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I recently beat Mother 3, and it was the first time a video game actually made me cry. The final battle is one of the most emotionally draining sequences in any video game I've ever played. I came incredibly close to crying during this fight, and again during the post-endgame sequence where you walk around and everyone talks to you. There was an image in the "cast of characters" sequence that sent me over the edge.

How about you? Has a video game ever made you shed a tear? Or are you too manly for that?

hah, I saw this thread and Mother 3 was the first game I thought of. That, and FFX's ending jerked some tears. I'm embarassed about that.


anyone played Homeworld?

that game had a massive instruction manual, with an extremely in-depth backstory. after reading that, i found myself playing the game, and without spoilers, the first couple missions were extremely moving. there was a sense of shock/surprise/anger/hurt that you wouldn't think to experience in an RTS.

ALSO, the ending to Chrono Trigger was pretty moving(Robo's ambiguous existence in a changed future especially), but the part that got to me was when the music box started playing after the credits...then went full-orchestral. cue the waterworks. I saw a thread in here about custom music boxes, and that scene immediately came to mind.


I wuz just going two by that game in 2018 for it's twenteeith anyversiry! GOD! Thanx for ruinning it gaiz!

Don't believe 'em, Coop. When I play it I save Aeris. It's really hard but you can do it.


Leading a small barbarian tribe from the Netherlands to take on all the world's empires and somehow dominate the entire world.... with barbarians in Rome Total War. Took 100 hours of working and when I destroyed all the enemies on the map, it was so shocking I couldn't help it. lol


I almost fall into the category of people who cried when aerith died. Though, in reality, it was more rage, as there was a battle straight after (revenge kills FTW!).

Though, I'll admit that the opening of FF10 pulled a few heart strings. The music nearly did it, but I am clearly too manly to admit to that. :<

But mostly rage since finding decent parties is a pain in the arse...

Yeah. That and Paladins that have their heads shoved so far up their ass the lump in their throat is their fuckin' nose.


Haven't cried at a video game yet, but I was definitely moved at some points in a few of them.

Aerith's death is an obvious one as well as a couple of others, the most recent would be Modern Warfare 2 when Shepard burns Ghost and Roach after making his true intentions known. It wasn't even the fact he just burnt them, it was the fact that Roach was still alive that got to me...

Got misty-eyed at the Crisis Core ending.

... That reminds me, I still need to finish that...


FFX made me misty, I think it's one of the only games that made me do so and I didn't even like Tidus that much. I think a big part of it is because the game was acted well enough and portrayed in enough detail to really give it some emotional backing.

This goes against Taucer's "simple garaphics = emotional" theory though. I wonder if you gave an adult today Chrono Trigger if he'd actually find it touching, or if it's just the nostalgia speaking.


A few parts in KH and KH2 got to me, but nothing to cause a river. Misty eyed, yes. But no huge tears.

Strange, I always that I was being too over sensitive about the characters and never knew other people have almost shed a tear.


Definitely Lufia 2.

With everyone acting like the two are coming back. Then their spirits stop by to visit their kid before they leave the planet and the kid is being reassured that his parents are still alive.


Ending again. Seriously, you go around and recreate the world, find out that Dark Gaia created you and everyone you knew(And then turns them all against you when you return) to fulfill his plans on the overworld, you watch your girlfriend try to kill you and then subsequently kill herself to save you. And after all that when you defeat Dark Gaia, all Light Gaia can do for you is tell you that you will soon die too(After all you were Dark Gaia's creation) and you get one last day in Crysta before everything is gone. Your last dream is of the world you helped create growing on without you.

I didn't really care too much for Aeris when she died, so that didn't have as much of an impact. I was surprised though, and a bit annoyed that I lost my healer.

Recent one was Chrono Cross

The Time Crash and the fight with Miguel(How the hell does a fisherman get so insanely strong?) This is associated heavily with the music that plays during the dialogue and the fight sequence against him. But seeing the characters from CT dead, and the kingdom of Guardia completely destroyed is pretty moving. But another big part is the very last fight against Time Devourer, when you free Schala. One of the best sequences I have ever seen in a VG. (Though that dialogue afterwards was really messed up. Fricken sperm attacking our planet)


I don't really ever cry when playing video games, however I did come close in Majora's Mask.

Man...Darmani, Mikau, and Pamela. All three of them, when you play the Song of Healing, and they just...those moments nearly made me cry. Almost.

Also, Wind Waker almost had me near the ending, where Ganondorf talks about how he was jealous for the prosperous Hylians. Makes you almost pity him. Also where Medli leaves and Prince Komali...is less than excited.

Lots of Link + Saria moments in OoT.

As you can probably tell I mostly play Zelda games. :P


Although it had its flaws, I thoroughly enjoyed Legend of Dragoon and got a little teary at the very end when you see two characters who have shared star-crossed destinies for thousands of years flying happily above as birds.

KH2 is definitely on the list, too. I never really cared much for Sora, but I felt awful for Roxas, and his sadness really has an impact (along with how much more ass his theme kicks than Sora's).

Probably the best game at stirring up emotions, whether they made me cry or not, was Majora's Mask though. Helping the 3 heroes to pass on and the scene with the innkeeper and the cursed fiance holding hands as the moon destroys the world, promising to greet the morning together, was ridiculously touching.

anyone played Homeworld?

Seeing Kharak burnt to a crisp with Agnus Dei as BGM was extremely moving.

Also *spoiler* Karan Sjet leaving the mothership at the end of the game was also quite moving.


Well, there's mother 3... 2... you know what? the whole dang series made me cry at least once per game.

End of sonic battle, because it has a character die in agony, and nobody even pays that much mind to it. he's literally screaming in pain, guys, at least try to console him!

the intro to FFXII, where the orchestrated version of the main theme plays. I knew two things the second it started: The writing will be a return to form, and there is an odd moist sensation on my fa-ohmygod I'm crying.

Not really because of the game, but a remix on this site by remixer "bogus red," for LoZ Link to the Past. It has connections to... less than pleasant memories. As a result, I love the song, but can't listen to it.

I remember also findong my old copy of pokemon blue (in the origonal game boy, no less.) so I turned it on, opened save file, and I was in palette town for some reason. Music caused a weapons grade nostalgia rush that made me drop to my knees on the spot.

And finally, during a play through of Tales of Legendia (red headed stepchild of the series it is...) all of the characters were getting their own individual blessing from some force for good, deeming them all worthy... except for one, the one who, at that point in the story, had put up with the most crap of all of them. now he has divine rejection to deal with (resolved later, but it put me in a mood for weeks)

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