Dark World dungeon music?

My only complaint is that at 3:50 or so, I was expecting it to get really crazy with a Castlevania-style harpsichord, and was disappointed that it did not. But who cares? This is the kind of thing I keep coming back to OCR hoping to find :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The intro certainly took it's time to get going, but it ramped up the mood beautifully. Great restraint and taste, and using subtle cues as well as some massive drums really worked well. This is super dramatic without being overblown.

When things get going, it's even more awesome. The transition writing was excellent, and the underlying rhythmic pulse was very well done.

Double thumbs up, this track is huge.

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Late to the party, but I wanted to put down my two cents.

I gotta say, the only part of this song I didn't like was the very first organ hit. For some reason, that first hit is really piercing, and not in the good way. But after that one initial organ hit, every other use of it is excellent, sinister, and awesome.

I'm not going to mince words. I love this piece. Dark, brooding, amazing use of source tune, and masterful use of timpanis to back the organ and other instruments. It's purely evil sounding, and when you get to the Castle theme from NSMB, it just all comes together in a positively sinister package. Very cool. A must-listen, and a must-download. Bowser would be proud.

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  • 3 months later...

Just finished (for the second time) Part II of Pumber's Bane. The orginial ending was to much of a copy from a non-game source. I get the feeling that there may be a Part III in the near future. The new ending of part II is based on the Castle theme from New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and i want to develop it into a full song.. we'll see.. Plumber's Bane may become a series of songs for me.

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